George Roukis
{K:209} 12/4/2006
Holy crap this is awesome. My favourite subject is delapitated houses. I have done a few photos like these and is good to see others that appreciate run down and left behind places like this.
Tabitha Woods
{K:8650} 1/9/2006
Cool! Great capture of this dark damp decaying place, Well done Regards :O)
Mark Hamilton
{K:8387} 1/3/2006
yeah that's mine also.
Weston Dru
{K:3243} 1/3/2006
Hi again! Remember this one?
 Is this yours photography? |
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/1/2006
Perfect title, compo, mood and the green colour - wow!!!
THIS ONE, then, you know!!!
Mark Hamilton
{K:8387} 1/1/2006
Thanks Parlo.
I'm taking a trip back to this place so I will post more in the future. Thanks for looking.
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 1/1/2006
this is really great perfect in light moment composition I love your series!
Weston Dru
{K:3243} 1/1/2006
Your sence for color balance in dark area is amazing. Honestly, i can almost see how much love and commitmens you put into your images. Best regards
kokupsy_un morita
{K:2651} 12/31/2005
beautiful dark tone & colors.
splendid. I feel a flow of time. thank you.
* *
{K:9196} 12/31/2005
Great shot Mark. Where's the rope? :)
{K:2772} 12/31/2005
beautiful dramatic shot...well done and Happy new year
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 12/31/2005
Interesting view, but better to be looking in than out! Nice work.
a. M.
{K:9020} 12/31/2005
awesome work here! Ant
whoiswho t
{K:10700} 12/31/2005
w o n d e r f u l! :)