City - Saskatoon State - SASKATCHEWAN Country - Canada
Taken at Woodlawn Cemetery in Saskatoon. Converted to b&w, using layers to keep the coloured flower.
The monument is part of the family plot of a family named Wilson. On May 10, 1929, Mrs. Wilson (suffering from an undiagnosed case of post-partum depression) drove her four children, ages 9, 4 1/2, 2 1/2 and 7 months, out to the riverbank and strangled them, one by one, before hanging herself from a tree nearby. Her husband returned home from work to find a note begging his forgiveness. He called police and a frantic search of the riverbank ensued. It lasted through the night. At 5:00 am the car, then the bodies, were found.
The mother and children are all buried together. The father died almost exactly 30 years later, on May 29, 1959, in Vancouver, and is buried in the family plot. He never re-married.