Kelly Duntley
{K:13889} 10/18/2006
I knew I was having trouble because of my lens leangth. I was just reading the 300mm on your lens leangth and chose to ignore the other part, I guess. I am actually getting a longer lens for my birthday this month, it will be a suprise as to the leangth, as it is a present. I can't hardly wait to see what it is. Then look out baby, you'll soon have some compitition.....!!!!!LOL
I really appreciate the time you took to write back, and explain things better. I see that I will have to be patient and quick. Happy shooting, and I will certianly keep my eye on you. Kelly
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 10/17/2006
Lovely capture ..beautiful detail ..colour and dof ..nessa
Arthur Kornienko
{K:9686} 10/17/2006
You have to be patient and take lots of pictures. I find it better to park myself in an area that seems good, ana wait for the birds to come to or around me. If you move or try to approach, this usually fails. Some birds too are more skittish than others. They don't stay too long either, so you have to be ready to focus and shoot as quick as you can. Also, I have a 300 F4L but prefer to add my 1.4 Teleconverter to give me a 420MM Focal Lenth on my 1.6 crop camera (Rebel XT or 20D is what I use). The TC helps give extra range and I find the loss in image quality minimnal. Most birders will tell you you need at least 400MM, 500-600 preferred (and some add the TC to this too). You can never get enough length when shooting birds. For a nice shot with my 300 + 1.4, I would say inside 20 feet and you can crop the picture to a shot similar to this one. Hope that helps you.
Kelly Duntley
{K:13889} 10/17/2006
Wow Arthur this is awsome. I love the great details!!!! The fact that you caught him with dinner in his mouth is facinating.
Bill some advice please. I am interested in taking pictures of birds. I found a great bird sancturary but my 300mm just does not cut it. How close are you able to get to your subjects? I always seem to scare them away before I get my camera up to my face and the ones that I am not scaring away seem too far away. Any settings that you suggest or techniques would be appreciated. I so very much have a great interest in this subject.
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 10/17/2006
Estupenda captura... encantadora composición, la luz, los colores, la pose del ave... bellísima! Felicitaciones!
Arthur Kornienko
{K:9686} 10/17/2006
Bill, thanks for the comments. I always try and improve my shots, and I'm sure you do as well. Glad you like my shots and added me to your friends list, I added you too. We'll be able to see each others nature shots. The only thing here is most of the nature has flown south. We'll be talking to you again, best regards.
bill smith
{K:5416} 10/16/2006
Arthur, I hope you don't mind but I really think your galley is fantastic and I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything new from you so I but you on my friends list. You are my kind of photographer (wild life). Your images are so crisp and clear and I really need to learn from people with your kind of talent. Bill PS. thanks for looking through my gallery and your kind words, I have a ways to go to become as good as you.
Name Surname
{K:3712} 10/16/2006
Nice pic, wonderful natural tones and a funny appropriate title. Davide.
Simone Tagliaferri
{K:28180} 10/16/2006
Splendida, una composizione sublime ed equilibratissima. Complimenti.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 10/16/2006
Beautiful capture of her with lunch in her mouth, Art! Great details! Dave.
Roberto Baez Duarte
{K:5317} 10/16/2006
great shot just perfect