Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 10/17/2006
Hi Andre!
Exactly! No number can take the place of exchanging minds. (And that from a mathematician! Shame on me! ;-))
As about a meeting in old good CH, of cource it first needs time to be prepared and shaped, so we just wait for the right time.
In the mean time buy some good trekking shoes! ;-)
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 10/13/2006
Hi Nick, I understand completely what you are saying about the ratings. When I first came to Usefilm, I checked the rules on rating and decided that I would not rate anyones images. I just don't thing a number is important. I much prefer to leave a comment with some kind of explanation of how I see or feel about an image.
If I ever get to Switzerland (Lucerne) I will certainly look you up. Nothing in the near future though. Andre
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 10/12/2006
Thank you very much, Andre!
I am glad that you see it this way, since it was my intention to also enhance the warm atmosphere. This is why I had it slightly underexposed for getting more redish components in the golden reflections and also in the rest of the lights.
As about ratings, well,
Image overrated, image underrated, but the meaning of the ratings shouldn't be exaggerated! ;-)
(With all respect to all raters :-))
P.S.: Hey, what about organizing a nice photo meeting in Lucerne? No concretisation of any plans yet, but everything starts with a dream. Could that poor dad keep it mind for the future? ;-)
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 10/12/2006
Hi Nick, I think this image may be under rated here. It has a nice warm feel to it, with really nice, subtle work on the reflection. The image is fairly simple, but for me it seems very effective. Almost soothing in the warmth. Andre
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 10/10/2006
Thanks a lot Annemette!
It is possible to go inside the tower but only with guided tours during some special events, since most of its floors belong to organisations, like for example the floor directly under the roof, which is rent by ornothologists and is used by birds for making their nests and breeding in a protected environment.
Best wishes,
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 10/9/2006
Another nice nightphotograph. Is it possible to go inside the tower? Best wishes, Annemette