Tracey Main
{K:7290} 7/10/2006
Hi Kay and thanks for the comment, yes I have been busy with a variety of things I'm president of this and secretary for that, grandkids and another grandson due in November so thats number 5 grandson, always someone to do something for as well as work so not enough hours in the day lately but I'm working on slowing down soon take care Kay best wishes Tracey..
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 7/9/2006
Thanks Howie regards Tracey..
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 7/9/2006
Hi Robert thanks for your comment and soorry I'm not around much anymore to comment, take care Tracey..
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 7/9/2006
appreciate your comment Galal..
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 7/9/2006
Thank you for commenting regards Tracey..
Olga Marken
{K:11} 7/9/2006
Oh, it was my dream to try this technique with karts this weekend. It whould be something very interesting for me because i deal with photo camera 2 weeks only. A little disappointed to see it))) Have to think of thying something else now:))) But I really like this one. Best regards, Olga.
Kay McIntire
{K:11787} 7/3/2006
FUN! It will always be a bit blurred when there is so much motion, but you did a good job here. Love the panned bkgrnd and his face showing. Looks like Big Kid Fun! I have missed you, Trace! Where have you been?
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 7/3/2006
Thanks Robert for all your lovely comments I Have been very pre-occupied these days take care Tracey..
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 7/3/2006
Hey Marty and thanks, now with this photo I panned on the straight and got them near or on the corner I always have a flash but couldn't use it as it would have blinded them didn't want to see any accidents...thanks for your help I do appreciate it I just thought I could get better than this but it was not a day to get things right, but I did come second in my group racing was beaten by a mad guy by 50 seconds. Take care and hope all is going good your way. Trace
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 7/2/2006
excellent panning capture and love the feeling of movement ;)
Martin .
{K:24957} 7/2/2006
A little wind filter and brightness reduced -25 points...
 "Martins Version" |
Martin .
{K:24957} 7/2/2006
I take it this is the capture you asked me to help with? It seems to me nobody's helping by their comments. I'll shoot you straight sweetie... No pun intended...
This shot is impossible with what you had to work with, but a good learning experience indeed. Shooting action requires a lot of light. Shooting this in low light conditions is crazy at best... LMAO... Especially attempting it with no tripod...
The only way you could have made a halfway good shot on this considering the conditions, would have been to shoot the car coming straight at you and even then it might not work so well...
If you had a powerful flash with you this would have worked out well. With a flash you can freeze a bullet in mid air with a shutter speed of around 1/8000th...
Never shoot an action shot at 30 seconds my friend, unless you can pan it for 30 seconds. Panning will work as long as you can pan the same speed as the car is traveling for the duration of the shutter speed... I prefer 1/100th - 1/125th for the blurred action effect...
Invest in a good flash for poor lighting conditions and carry it with you at all times... Act like a Boy Scout and "Be Prepared"...
I hope this helps and if you need to further discuss this, email me young lady...
All My Love to You and Yours,
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 7/2/2006
Great shot, lovely theme. Nice composition and great timing. Well exposured and presented action shot. Well taken dear Tracey. Nicely done.
Best wishes dear my fiend Robert
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 7/2/2006
Great composition & colors , nice play with shutter speed .
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 7/2/2006
very great moment been captured in a nice form here and with very creative shutter speed, all of the best my friend