John Pitman
{K:8473} 9/25/2006
Love the angle and clear detail. Great dof and good use of shutter speed. Well taken.
Paulo Uemura
{K:2330} 9/24/2006
Hi tracy, how are you? Thanks for commenting on my picture again. This palce is very nice. Some day iŽll go to uour country. But in the moment is very expensive for me. I want to see nice placeslike this. for the moment, i have to stay here with ours falls

Peter Margetic
{K:2084} 9/20/2006
Great landscape Tracey, I'll resist the urge to have a play with it as your pic is fine as is.
Peter :)
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 9/19/2006
Thanks Liz its once in a blue moon these days I'm always so busy and mainly doing things for other people I'll slow down soon I think? Trace
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 9/19/2006
I know these falls...I have a bout 50 or so shots of them :) nicely captured shot Trace..bout time you started posting again :)
Martin .
{K:24957} 9/19/2006
I just miss doing this for you guy's. You will slow down someday. I will slow down when I can make a go of it doing photo work for a living. I will be doing it 9 months from now, as I will be totally dept free at the age of 45... ;)
Thank you sweetie,
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 9/19/2006
Hi Collin, so a Newcastle man I was living in Woodberry until I moved here 7 years ago its a nice place my fav is Stockton I lived there for a couple of months to. Thanks for the comment now this was taken down from Coffs Harbour I think the town was Belligen or maybe down a town more I can't remember I will have to try a filter and see how I go thanks for your info Cheers Trace...
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 9/19/2006
Hey Marty thanks and what a good job you did. I have not got time to play these days or with photos Lol....I'm always doing something but in time I will slow up a little take care Trace..
Collin Stebbins
{K:1868} 9/19/2006
Hi Tracey, this is a great shot. Where in NSW is it (I'm in Newcastle)? Jason mentioned a grad grey(or neutral density) filter to maintain detail in the sky - in this case that would make the top tips of the trees black. I would suggest taking two photos, one exposed for the sky and one for the rocks and via layer masks in photoshop erase the burnt out sky to reveal part of the image exposed for the sky. Assuming you have photshop. Regards, Collin.
Martin .
{K:24957} 9/19/2006
Wonderful capture indeed young lady. I sure have missed you and Liz lately.
Hope you don't mind, as you know I couldn't help my self. I had to play with this "Awesome" capture...
Well seen my friend,
 "Cropped, Popped and PhotoShopped" |
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 9/19/2006
Hi Jason I did think to crop like this but didn't bother it does look better thanks, I have never used filters but I think its time to play as alot of people use them thanks for commenting cheers Trace...
Jason Mckeown
{K:22200} 9/19/2006
Hi Tracey, nice shot IMO it needs alittle cropping as shown, giving it more punch. A grey grad filter would of brought the details out in the sky in this shot too

Tracey Main
{K:7290} 9/18/2006
This is the b/w version I think I liked this one better, the top of the photo looks slightly flashed noticed more in the colour due to the sun being behind the hill..
