Jeroen Wenting
(K=25317) - Comment Date 4/6/2009
Seems like Riny's account has been broken into.
 Doyle D. Chastain
(K=101119) - Comment Date 4/7/2009
Hmmm...maybe he meant MAGNUM as the large bottle of wine and is threatening to drink with you? )
 Robin W
(K=16308) - Comment Date 4/7/2009
 Jeroen Wenting
(K=25317) - Comment Date 4/7/2009
given that all posts were made (hundreds of them) within a few minutes, faster than a human can type, it wasn't a single person at work. It was either a bot or a group of people (and the latter won't be allowed by site security, it allows only a single computer to be logged into an account at any given time).
 Robin W
(K=16308) - Comment Date 4/7/2009
He copies and pastes comments all the time, just look at his comments to others. Is it possible in this case? I don't know. Guess it's for you, and the rest of admin to figure out.
 Jeroen Wenting
(K=25317) - Comment Date 4/8/2009
it lasted one day, the style and content were both a complete departure from anything he'd written before over the years. We're either talking a temporary derangement here or someone else getting into his account...
 Nick Karagiaouroglou
(K=127263) - Comment Date 4/8/2009
Hi all!
Robin, many users here seem to actually recycle their "comments" by copying and pasting. I could say that most of the "comments" I receive from most guys are more or less a normal distribution of a couple of "standard sentences". You know, "Excellent", "Nice composition", and the like. This is not a specialty of Riny. Be it good or bad, it is rather the "standard procedure" of many commentators. So this can't be taken as a hint in order to assume anything.
But let's take things with cool head and logic. Even copying and pasting can't be done as fast as it would be necessary in order to achieve the hundreds of messages in some minutes, of which Jeroen talks about. Combined with the additional fact that Riny has never written such things before, it really looks laughable to assume him as the writer of them. It doesn't work.
Let's think further on: There are similarities with many other such "theatrical" events of the past here, in the attitude of making "big noise". Alone the title given to the thread: "TERRORISTIC THREATENING". (Hear that, hear that!) This is a complete exaggeration. It is like taking the headlines of cheap boulevard press of our days and using them for raising the dramatic of a thread. Even if Riny should have written the messages of which Sunshine Man talks, they don't have to do anything with terrorism, for they are personal. The over-dramatization is obvious and completely unserious.
Sunshine Man has used such theatrical appearances sometimes in the past. Something similar happened when Fabio Keiner wrote him, about one of his images, that it was not good. It was the image of Sunshine Man's cat that died, and just because Fabio didn't write a melodramatic comment with tears about the cat, Sunshine Man started another thread out of which even... anti-american attitudes were concluded. Imagine that! Anti-american attitudes out of a bad critique about an image with a cat that died! My protesting message against such practices was removed from the thread, and some kind of blocking mechanism was used in order to prevent me from sending messages there.
And it gets even better: I had the honor of having an exclusive thetrical appearance od Sunshine Man in my portfolio. My images get at most 60-70 clicks on the day I post them, usually even less. Now, suddenly one of them got exactly 666 clicks over night along with the message of Sunshine Man in which he wrote me that I am the antichrist and everybody nows that now, and blabla. (He didn't know that I don't believe in gods and demons. ;-)) This happened exactly after I wrote a bad critique about another of his images. Now, what a coincidence, isn't it? Just think: does that smell? Does that look like a nicely disguised bot, or something similar?
It is the usual thing. Dare say something bad about some image of Sunshine Man and expect a thread of this kind. Now, if you see here another new thread in which he accuses me of "terrorism" in front of UF, perhaps.. we should start counting 1 and 1 together, ey? ;-)
It is so laughable, so laughable to suspect Riny.
 Robin W
(K=16308) - Comment Date 4/8/2009
Thank you Nick, point well taken. I hope all this gets straightened out...the drama is unnecessary. :)
Take care...Robin
 AJ Miller
(K=49168) - Comment Date 4/8/2009
No Doyle, I think he is referring to ice cream...
 Nick Karagiaouroglou
(K=127263) - Comment Date 4/9/2009
I wish that too, and I also consider the "drama" as unnecessary, Robin. All that spectacular overload only disturbs the good and relaxed climate of the straight sincere (and thus sometimes also hard) discussions that have to be made about images of course, and not about the persons taking them. This is something I find a big plus of this site as you really won't find that many times: Hard discussions in a relaxed attitude.
So, I offen critisized in the past what I thought had to be critisized in UF, and I will continue doing that, but I also will say definitely what has to be acknowledged very very positively. In this case a big bravo to all guys who administrate UF, for keeping a cool mind and examining the case with no kind of prejudice at all! I have to state this explicitly. (In other words, we shouldn't only whine all the time "Nyaaa, nyaaa, UF I want this, UF I want that" ;-))
 Wolf Zorrito
(K=78768) - Comment Date 6/3/2009
Is it possible Rini's userid and passwd were taken from your central computer ? Either spyware or "de mol" in the UF staff ? Harry
 神 風
(K=10665) - Comment Date 6/4/2009
I absolutely do not believe the outright accusations that have been launched by a certain few members of this 'Major Clique' against the Site Administration in the last month or so and now this one!
Do you really think this place will get some peace and quiet starting a new Forum Thread such as this? Not at all and now I speak quite loudly for once:
 神 風
(K=10665) - Comment Date 6/4/2009
Of course my last post was a copy & paste from this thread you started:
 Wolf Zorrito
(K=78768) - Comment Date 6/4/2009
Marhaba Doug,
I want to ask you to read my postings again. It is only a constuctive question and suggestion. Ma-Sha-Allah
Ma Salaama sadeek Doug.
 神 風
(K=10665) - Comment Date 6/4/2009
"Birds of a feather flock together, but their 'Bond' is made from mud!" You are flying down the same road as Rashed ...
Furthermore, ... Do you really think you impress me with your international linguistics not knowing how many languages I speak? It just confirms your absolute rudeness instead of speaking to me in plain English which is not my 'Mother Tongue' at all ...
Bottom Line: "You are adding fuel to a fire" which needs to be desparately extinquished!
 Rashed Abdulla
(K=163889) - Comment Date 6/4/2009
Sundie Man , this is what makes UF too cheap, the moderators read all of your bad writting on the images here and you are still here for the sum of 25 dollars.
You have started all of this dirty game with many people on site, not just Riny, Srna but much more, and now into another good person, I beleive brother Al is too lean to let some one like you on his site.
Regarding the languages, yes you are a person who do not even know whats out side his door step, neither English is your 'Mother Tongue' , you do not have language of your own, how would you, you do not have histry of your own, you do not have calture of your own.
You ok, might have one mother and 1000 father, but nothing else you do have.
I am here sundie man, on top of your head and so I will be for ever and ever, I paid for it and paid 7 times more than you are, I just try to get a release other wise neither you or those cheap moderators can stop me when I decide to load my images here.
 Wolf Zorrito
(K=78768) - Comment Date 6/4/2009
Hallo Jeroen
Ik tik t even in t hollands, er is al genoeg tumult . Ik begrijp dat je moderator bent. Als ik alles wat er gebeurd tegen t licht hou kan ik maar tot een paar aannames/suggesties komen. Zoals in de wetenschap betekent t niet dat de aanname juist is maar t zou een verklaring kunnen zijn. In die context wil ik je het volgende voorleggen:
1-zit er een mol in UF personeel waardoor login data bij ieder willekeurig of een specifiek persoon terecht kan komen ? "wie is de mol" hahahahah ;)
2-we blijven maar in de aanname hoek terwijl onderzoek de waarheid kan tonen. Ik weet uit een experiment uit noodzaak dat UF leden uit Iran heeft geblokkeerd. Een UF lid in Iran kon nog wel via een proxy kijken op de hoofd UF server maar niets uploaden of bewerken. Ik heb toen voor hem een foto op UF gezet en dat ging parimatjes. Conclusie: UF heeft IP blocking al ingebouwd. Ik weet niet op welk level maar voor de Iran zaak was het voldoende om Iran members naar de Iran mirror te sturen.
Het loggen van een ip nummer bij elk commentaar is pienuts, fluitje van een 5 euricent en je weet gelijk welk ip nummer de boosdoener is. Blokkeren die hap en we zijn van alle aannames en oeverloze discussies en dan kunnen de moderators in de tijd die over is ( veel ) een lekker pilsje pakken.
Oh, heb je al gestemd voor de europeesche verkiezingen ? ;)
"Eindoven de gekste"
 Srna Stankovic
(K=172232) - Comment Date 6/4/2009
According to all I ve read here Doug and according to your attitude here and while attacking people personally without any normal constructive comment or critique on their photos you are the only one who has to be ban out of here ... do you hear your self here or while leaving threats on people's photos just to frighten them and get rid of them from this site ???!!! You are a good photographer but a man without conscience, moral and so bitter you are...all the time. You are the only one who is a real threat on this site and sooner or latter this is going to be proved and realized. Srna
 Wolf Zorrito
(K=78768) - Comment Date 6/5/2009
Marhaba Doug,
In dutch we have a saying;
" zoals de waard is vertrouwd hij zijn gasten "
" aanval is de beste verdediging "
Since you claim to master numourous languages and diverting, and i assume you master dutch ( .........so you understood " riny's attacks" very well, hahahahaha ) i dont have t translate it for you.
Regarding Rasheds comment: yes, it is time you show us your real face ,on a photo in your about, show us your physical face and tell us your nationality because screaming "terrorist attack" without showing your identity it is nothing better as spam;) .
I will collect money from your victims and hereby I invite Osama bin Laden to contact me for am easy job, beacause the only and real terrorist is you.
I and Rashed are using abusive language ? Take a caring loving dog, beat and abuse the animal every day and you will make it a biting dog, Doug. And I understand Rasheds motives and support Rasheds reply. It must be because probably you are of arab orgin ( or prove us it is otherwise ) and arab brother Rashed feels ashame because you are a disgrace for arab civilisation which i respect so much.
PS , UF staff, use you IP logging, you already have or can have in your software. If it reguires increase of our fee, I'll be glad to pay for it. The sound of silensce from your side is also an answer.
 Wolf Zorrito
(K=78768) - Comment Date 6/5/2009
Please remove page http://www.usefilm.com/image/1525847.html
Insulting and rude.
 Wolf Zorrito
(K=78768) - Comment Date 6/5/2009
Thanks for removing remove page
 Wolf Zorrito
(K=78768) - Comment Date 6/5/2009
Good work editors / moderators !! I like to thank yuo very much for taking appropiate action. WELL DONE !!! Hugs,
 Carol Cefalu
(K=8388) - Comment Date 6/30/2010
Wow..Wolf. You definately are taking the right stand in this matter i never realized Sunset man was like this..I really thought it was just me that i always said supporting comments about his work but never received the same respect in return.....I'm counting my blessings now.