Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 6/8/2006
Hi Burak, your model is the beauty in person and you captured her perfectly.The softness fits so nice..and your title is perfect too. Cheers,Ursula
{K:15913} 6/2/2006
Cok harika bir calisma olmak uzereymis, keske netlikte problem olmasaymis diyorum. iyi calismalar!
Aira Manna
{K:11187} 5/21/2006
very classy - cd be a still from a merchant&ivory production...
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 5/12/2006
Hello Kambiz, I treat her the best, she is not a tourist,she is my wife!s sister. besides, we the Turks love tourists. Thank you, all the best.
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 5/8/2006
Cengiz Bey merhaba, niye puaninizi kabul etmiyor gercekten fikrim yok, ama ben baska fotograflara puan vermeyi isaretledigimde kabul etmisti. yakinda fotokritik'e de fotograf gondermeye baslayacagim. Selamlar
Cengiz Dinç
{K:340} 5/8/2006
Bu fotoğrafa 7 puan verdiğim halde, fotoğrafta Rating gözükmüyor. Tekrar denemek istiyorum "You have already rated this image a 7." cevabı geliyor. Üye olmadığım için mi verdiğim ppuanlar geçerli olmuyor acaba?
Cengiz Dinç
{K:340} 5/8/2006
Burak bey Fotokritik'te de özlettiniz kendinizi. Çok estetik ve gizem dolu bir portre olmuş.
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 5/8/2006
Beautiful portrait Burak! Excellent capture! Roberto.
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 5/7/2006
Burak,Oh Burak beautiful capture like a cut of a cinema,mystery? yes romance.See you here again and sorry missed long time.Thanks.
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 5/7/2006
Merhaba Aykaan, Aslinda hic bir sikimtim olmadi. Yilbasi civarlarinda bilgisayari yeniledim.Uzuncana bir sure onunla ugrastim. Ciddi anşamda buyuk sayilabilecek bir muzik arsivim var,onu bilgisayara aktarmak uzun zaman aldi.bir de yaklasik 3 ay kadar fotograf cekmedim.simdi yeniden basladim. Umarim devam eder. gorusmek uzere ,sagol ilgine.
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 5/7/2006
merhabalar Burak, uzun suredir çalismalarinizi goremedik... umarim onemli bir s1k1nt1 yoktur... guzel bir portre çalismasi.. anlamli ve estetik... kolay gelsin.. AyKaan
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 5/6/2006
A very cute catch of a foreigner visited your country. So be nice with them and treat them the best. Also you have a good taste in choosing young beautiful ladies!!!
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 5/6/2006
Beautiful lady, pose and overall capture, very effective.
Marian Man
{K:80636} 5/6/2006
fine mysterious expression dear Burak so well captured by you!!!!! love this excellent portrait!!!!! very well done!!!!!!! I am fine and happy to see you back!!!!!!!!! all the best to you Marian
{K:26787} 5/6/2006
Hi Burak! Nice to see new stuff from you! I like the mood and expression in this shot; good one!
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 5/6/2006
Could be "in the mystery" as I wonder just what those eyes are saying to you..Well seen and done! All the best my good friend and take care of your self.
sherif hussein
{K:13815} 5/6/2006
Wonderful portrait And indeed a mysteries look Sherif
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 5/5/2006
I like me the soft portrait!! Pablo
j esford
{K:13518} 5/5/2006
This could have been a real pleaser IF you had been able to grab the facial focus needed to enjoy those wonderful skin tones. You had wonderful lighting that wasn't able to do that beautiful face justice for my likes. A very nicely composed shot, with beautiful eye and skin color however! -john
Nicola Barbieri
{K:18000} 5/5/2006
Nice portrait!congrats.Ciao Nicola