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  Photography Forum: Donor Only Forum: 
  Q. Selling Your Images
Phillip  Minnis
Asked by Phillip  Minnis   Donor  (K=13131) on 4/21/2010 
As some of the regular readers on this forum would be aware, for the last three years I've been mostly concentrating on selling my photos on a number of Microstock Photography web-sites.

Currently, I upload to 13 Microstock Photography web-sites, and I'm very happy with the amount of money that I earn each year from the sales that I achieve on these sites. In the last three years, I've earned several thousands of dollars, which is something that I never imagined that I could do before I was introduced to the world of Microstock Photography.

A number of the sites have a very strict application process, where you have to upload up to 10 samples of your work, and they are then inspected by either one, or a number of inspectors on the site, to decide on whether your images are of the quality required by the site. On one of the sites, I had to submit 10 images each month for three months, before I was finally accepted on the site.

Recently, I came across a post in a Microstock Photography forum in which a fairly new German stock photography web-site is offering to actually pay photographers 15 Euro cents for every photo that is accepted on to one of their affiliate sites. I couldn't believe my actually be paid for images just to be accepted, and then to sit back back, leave them on the site, and then get sales from these images.

Currently, I have a portfolio of around 1000 images on all of the sites that I upload to. I decided to upload my entire portfolio of 1245 images to this site. Within three days, I had 900 of these images accepted on the site, and 895 of these images were accepted on to the site's affiliate web-site. For just uploading these images, I earned 134.25 Euros....that's around US$180.00. The promotion only applies to 200,000 images, from a starting point of last Wednesday. In the last week, over 20,000 images have been accepted, so, currently, there's another 180,000 thousand images yet to be accepted, that will be eligible for the payment.

I must state that I'm not connected in anyway to the site, other than just being an accepted member, now with 902 images for sale on the site. I must also state that I have no idea how my images will fare on the site, sales-wise, however, the monetary incentive certainly got me to join and upload my images to the site!

I thought I'd lodge this post in case any of the members here would like to make a few dollars from some of the great photos uploaded to this site, without having to go through the rigorous and what at times can be quite frustrating, acceptance process on some of the Microstock Photography web-sites.

If you'd like to know more about this site, please visit my blog


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