Hi Larry! Yes, we've had a very mild winter so far with only one cold spell early in December and two snowstorms, with the last the night before New Years Eve and good for about 14"! Fortunately there wasn't any wind to blow it around, but things sure are white around here! Still a lot warmer than usual though. Happy New Year to you and your family, and have a great 2007, Larry! Dave. Dave.
I usually mess with my not so high quality shots and the light was low and no tripod so the original was not very sharp, but allows me to experiment, glad you liked. Belated Holiday greetings and wishes for a phototastic new year. Are you experiencing the wimpy winter like we are? We got about 6" (I don't do centimeters) New Years Eve and got out New Years Day and got some nice shots before it turns into brown soup, thanks for being my constant reviewer.