Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/3/2006
And Michael wins the prize! *YES* "Akira!" After lighting this, there was a tone to it that I could not put my finger on, and you have nailed it! It's Tatsuo Shima! ...post the scene in the hospital. ;) Thank you so much for that Michael..was seriously driving me crazy.
Yes... i'm still on teh LED kick. I'm not letting go that easy. On my way home from for today, I'm picking up a few more LED's in different colors.
Here is the exact light I'm using now for the blue: http://www.rcgravel.com/images/X5-titan-blu.jpg
It's INSANE on strobe value, and offers zero ambient. What's nice it, there's a button the back, and you can *pop* it on/off for a fraction of a second. I'm going to try a few gels with it tonight, and neutralize the blue a bit. I may also throw a home made diffuser on it.
Thanks again for the comments on this image! Always appreciated!
cheers, -Joel
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 4/3/2006
For a while there I thought you might have been motion capturing Tetuso Shima...
I don't know what kind of LED you are using, but it is really blue - to the point where I have to say I like this one of the four posted to date as my favorite. I think it is the strong use of complimentary colors. Deep red and deep blue.
Glad you did try the LED, now you can shoot all night long with one set of batteries.
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/1/2006
Thank you Elisa!
Thanks for having a look at the entire series! ...this one, to me as well, looks the most alive. There's something about his gaze. I love making things look alive with light! fun stuff. It's Saturday....so I have all day to play with another project to bring to life!
thanks again! :)
{K:26787} 4/1/2006
Hi Joel! Such an interesting series; so cool and original! They are all very good, but this one is my favourite because of the light and the special colours you´ve chosen. The face looks intriguing as it looks almost alive :) Great stuff!
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 3/31/2006
Thank you very much my friend!
cheers, -joel
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 3/31/2006
Thank you very much! Appreciate your comments very much!
cheers, -Joel
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 3/31/2006
Excelent photograph dear Joel!!! jo
1301307 60
{K:44058} 3/31/2006
I see tears that are about to fall down from this doll, I like the warm light you did here on the sides of the face, the blue light seperates it greatly from the background giving contrast.. I get too dizzy reading your about, very technical but I like the result... regards...
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 3/30/2006
You are very welcome Lius, I am always happy to share!
The reason for the tight crop, was that I was going for the mid conversation, cinematic look. By mid conversation, I mean, when the tears are about to drop, or the bad guy is about to tell you what it is you've wait 90 minutes in a movie to find out.
In cinema, You start wide, and continue to push in with every camera angle to build up the conversation, tension, and the emotion in the scene. Here, is that moment. The eye's are telling the story, as the scene has been set. By cropping that little bit off the head, also draws your focus to the center of the face.
Thanks again for the comments, and I hope you don't mind my lengthy reply... just had my morning coffee :)
cheers, -Joel
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 3/30/2006
Wow... thank you very much Hugo!
I am so honored that this image has effected and inspired you!
I have about 90 pics from last night, and I attempted all sorts of lighting combinations to get the best out of the chinese charaters. What I did learn from last night, is that we need a pure white LED along with the blue. My little maglight was just not powerful enough to counter the effect of the blue.
What's interesting, is that we had this issue when shooting blue screen a few years ago. We would shoot digital stills before rolling camera, and the KenoFlo lights would send the blue and red off the spectrum. There was no way to correct for it. It's a digital artifact that would not show up had I used real film ;) ...a whole new world...
Yeah... you're so right. the background here is just not as involving as it should be. It doesn't place him anywhere.. Tonight, I'll play with a different angle, and work more on background interest.
Thanks again Hugo! Thanks for sparking my mind to try harder! Good luck with your experimenting!! ...see what you get w/ LED light. kinda wild, and a bit of a challenge... and expect to spend *lots* of time with curves in photoshop!
cheers my friend!
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 3/30/2006
Thanks Jeanette!
I know... can't put my finger on what movie it reminds me of as well. I was going for that sympathetic android, but also have the look of "I am in control, you are not".
cheers, -Joel
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 3/30/2006
Hi Joel,
Pretty spectacular lighting (impressed voice), and amazing to see what huge impact it has on the feel of the photo. With these stronger, more threatening tones the closer up, more confronting look of the dummy is excellent.
The background seems to be more flat than in the previous one; I rather miss those subtle gradients.
Another thing I'm playing with in my head is that mixing the blue light with a very specular white beam at a slightly different angle, you could really make the facial features jump off the screen, as well as make the red chinese characters reappear, repeating the colours of the background.
Your creativity and efforts get me inspired tremendously. It's about time to start experimenting again. It sure is a lot of fun, and the results often beyond imagination. Great stuff!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 3/30/2006
Mysterious and cool result Joel! There´s also another movie i think of, but in this moment i can´t remember the name of it!
Your technique sounds terrible busy but it works well!
lius hanzen
{K:2844} 3/30/2006
tx for ur info about the lighting.. why u crop it so tight?u took of some of upper head profile from the doll lius
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 3/30/2006
Thank you for the comments! Glad you like it!
Had lots of fun with it actually! There was *lots* of channel mixing! ;) You should see what LED's do to an object. it's wild, the entire image is blown all the way out (imagine a pegged 256 histogram!). I've attached the original. I have new found respect for LED lights!
thanks again!
cheers, -Joel
 jpeg from raw, adobeRGB |
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 3/30/2006
very fine in idea and presentation (but I guess you would have saved a lot of work (but od funn, too:)), by simply manipulating channels with photoshop or photofiltre :))