Rob Burgoyne
{K:-1207} 8/21/2006
Thanks Elisa . I am very happy with the D200 . It has never let me down .
{K:26787} 8/21/2006
Fabulous details; great timing here! BTW your camera has got an EISA [European Imaging and Sound Association] award (Best Product/Camera 2006-2007)! Congrats on a good choice :)
Kenneth Roine
{K:3538} 5/16/2006
Excellent!! Ken
Gianes Ma
{K:26069} 5/15/2006
A great shot. Incredible detail, photo of quality, my compliments. Regards, G.
Rob Burgoyne
{K:-1207} 5/15/2006
You know , I find people's reaction to this image interesting . My initial thought's upon seeing this image were positive . I honestly liked the way the background "highlighted" the bird , not that I had any choice in the matter anyway . Yes , the background is bla , but , I still think that's somewhat of a good thing . Hey , what do I know ?? :)
Bill Telzerow
{K:4993} 5/15/2006
Hmmm... Up to a point I have to agree with Peta regarding the background being bla... However, since it is in fact bla, the fence post and the bird are the main points of attention for the viewer...nothing distracting. Great shot; does look like a hood ornamnet... :-) Cheers,
Rob Burgoyne
{K:-1207} 5/15/2006
Thanks selami .
selami Torun
{K:9397} 5/15/2006
Wow! Great picture and nice tones. Beautiful capture.. Congratulations! regards
Rob Burgoyne
{K:-1207} 5/15/2006
Thanks Mehul . The D200 worked flawlessly on my entire trip . It's a pleasure to use .
Rob Burgoyne
{K:-1207} 5/15/2006
Thanks Peta . The background was the side of a building that was about 150 meters away . I would have preferred something else , but , I simply had to make the most of what I had at the time .
Mehul Chimthankar
{K:18655} 5/15/2006
Hi Rob,
Beautiful picture ...the Nikon 200 must be a good thing to have..congrats
p e t a .
{K:18700} 5/15/2006
He's taken the pose of a car hood ornament :) Good details Rob, poor little bug is belly up! What was the background? Its rather bla in colour.