{K:5783} 5/27/2009
Nice night shot, Jingoy. BILL NAGY
Roberto Baez Duarte
{K:5317} 4/6/2009
it does no t appear a real picture , it look like draw or comics figure,.
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 12/1/2008
Just wonderful...........
Jan Lombaerde
{K:1138} 7/19/2008
Powerful composition and orange tower color on a multitude of fuzzy lights in the background and other tower buildings in between. Strong lines towards and surrounding the orange tower (a bouns: the other illuminated tower within). Congratulations Best regards, Jan
Miguel Torres
{K:3998} 3/29/2008
Fantastic night capture.
Miguel Torres
Mitra Nademi-Nassari
{K:28234} 12/4/2007
Excellent work.
{K:826} 4/6/2007
I love SF. Your shots are making me excited about my trip up there next month. Great scene. God Bless
Jinggoy Montenejo
{K:7736} 2/7/2007
Hi, sorry for the really delayed response. I just used the camera's metering system and we were not pulled over - will definitely not do it again. Thanks for the message.
Swapna Chatterjee
{K:695} 12/1/2006
Dear Jinggoy,
I dream of taking such a great photograph one day.Its just perfect.The lights in the background,the Pyramid everything is just WOW.Fabulous.Congrats!!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 11/30/2006
So lovely to see this on the front page, Jinggoy!:)
George Marks
{K:15437} 11/30/2006
Rating systems are irrelevant when applied to images like this. When I saw this decided to go through your entire portfolio to see what your other work was like. Again, I was impressed beyond description. I especially like the way this image conveys the thought that you really put in a lot of thought before even releasing the shutter. The eye in your mind is incredibly sharp. Now I have two questions: (1.) Did you meter this separately from your cameras metering system? And (2.) Did you get pulled over?
{K:11924} 11/25/2006
A bit late on this on, however, a classic shot of the Golden Gate executed perfectly; especially with where the Transamerica Pyramid is positioned. I love how the towers glow at night, perfect shot Jinggoy.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 11/24/2006
Great to see this wonderful photo on the front page, Jinggoy!:)
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 11/24/2006
my friend.. another masteropiece of light and compo! well done cheers roby
Diego M
{K:2668} 11/24/2006
excellent great shot, superlative!!!
Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 11/17/2006
Another excellent capture Jinggoy, Congratulations for this great pic and get ready for this weekend. Marcus and I are going to get the Wood Ducks in Half Moon Bay and you are welcome to join us. See you soon. Yamil
C.A. Mikulice
{K:13300} 11/14/2006
Fantastic view of the bridge with the City in the background, Jinggoy-- I don't think I've seen any photos from this view point before. Great exposure and composition.
Jinggoy Montenejo
{K:7736} 10/25/2006
Thanks Marcus! I'll send you the Marcus Abstract, will you post it? Hey- I told you to mount your 400mm and I showed you this shot right? Let's plan on TI next week. Fridays are good for me. BTW, did you get your V3i fixed?
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 10/23/2006
Wow this came out fantastic Jinggoy, I love the pyramid within the tower, doing stuff and not telling me LOL, really well composed and perfect exposure, I did get some decent shots technically but like i said my composition suucks:) Hey what happend to your marcus abstract LOL. and I told you the cops dont pull over nice respectable looking fellows such as yourself, If I knew it was going to bother you that much I would have said lets go back.... But we need to hit TI next time, and maybe around the city.... great work...
Jinggoy Montenejo
{K:7736} 10/22/2006
Lol! Yes, he was right - no cop pulled us over. Thanks Dave. We were both shooting from a tripod, however, I was better equipped for this shoot - I had a stable tripod (with my bag hanging from it),cable release and used MLU. It was windy that night so it helped me a great deal. I just exposed for the light on the bridge.
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 10/22/2006
Hi Jinggoy -
Wow, what a superb image! Masterful composition, and the lighting is just fantastic. Way to go! Congrats!
Cheers, Kes
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 10/22/2006
So, Jinggoy, did you end up getting stopped or was Armani right?
Well, I must say, this makes my shots of the GGB look like amateur night at the corner bar. Fantastic. The lighting is just perfect, nothing seems overexposed. And the composition is just as perfect.
I see an award for this one. Great job
Best wishes, Dave
Jinggoy Montenejo
{K:7736} 10/22/2006
Thanks Paul! We had a good background since lights from Berkeley Hills were also captured.
Jinggoy Montenejo
{K:7736} 10/22/2006
Thanks Dave. Yes, it was bad judgement.
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 10/21/2006
WOW! Great shot Jinggoy! Wonderful night shot! I love the perspective and the colours too! Great work! Have all the best! Ciao, Ale
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 10/21/2006
Excellent composition!! It just does not get any better than this! (Wow) The lighting is fantastic! I just love all the little lights in the background! Very very beautiful! WOnderful work my friend!!
Paul E Brumit
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 10/21/2006
Wonderful composition & lighting , very well taken .
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 10/21/2006
Very impressive capture of both bridge and the pyramid, Jinggoy! Great night shot! Hope you have your wallet next time, or let Marcus drive! Dave.