City - San Antonio State - TEXAS Country - United States
This was shot around the water fountain in front of the Court House in San Antonio, Texas April 11, 2006 Common Name: yellow columbine Scientific Name: Aquilegia flavescens S. Wats. Group : Dicot Family: Ranunculaceae
The Aquilegia flavescens S. Wats. more commonly known as yellow columbine can be referenced under the symbol AQFL.The botany heiarchy of the yellow columbine is classified within group Dicot of the Ranunculaceae family. The growth habit of the yellow columbine is found growing as a Forb/herb. This plant is considered Native to the United States of America. The yellow columbine is a Perennial plant which means it lives or continues more than two years, whether it retains its leaves in winter or not.
It looks very pretty my dear Peter and I'm sure my wife grows something from this family. Beautiful colours and great details my friend. All the best....Ray