Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 1/24/2006
Unique and glamourous in an understated way. Love the high key result you got here!
Jennifer Jones
{K:-505} 1/22/2006
Ha... I too kept "flicking" back and forth! It sure makes you think when composing different shots! )
Derek Dixon
{K:4948} 1/22/2006
still flicking from one to other... still amazed at what a white space around changes the mood...
Derek Dixon
{K:4948} 1/22/2006
definetly prefer the one you posted, though this other one you show is also nice, with a completely different reading to me. Her expression is not the same, she almost feels uncomfortable, walking away. What a slight change on the smile and white space around can do...
Louise Vessey
{K:13862} 1/22/2006
This is just so lovely Jennifer!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/21/2006
a nice idea-vision in hikey! i like it roby
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 1/21/2006
Very good idea in high light and contrast used to make a splendid photoart!
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 1/21/2006
very great portrait capture of this young beautiful lady , great expouser , details and tone , all of hte best my friend
Jennifer Jones
{K:-505} 1/21/2006
Thank you so much Derek for adding such a thoughtful, detailed comment! When I was proofing these shots, I had also taken this image with the model looking into the empty space, but there was something about this one that moved me more.
Here is the "correct" version... haha! )

Jennifer Jones
{K:-505} 1/21/2006
Thank you Pooriya! This was taken with natural light. The background wall is a reflective metal-like material.
Derek Dixon
{K:4948} 1/21/2006
beautiful portrait, very soft delicate light which carries through to her. The pose and expression is also calming/embracing. Normally you would have the subject looking into the space, but here, her calm expresion and looking away makes me feel she is been transported somewhere else, not interested in what around her at that moment. I truly love it! well done
Pooriya Zarrabi
{K:3836} 1/21/2006
great position and lighting. what you use for lighting in this?
Huub Bogaers
{K:3065} 1/21/2006
Very delicate, both the girl and the tender tones of the photo. . Unusual cpmosition, with lots of empty space from the side the model is not looking to.. I'll try to keep this in mind the next time I'm going to do portrait!
regards, Huub
Arton Humolli (R-ton)
{K:1853} 1/21/2006
Very nice portrait and composition
Gorilla K
{K:17526} 1/21/2006
...great composition and nice portrait!!!
best regards, Winfried
{K:1733} 1/21/2006
So Beautiful ..