Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/13/2006
Very, very nice natural scene with lovely details. Love the fantastic well detailed b&w photograph, full of cool parts. Lovely perspective, agree with Joggie. The three flat rocks leading your eyes to the scene. A well presented landscape in well toning b&w capture. Nice job dear Tracey! :)
Have a nice week end! Robert
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 1/10/2006
Beautiful scene , well photographed Tracey. I do think the real photo lies a bit to the left with the 3 flat rocks there forming a natural line leading into the scene. Placement then of the bridge more to the far top right will add a lot of depth to the photo. Kind regards and tanks for sharing. Joggie
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 1/10/2006
great composition and a wonderful expouser, very beautiful tone and details, very best regards my friend..
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 1/10/2006
Thanks Giulio there was alot of shadow as the sun was going down and I am going to look into some filters but have been unsure what to use, don't know much about them, I also think I moved taking this or maybe the wrong shutter? I do appreciate your info thankyou Tracey..
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 1/10/2006
thanks Asher for your comment it is appreciated, I also angled it because if you noticed it Marty will be on my back he hates things not straight thanks again regards Tracey..
 straightened |
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 1/10/2006
questa in bianco e nero la preferisco e ti consiglierei per il futuro di provare scatti del genere a lunga esposizione e diaframma chiuso, per provare l'effetto movimento dell'acqua... naturalmente hai bisogno o di un filtro ND o di scattarle in condizione di luce scarsa: alba o tramonto...
Asher Khan
{K:1459} 1/10/2006
Very nice composition tracey. I like the colored version though, there is a slight motion blur on the grass and trees (windy day?) which seems to get enhanced in B&W. You may also like to rotate it 1 degree or so clockwise. Really good picture and concept overall, thanks for sharing.