Mark Sherman
{K:15669} 12/7/2005
really like the feel of this. a couple more steps and this would be abstract. like the little bit of a sense of forever to the hall.
George Black
{K:102014} 12/6/2005
Thanks, Roger. One can move in either direction, but this is the natural flow.
George Black
{K:102014} 12/6/2005
Yep, Larry, could be Paris, Texas, I suppose! ;-)Thanks . . .
Daniel Oyola
{K:1793} 12/6/2005
Hermosa perspectiva. Imagino que el Louvre debe ser un museo muy hermoso, pero debe resultar dificil notar su belleza entre tanto tumulto de admiradores del arte, curiosos, y fotografos ;).... Saludos, Daniel...
Larry Hammond
{K:16631} 12/6/2005
USA-Paris, hmmm? France actually George, splendid capture, really is long and beautiful!
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 12/6/2005
I think I would reach for my trusty 20mm lens for this one. Lovely looong gallery with a great, almost three-dimensional perspective (love that!). I would also be glad I shot film with such a high degree of contrast! I wonder why all the people are walking away from you, George. Was it a one-way passage?
Paul Boocock
{K:8314} 12/5/2005
All that PS work hasn't done the image much harm at all, usually you get shed loads of noise doing things like that. I like the two women holding hands, maybe they are worried about getting seperated in the crowd!?
Salvador Marķa Lozada
{K:69375} 12/5/2005
Wonderful image of the Louvre. This Museum deserves a photographer like you, George. Brilliant!!! Remarkable the detail of the two ladies "la main dans la main"...Very Parisian... Congrats. Best regards, Salvador
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 12/5/2005
Wonderful Architecture , Great composition & lighting , Kind regards George .