Doyle D. Chastain
(K=101119) - Comment Date 11/30/2006
Thanks Phil . . . the other list was getting QUITE lengthy. Could you send me an e-mail to the address in my profile from the address I can contact you at? (I have a couple) I'd like to talk to you privately.
Thanks, Doyle I <~~~~~
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
(K=174136) - Comment Date 11/30/2006
Some of the latest photos I have chosen as 'Favorites' seem to be missing. When I go into the person's portfolio, the photo is still shown as a 'Favorite'. What has happened?
Markus Scholz
(K=23722) - Comment Date 12/1/2006
When I select the "by associated" list I only get out the first 6 images and then the message: "Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'Disp'
/include/MyPortfolio_ThumbNails_Include1.asp, line 1295"
appears. If I select page 2 and further on it works again.
Regards, Markus
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
(K=174136) - Comment Date 12/2/2006
Yes, I'm getting the same message, and still missing some on the first page of 'Favorites'.
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 12/2/2006
Thanks folks, should be ok now. Please let me know if yo see any more of these errors, there may be a few more hidden around the site. It only happens when a picture is rated higher then a 7 so it does not happen often.
Melanie Reynolds
(K=9096) - Comment Date 12/4/2006
I have noticed a couple of things
1. I have noticed that some photos with featured critiques or that recieved SC, EC or POD awards have not been featured on the main page. It is not the delay, they just were never up after months had gone by. No biggie, but thought you would want to know.
2. Even after donating and changing my preferences so that I don't see the banner ads, they still show up.
rebecca claassen
(K=12904) - Comment Date 12/6/2006
Hi Bug-fixer-upperers. When I go to my 'critiques to me ' section, the first page is fine, but after trying to go to the next page I get a msg similar to the one Markus pasted. ???? Any ideas on what is happening and when/if it will be fixed? cheers, Bek
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
(K=174136) - Comment Date 12/8/2006
Now not receiving e-mail notifications on comments and replies again.
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 12/9/2006
Shirley, the problem with comcast should be cleared up now. Please let me know if you got this email. Yahoo is still not working from what I can tell.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 12/11/2006
hi,Phil....for what it is worth,i am with yahoo and finally receiving real time comments to inbox....while i have your ear,can you add "Spirit of animals" (or similar) as the first animal project?...there are pets/wildlife as categories,but no animal "Projects".....also, (sorry to pile on your to-do list but...)will we have a search feature for forum threads at some point? Happy Holly-daze! ~gayle
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 12/21/2006
hi,not receiving UF comments to inbox again....will check back for any reply....another windstorm has hit here tonight,so not sure how long can keep connected....peace,gayle wed. Dec.20 11pm PST
Sally Morgan
(K=9219) - Comment Date 12/29/2006
I can't log into usefilm from my mum's Sony PSP. I can't serch the forum to see if this has already been reported.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 1/13/2007
| Spammer alert!
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 1/13/2007
SPAMMER ALERT...wish the $320 price for a Nikon D200 was true,but alas,another spammer who has been here before...:(
Meg Metcalfe
(K=6114) - Comment Date 1/19/2007
Even after donating and changing my preferences so that I don't see the banner ads, they still show up.
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 1/19/2007
Meg - I think the text ads still show up and the larger graphical ads do not. I think that is how it is designed to work and if I am wrong somebody pipe in please. --Jan
Doyle D. Chastain
(K=101119) - Comment Date 1/20/2007
You're wrong. Oh, the facts might be right . . . but burning off the tongues and lips of unsuspecting guests on New Year's Eve . . . THAT, my friend . . . is just sooooo wrong! :)
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 1/20/2007
Doyle-- Just the facts, all the facts, and nothing but the facts. (We did warn all attendees at the party and put a hand-written placard next to the appetizer). And yet, many ventured forth and the bowl was empty at the end of the evening. --Best to you, Jan
Leonie Fitzpatrick
(K=40551) - Comment Date 1/20/2007
~~GRIN~~... On Facts...
This is something my Dad always said when we, as kids, quoted something as a *fact*...
'Do you know what a fact is???... A fact is a minute animal that lives in the hair of a ladies navel and barks at strangers...' :)
Mind you, Mum would cough, splutter and then verbally rip strips off Dad along the lines of he had no right to tell us children that sort of rubbish... and that's a fact LOL...
Sorry, couldn't resist ;)
Just reading and learning heaps in the forums...
Doyle D. Chastain
(K=101119) - Comment Date 2/1/2007
Hey Phil - is a ripped copy of Gary's shot - Please delete it.
Thanks, Doyle I <~~~~~
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 2/24/2007
| you can decide if SPAM or not...he posted one small sized image earlier this month and listed very strange camera info...did ya know Nikon D100 uses Konica pro film?...;) ...the dream hybrid Nikon i have been searching for! regards,gayle
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 2/24/2007
Good catch, Gayle. Bet big bucks the sole purpose to come here is SPAM. --Jan
Doyle D. Chastain
(K=101119) - Comment Date 2/24/2007
I recently discovered this comment by Martin to Michele:
Martin . {K:21246} 2/22/2007 Mich,
I have tried to teach you the mechanics of phototgraphy, but you won't listen, as most of my student's, par for course...;(
I give up, because I give advice and they do it once, then revert to their old style once again...
F" you guys, since I'm tired of wasting my time,
I think the comment is abusive and should be removed since she now carries an "F You" under her photo. You decide since the abuse link doesn't seem to work!
Her image is at
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Larry Fosse
(K=66493) - Comment Date 2/24/2007
I am not seeing any images, thumbs of full displays, also when it is working I frequently get:
"Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'Disp'
/include/MyPortfolio_ThumbNails_Include1.asp, line 1295"
See attached image for what I'm seeing
My UF home page
(K=26787) - Comment Date 3/1/2007
Hi Phillip! I can´t see the thumbnails, only red Xs. In the Recent Comments section I do see the thumbnails, though, but when I try to open a picture, I get a red X. Noticed this yesterday.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
(K=174136) - Comment Date 3/9/2007
Stan Ciszek had some work done on his computer and now when he enters the site, he is unable to log-in. Could you please contact him at to help him? Thank you so very much!
Caterina Berimballi
(K=27299) - Comment Date 3/14/2007
Hi Phil,
Several times over the last couple of months, I have had to log back in. I never log myself out, I do not clear browser cookies and I do not log in from any other pc.
When the last issue occurred yesterday (approximately 4.30am uf server time?), I had been browsing images here only an hour previously and found it odd that I had been booted out.
Do the sessions occasionally time out, or is this a bug of some kind? I sure hope it's either that and not [start paranoia] someone else logging into my account without my knowledge...[end paranoia]
Patrick Ziegler
(K=21797) - Comment Date 3/31/2007
Trouble with FireFox, can't access UF with Firefox. I get the error shown in the image attached. I am allowing cookies with FF, the site works fine with Explorer. I am using Firefox/
FireFox Error
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 4/1/2007
Pat -- Are you allowing or have you blocked ActiveX? That could be the source of the problem in the FF security settings. --Jan
Patrick Ziegler
(K=21797) - Comment Date 4/1/2007
As far as I can tel there is no setting in FF for ActiveX
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 4/1/2007
Pat -- I think Activex is a plug-in you have to add to FF. Mozilla version is at: I no longer use FF and do not have it installed anymore but I think this may be the problem. Perhaps Al or Phil know for sure. Activex is not supported out of the box for FF and my gut feeling is this is the root cause. --Jan
Caterina Berimballi
(K=27299) - Comment Date 4/3/2007
Ok, it happened again. Only a couple of hours ago, I was enjoying a good read in the forums. I come back looking for more giggles and BAM! I have to sign in.
I know this is way down on the list of priorities, but wtf?
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
(K=174136) - Comment Date 4/5/2007
Hellooooo, I have a suggestion that I hear has been submitted numerous times in the past. Lets hope it is acted upon:
We need the option of being able to edit our own comments. Sometimes, when it is already to late to do anything about it, I, or a friend, will notice we've made typos or spelled something wrong, or maybe we wish we had worded our comment differently.
This option is available on other sites...why not here?
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 4/6/2007
Rina, it sounds like your computer is not allowing permanent cookies to be written. If this is the case your session will time out after 20 minutes of innactivity forcing you to log back in. Check your security settings on your computer and make sure that it allows persistent cookies to be created. Other then logging in from a different computer which will cancel the current session, disallowing session cookies is about the only reason for your lost session.
Caterina Berimballi
(K=27299) - Comment Date 4/6/2007
Thanks for the reply Phil. I'm using Firefox and have had Usefilm listed in exceptions to "allow" for some time now. From what I can see, there are about 8 cookies living happily in the cache. So I guess, it's just one of those things, eh?
Cheers, Rina.
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 4/7/2007
Rina, if you see a usefilm cookie in the cache, try deleting it and then go and log in again. See if it creates a new one and if it does it should be correct and synchronized. If it doesn't come back then it is not writing new cookies and you will time out.
Caterina Berimballi
(K=27299) - Comment Date 4/7/2007
Yup, a new one was created Phil. As I mentioned earlier, this only seems to occur intermittently, not all the time. It could very well still be a browser issue, but I'm blown if I can work out what it is. Thanks for your time though, much appreciated.
Jim Budrakey
(K=24393) - Comment Date 4/11/2007
I just got email that my Usefilm donor status has expired. BUT!!! I renewed on April 2, 2007. I have a Paypal recepit to prove it (recepit number 2516-3570-3963-1707). I sent email to on April 5, 2007 when I got a 1 week left notice informing them of my renewal but apparently it did not get to whoever is responsible for keeping the books.
HELP!!! Usefilm is valuable to me and I have supported it for several years and would like to keep supporting it.
Jim Budrakey
al shaikh
(K=15790) - Comment Date 4/12/2007
al shaikh
(K=15790) - Comment Date 4/12/2007
Rina I need to know what operating system and version, what version of firefox, and you need to check the date time and YEAR on your PC. Please make sure it is set correctly.
Caterina Berimballi
(K=27299) - Comment Date 4/12/2007
Thanks Al,
XP Pro v2002 SP2. Firefox/ Date and time are set to New Zealand Standard Time (GMT+12:00) Auckland, and is currently displaying 4:55pm 12th April 2007.
HTH Rina.
Tony Hunter
(K=4647) - Comment Date 4/28/2007
Donor Status not updated. I renewed on 17th April. Regards
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 4/29/2007
Tony, all taken care of. Your donor status is now up to date. Sorry bout that.
Markus Scholz
(K=23722) - Comment Date 5/7/2007
What could be the reason, that I don't get e-mail notifications any more.
Walter Scarella
(K=19671) - Comment Date 5/7/2007
Same problem, I don't get e-mail notifications any more !
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 5/7/2007
The mail should be flowing again soon. Apparently the mail server ended up on a black list and it takes a period of time to clear. If your ISP uses the particular black list for SPAM control you may not be able to receive mail from this server for a short time.
Robin W
(K=16308) - Comment Date 5/8/2007
My standard line...Is it just me or is there a problem? I can't see photos except on the recent comments page. Recent comments are apprearing so it seems others can view just fine. Please let me know if it's just me. Thanks in advance!
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 5/19/2007
| Spam alert!
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 5/20/2007
i get the following error when i try to open a forum thread by Kes called "Asian porn"....curious to read what he has to say and it won't open for me...thx, gayle
ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.
/Photo_Forum.asp, line 38
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 5/20/2007
forgot to leave url from browser bar....
Ameed El-Ghoul
(K=42215) - Comment Date 5/23/2007
Hi Philip, Recently I am not able to comment on any picture, As long as I click on submit, nothing happens, I've tried that with many pictures in couple of days, Please check attachement, Regards,
Ian McIntosh
(K=42997) - Comment Date 6/1/2007
Thankyou, Presently I can't reply to comments. Most re4cently got the modertor robot holding a comment back for no reason I can see..., but didn't get that message at other times, when I simply got the image page sans my reply after pushing "submit" could it be the moderator process going strange though?
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 6/7/2007
| SPAM ALERT! ...and he thought he was being oh so clever...hehehe regards,gayle
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 6/11/2007
Phil/AL...several times i have tried to leave a comment today, the filter has snatched it and there is nothing that should set the filter is the last comment i tried to leave for Melanie's forum query today:
hey,gurl...that sucks that someone would pull a prank like that pretending to be your sons....if were mine, i would send strong letter to the myspace CEO,or member services and state that not only is person violating your copyrighted images, but is also pretending to be a minor showing your minor sons images...and also state that your next step is to submit an article about such illegal activity to the national newspapers/TV stations who are always eager to print such abuse about prominent sites such as myspace...include that you intend to proceed with legal filings against the site if they don't take immediate action.....provide all info you have of the person's acct. that is displaying your son's images...
also, regarding copyrights, you need to register ALL of your work with the US gov copyright office in order to ever file suit against violators in Federal court ( yes, CRV is a Federal case)...after July 1, you can file online and the fee is reduced from current one...we all own our CR on our visual art instantly,but doesn't hold weight and you can't even file in court without the registration on file....
good luck,Melanie!...cheers,gayle
(if this published here,then why not in the other forum?) Thx, gayle
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 6/11/2007
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'stripEverythingFromComment'
/Forum/InsertForumReplyComment.asp, line 164
Phil, not only is the filter snagging every reply/comment i am trying to leave today, but now i get that error msg. every time i try to leave you a msg...what up?
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 6/11/2007
Not sure Gayle, will check it out. Hang in there.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 6/11/2007
guess it works now since published multiple copies on 2 threads...please remove the dupes,Phil thx,gayle
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
(K=174136) - Comment Date 6/12/2007
Having trouble uploading. No matter what I try tonight, it comes up as a red X. Not doing anything different than I always do. Also showing as panoramics, which they are NOT.
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 6/12/2007
Phil -- I just noticed quite a few recent pictures that resulted in the infamous RED X post. Not sure if the database repository needs reorganization or some other problem is occurring but the number far exceeds what I usually see. Storage problems? --Best to you, Jan
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 6/29/2007
Levi Miller
(K=433) - Comment Date 7/5/2007
Well there is alot of bugs reported. Not sure if this is a repost.
For the past three days I have tried to upload photos. When the operation is finished, it will say I still have four photos to upload for the day. When I go to my profile there are not there. Any ideas. I posted this problem in a new thread, but was told to post here.
Since I have donated as a member I have had the ability to load four photographs out of 12. Thats a low 1:4 ratio. X(
Regards, Levi
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 7/6/2007
Help,please....i click on images to view and all are shoved to right margin as viewed with a horizontal scroll bar below to view side to side...never seen this happen before here with images...writing,yes as text can do that wide format when extends the margins....obviously a UF glitch since doesn't effect images or pages elsewhere that i view....i have tried signing out a few times which results in no change...any clue? thanks,gayle July 5th 9:16pm PST
Gilbert Laraque
(K=784) - Comment Date 7/12/2007
I cannot add more picture to my Portfolio. Is there a maximum number of posts?
Gilbert Laraque
(K=784) - Comment Date 7/12/2007
Same thing has been happening to me since yesterday.
Doyle D. Chastain
(K=101119) - Comment Date 7/12/2007
Same issue . . . extremely annoying. :( Home page is fine though.
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Doyle D. Chastain
(K=101119) - Comment Date 7/12/2007
I mean same issue as Gayle's . . . ;)
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
rebecca claassen
(K=12904) - Comment Date 7/14/2007
Hiya bug having same problem as Gayle's last post, all pics shunted to the right, critiques as well...... cheers, Beks
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 7/15/2007
Not sure I am seeing the problem here. Everything looks to be normal at this end. What is up against the right. Which page, and what browser are you using.
rebecca claassen
(K=12904) - Comment Date 7/15/2007
Hi Phil, I was having trouble yesterday with Annemette's BIP on the home page, but it is back to normal now. Although still having trouble with this one
seems to be only on SOME images.... cheers, Beks
rebecca claassen
(K=12904) - Comment Date 7/15/2007
Am using Internet Explorer....
Gilbert Laraque
(K=784) - Comment Date 7/15/2007
Phillip, I still cannot upload new pictures to my porfolio.
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 7/15/2007
Found the problem with page shift. Should be OK now. Please let me know if there are any more problems with that.
Server has been acting flakey, appolize for the down time. Getting to be time for a replacement I think.
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 7/15/2007
Gilbert, try clearing your cookies and try to upload again.
You can click on this link to clear just your Usefilm cookies and see if that helps.
Gilbert Laraque
(K=784) - Comment Date 7/16/2007
Phillip< I had tried that through my Internet options; I even clean Cookien/Cache/files, and it did not work at all. I tried the aplet cookie cleaner applet, and it did not work. When I upload the file, ite app siad it has beed successfull loaded. butin fact nothing happenned, and I still have the same number of upload left, the "View last upload" is not available
Usefilm screen capture
rebecca claassen
(K=12904) - Comment Date 7/16/2007
Hi Al or Phil, this isn't a bug, but a question of rules of the opinion please. Thought it would be best to get the word straight from the powers that be, don't want to upset the applecart thanks, Beks
Francisco N-G
(K=28728) - Comment Date 7/16/2007
Hi Rebecca, the problem with that posting is the comment by Patrick Crowther, his "NOOOO..." cannot be wrapped by the browser, any browser. The image and other elements are just justified according to the general layout rules. Perhaps the solution is to add a trap in the comment processing script or comment loading script and trim words exceeding certain amount of characters so the browser can wrap around the text.
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 7/16/2007
Gilbert, I looked at your record in the database and everything looks to be ok. Make sure that the image you are uploading is a .jpg file not a .tif, .png or .gif.
Also if you have Norton or some other antivirus/firwall make sure that it is not keeping you from uploading files and that it accepts permanent cookies. Make sure that your browser is set to accept 3rd party and session cookies.
You can also try setting as a trusted site in your browser.
I will ask Al if he has anything to input here.
Gilbert Laraque
(K=784) - Comment Date 7/17/2007
Phillip: The images ar jpg of the required size. The applet tells me the picture was loaded properly, when it actually failed. I will allow more permssions to Usefilm, and see where that takes me. I have been using for several months, and it isthe firt time I see this error. Is it possible that I have reached a maximum number of upload?
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 7/17/2007
Just a reminder -- a few days ago I had the same problem but found out that one "side" of my image was LESS THAN 400 K. The minimum dimension is 400 K and my image was 700 X 390, which caused it to fail. After adjusting the size slightly it loaded OK.
--Best regards, Jan
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 7/17/2007
No you have not reached a maximum. In fact there is no maximum, just the limit on uploads per day and file size.
Microsoft had put out a few updates last week and there appears to be some bugs in them, at least with what we are running on the server. This is why we thing the servers have been acting up. We removed the last updates and things appear to be working ok again. Perhaps they are also effecting your upload ability.
Doyle D. Chastain
(K=101119) - Comment Date 7/18/2007
Ok Phil . . . it's not just me . . .
What's up?? Don't want our brilliance around here any more?? :P
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Gilbert Laraque
(K=784) - Comment Date 7/21/2007
I will try again 7/20/07...If it fails I will try my Linux PC
Gilbert Laraque
(K=784) - Comment Date 7/21/2007
I worked on 7/21/07. I remove rememove Java; I removed IE 7. I did a new in install of IE 7. I reset ot to new install. Reinstall Java VM. I tried, BU Usefilm serve was down yesterday. I tried today, and it worked fine. I guess you have done a few things server side as well. Cheers Gil
Gilbert Laraque
(K=784) - Comment Date 7/21/2007
I claimed success to fast... Ony 1 picture worked...The others failed..
Gilbert Laraque
(K=784) - Comment Date 7/21/2007
Diffrent Win PC(Vista- instead of XP 2)...Different Set up...Upload not successful - Next I will use Linux Suse, and see what will happen. I think the issue is either IE 7 related - or server side. (DB)
Meg Metcalfe
(K=6114) - Comment Date 7/22/2007
I'm finding today that I can't reply to comments, I get the following error message if I try.....
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0240'
Script Engine Exception
A ScriptEngine threw expection 'C0000005' in 'IActiveScriptParse::ParseScriptText()' from 'CActiveScriptEngine::AddScriptlet()'.
I've never seen that one before so sorry for the lack of replies from me, I'll catch you all later..... Meg. :)
Meg Metcalfe
(K=6114) - Comment Date 7/22/2007
Either someone has been very quick fixing this fault or its fixed itself, all is OK now!
Ahmed Ismail
(K=19853) - Comment Date 7/24/2007
Hi, I am having difficulty uploading images. After filling the upload form as usual, when I 'save information', it goes to a page which says 'your image upload has completed successfully! You have 4 uploads remaining in this time period'. But the image is not uploaded. The image I am trying to upload is 750x432, 125kb and is jpg, as usual. I also tried another image, but still doesnt work. Please let me know if there is anything I should do. Thanks, Ahmed
Ahmed Ismail
(K=19853) - Comment Date 7/25/2007
Hi, Just managed to upload. I did log in again and this time it seemed to have worked. Not sure what the problem could have been. Thanks, Ahmed
Liz Wallis
(K=26133) - Comment Date 7/29/2007
My membership has run out, and I realise that that denies me entry to donor only forums, but when you look at the forum lists, they are all catagorised as a "donor only feature"...just a tad there some mistake there, as I am able to write in this one obviously. Cheers Liz
Liz Wallis
(K=26133) - Comment Date 7/29/2007
okay, its watch the tread that is a donor only feature...i figured it out
Gilbert Laraque
(K=784) - Comment Date 7/30/2007
Today 7/30/2007, after trying every day to upload pictures to UF, I give up. I am not sure what is going on on my side. It just keeps failing with the same message" your upload is successful" "you have 4 uploads remaining for the day" I had 1 successful upload in the last 15 days. Ciao
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 7/30/2007
Please give me some more specifics, obviously uploads are working or no one would be able to upload so let's see if we can track down the problem you are having.
Please let me know the operating system you are using, the browser type and version, what security you are using such as Norton, Mcafee etc... Do you have a firewall enabled? Are you allowing cookies? Please send me one of the images you are having problems with to What program did you use to save the image, and what type of jpg did you save it as. What time of day did you try to upload? Is set as a trusted site in your browser? Any other actual info you can pass along will be helpful.
神 風
(K=10665) - Comment Date 7/31/2007
Same with me Phil ... See below:
Your image upload has completed successfully!
You have 4 uploads remaining in this time period.
Add another photo
As a Donor Member of your are entitled to upload up to 4 images per 24 hour period.
Thanks in advance for your efforts and I saw your questions to Gilbert so I should not be having any problems!
Best of Regards!
* James *
(K=20200) - Comment Date 7/31/2007
i also try to upload and get successful upload message, but no photo appears in my public profile or recent uploads.
using windows vista firefox cookies enabled
just renewed donor status, logged out and back in, checked firewall settings, cant think of anything else i should check.
how has this problem been resolved for others...
* James *
(K=20200) - Comment Date 7/31/2007
i've just tried to upload a photo on another computer using a different operating system, so i am almost sure the problem i'm having is at the UF end.
Robin W
(K=16308) - Comment Date 8/1/2007
Hi Al/Phil,
I'm not receiving e-mail notifications...six comments yesterday, only one arrived in my mailbox. Age old or uf??? Thanks in advance.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
(K=127263) - Comment Date 8/1/2007
Hmm, even worse! I just uploaded my 4 images for today and everything worked fine. Or so I thought! Returning to my portfolio I can see all data of the photos, except... the photos themselves and the thumbs! But I do see the medium version of the photos when I want to edit them. So what happened here?
Cheers and... good debugging! ;-)
P.S.: Does it mean that I have to delete the already uploaded photos of today and try to upload them again? That is, are the uploaded photos of today lost?
Damnimgood .
(K=1935) - Comment Date 8/1/2007
There also seems to be a massive problem on the home page!!!! The latest project, HOT HOT HOT..... the same pictures namely about 6 of them seem to be repeating them selves on a daily basis. and i think this is a huge bug because this has been happening a few days after the start of the project. Also a bug that has reared it nasty little head again seems to be the one that looks for older pictures , rather than the latest for awards, I think that this bug should be nip in the bud before it reeks havoc on the UF site, heard its actually quiet maliciously!!
Paul Schofield
(K=5970) - Comment Date 8/1/2007
I cannot see any recent uploaded photos or thumbnails. I can see the photos though if I go into the recent comments drop down (if a comment has been made).
I can upload, but not see it either in recent or in my p/f. (Just data title etc).
I haven't made any changes to my PC settings, although Firefox upgraded itself today or yesterday.
Many thanks.
Salvatore Rossignolo
(K=13559) - Comment Date 8/2/2007
I feel vulnerable....and afraid.(lol) I can't see my pix and nor can anyone really make commenting on pictures tough under these conditons. Please help soon. Sal
Salvatore Rossignolo
(K=13559) - Comment Date 8/2/2007
PS I like Paul Lara's pictures 'sight(site) unseen)!;)
Liz Wallis
(K=26133) - Comment Date 8/2/2007
This is not a bug, but, can some one please remove martins new comments from my most recent picture. He's at it again,( stupid comments and degrading content)and I really can't put up with him any more. I feel so degraded by his actions. Thanks Liz
Neil Niamh White
(K=9165) - Comment Date 8/2/2007
I'm also having problems with seeing my recently posted image. I can see it if I edit but not in My Profile or Recent Pictures.
I noticed it took an incredibly long time for my last photo to upload.
* James *
(K=20200) - Comment Date 8/2/2007
i hope an updated comment on whats happening at UF will appear here from one of the good volunteers who run the site.
seems that many people are having problems all over. hope it is sorted out in good order.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 8/2/2007
follow up to my email, Phil C....strangely enough, only the first 4 pages of "Recent pictures" is not viewable...starting with page 5,i can see all posted photos as normal....sup wid dat?...LOL... regards,gayle
Nilanjan Mitra
(K=12955) - Comment Date 8/2/2007
Cant see my uploaded PICS...
AJ Miller
(K=49168) - Comment Date 8/2/2007
Same here - I just get blue titles since yesterday afternoon...
Mark Julian
(K=36866) - Comment Date 8/2/2007
There's more people commenting about the same problem in the Donor's only section - can SOMEONE at UF fix this or at least let us know what is going on? I'm sure we'd all appreciate getting some information on what the problem is and how long repairing it will take. Mark
rebecca claassen
(K=12904) - Comment Date 8/2/2007
Hi Al/Phil, red X's are at it again, we know you are valiantly braving the techno-world to figure out this problem....any new news on what the prob is? Cheers, Beks
Ian McIntosh
(K=42997) - Comment Date 8/2/2007
I'm guessing knowing what the problems is would be the end stage of fixing it, Mark. :)
Kiarang Alaei
(K=49415) - Comment Date 8/2/2007
hello! i can't access to new uploads. what's the reason? none of the new photos in recent page is open!!
AJ Miller
(K=49168) - Comment Date 8/3/2007
All looks good this morning - thanks.
Kiarang Alaei
(K=49415) - Comment Date 8/3/2007
Thanks Miller. yeah it works well right now
Gilbert Laraque
(K=784) - Comment Date 8/3/2007
I am using XP pro SP2 with lates patches.; IE version 7.0 release 5.7.3011. I am allowing cookies with security set to medium-high (default. I am using CS2 to manipulate my pictures; mostly to redure them to a size acceptable to your site constraints. I enclosed a picture that I could not upload. BTW, I also used Vista. amd SUSE linux!!!
AJ Miller
(K=49168) - Comment Date 8/3/2007
Hey Kiarang - don't thank me! Thank UF staff! All I did was report that at my end all the problems appeared to be resolved.
(And now imagine smiley icon here, cos that's something I've never been able to get to work! (javascript:AddSmileyIcon(':)'))
* James *
(K=20200) - Comment Date 8/4/2007
i sent an email to al and phil at usefilm 3-4 days ago outlining the problems i'm having here cant upload photos), as have many others i presume.
no acknowledgement of my email being received, and i still cant upload any photos. can someone at UF please post an update on here at least acknowledging SOMETHING? in the past few weeks, i received all the emails indicating my donor status was about to expire, so like a good UFer, i renewed it several days ago. but since doing that, i'm not able to put anything on this site.
PATIENTLY waiting. james
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 8/5/2007
Gilbert, your image appears here in the forum, not sure why it would not appear as a regular upload. It is the same software. I will keep looking.
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 8/5/2007
James, can you please send the email again to me at, I didn't see the last one. Will keep an eye out for it. Things should be working ok right now, we had a problem with a router feeding the image servers but that has been remedied.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 8/5/2007
please remove inappropriate comments made by Martin which are against UF TOS conduct toward another member...Liz Wallis previously requested that they be deleted and they still remain.
Liz Wallis
(K=26133) - Comment Date 8/5/2007
Hi Phil, I just tried to upload, but it didn't go. I got a message saying upload was successful, etc, but it's not there. All cookies are enabled on both my comps, and I use both internet explorer and firefox. Have tried both comps to see if it would go, but nothing happens. Liz
* James *
(K=20200) - Comment Date 8/6/2007
hi phil. i've emailed you again. no change since my comments above. meaning - still cant put any photos on UF.
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 8/6/2007
James, try posting an image here in the forum lets see if that works.
* James *
(K=20200) - Comment Date 8/6/2007
ok phil, lets give it a go.
a woman
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 8/6/2007
Phil -- A month or more ago I tried to post unsuccessfully even though no error was displayed. Eventually I realized that the "short" side of my file was less than 400 pixels. I adjusted the photo to slightly more than 400 on one side and bingo -- the picture was posted. The point to note here is that the uploading process never gave me an error message on the <400 pixels. Such a message would have tipped me off instantly and I would have saved some time before I realized my mistake on sizing. Consider adding an error message for under sizing the file. --Thanks, Jan
Gilbert Laraque
(K=784) - Comment Date 8/9/2007
Phillip: I tried to u[load today 8/9 with 3 diff pics 1 < 370, 1 that I uoloaded before on UF, and the ;ast one smaller than 250k. They all failed.
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 8/10/2007
Ok, well it looks like James can post here and it basically uses the same code, so will see what I can figure out. As far as the 400 pixel minimum, I do not recall putting a minimum size into the program, just a maximum, but I will check, it has been a long time since I wrote it.
Gilbert I will look into your problem again and see what I can find. Thanks for your patience, please hang in there.
Steve Rosenbach
(K=8338) - Comment Date 8/11/2007
Hi Phillips - I have tried posting a photo for last two days, but each time, I get a "success" message, but photo is not posted.
Meanwhile, I very much enjoy Usefilm and rarely have had problems in more than 3 years. Thanks very much!
Regards, Steve Rosenbach
John Bohner
(K=8368) - Comment Date 8/14/2007
Having problem as well. Can't get a 796X666 image to upload. Site says successfull upload but no joy. image is at sbcc if you need it to diagnose the system g'luck John Bohner
Gilbert Laraque
(K=784) - Comment Date 8/28/2007
I have tried evry day to upload an image to UF. That's it. I have given up officially. Over and Out.
Gil Laraque
AJ Miller
(K=49168) - Comment Date 9/13/2007
Hi Phil: don't know if this is a bug, a VERY popular photograph, or something else... But this shot has only been up for about 20 minutes and is already registering 1470 views. Now that is not something I have seen on UF before!
Asher Khan
(K=1459) - Comment Date 9/13/2007
i tried uploading an image, got a success page but no image. Went back to upload page again and it says i can upload one image today (i am a non donor). I uploaded the image again but no avail. some thing is broken.
rebecca claassen
(K=12904) - Comment Date 9/28/2007
Hi Phil, I know this seems to be a bit of a problem at the moment, but I renewed my Donor-ship last night via Pay-Pal, and so far it doesn't look to have registered at the UF end. I have logged in and out a few times as suggested, but to no avail..... Any help towards rectifying this would be great. Thanks, Beks
rebecca claassen
(K=12904) - Comment Date 9/28/2007
OK....24 hours now, any ideas on what is happening with donor renewals?!!!! Is this problem being resolved for others who have had problems or are they also still waiting? .......B
Saeed Al Shamsi
(K=47735) - Comment Date 11/13/2007
Hi, Phil I’ve introduced my friend to usefilm,, he did very thing correctly to register But when he login this is the message which he got: Login Failed! Please Try Again Please have a look at it Kind regards Saeed
Phillip Minnis
(K=13131) - Comment Date 11/13/2007
My daughter has just bought her first camera - a Nikon point and shoot.
On a number of occasions in recent days, she has tried to join up to Usefilm. On each occasion, she has received the 'New Account Confirmation' e-mail, and she has clicked on the link to confirm her subscription. She has then chosen a password, and then tried to log in. On each occasion, a message displays telling her that she is an invalid user. I note that her name (Kate Minnis) is displayed when I did a search on the site, however, when her name is clicked on, it displays this message: Sorry, Invalid photographer ID, please re-enter.
Would Admin please attend to this matter?
Phil (dad of a budding photographer, hopefully! )
Saeed Al Shamsi
(K=47735) - Comment Date 11/13/2007
Hi,Phil as per my request, its ok now, he did manage to login some how , do not know how :) Saeed
Phillip Minnis
(K=13131) - Comment Date 11/16/2007
It's now nearly one week, and I still haven't heard anything from Admin!. Phil Cohen, is there something you can do to get my daughter's membership up and running?
Phillip Minnis
(K=13131) - Comment Date 11/17/2007
Nearly another 24 hours has gone by, still no reply from Admin.
To daughter, Kate, signed up to join UseFilm just on a week ago. She received an e-mail stating that she was accepted, and was asked to choose a password. She chose a password, and then attempted to login using the e-mail address that was accepted by UF, and her password. Nearly one week later, and attempting many times, she still cannot login to the site. Thinking it might be a 'one-off' glitch in the system, she completed another application using another e-mail address. Once again, she was accepted, and she then lodged another password. Again, when she tried to login, the site did not recognise her as a member. She has tried many times over the last week, using both e-mail addresses, without success.
On her behalf, I lodged a number of posts in the forum, however, I've received no reply to any of those.
Is there any reason why Admin is not addressing this problem?
Phillip Minnis
(K=13131) - Comment Date 11/20/2007
It's now 9 days, and my daughter still cannot login to this site. Why isn't this matter being addressed? I've had no feedback from Admin about this. I even left a comment on one of Phil Cohen's photos to try to bring his attention to the problem.
Ronen Helman
(K=7393) - Comment Date 12/21/2007
for the past two days i'm uploading a photo (and delet it 3 times),when i log in, it exist in my portfolio but my friends can't see it.i had check in my neighbor computer and it's not there, it strange because i get comments and some other persons can see it. thanks
Ciprian Ilie
(K=13571) - Comment Date 1/1/2008
I keep getting this message when posting comments:-
Persits.MailSender.4 error '800a0005' There is not enough space on the disk. /functions/functions_Send_mail.asp, line 88
The comment does appear on the page, but I take it the mail function is not working.
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 1/1/2008
Other weird things happening with Comments as well. In some cases after clicking comment button I get an HTTP error page from browser that page is not available. Sometimes the comment "takes" and sometimes not. Also the comment text persists in the Comment box of other photos. --Thanks, Jan
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 1/1/2008
Other weird things happening with Comments as well. In some cases after clicking comment button I get an HTTP error page from browser that page is not available. Sometimes the comment "takes" and sometimes not. Also the comment text persists in the Comment box of other photos. --Thanks, Jan
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 1/1/2008
Other weird things happening with Comments as well. In some cases after clicking comment button I get an HTTP error page from browser that page is not available. Sometimes the comment "takes" and sometimes not. Also the comment text persists in the Comment box of other photos. --Thanks, Jan
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 1/2/2008
I think email alerts on comments is broken too!
Steffen Uhlmann
(K=760) - Comment Date 1/5/2008
Hi there, just noticed, that I picked 'Film Format' to 6x6 and adding the image, but that field is empty when I view the image. When I go to edit mode, the field does not exist any more. Is that a bug or a feature? ;) Steffen
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 1/5/2008
The film format should show up now, let me know if you are still having a problem. I will see why it is not in the edit forms when I get a chance.
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 1/8/2008
Phil-- USEFILM server certificate expired 1/4/08. This causes a cert error/warning in IE 6 and IE 7. You might want to renew cert. --Best regards, Jan
Dani Kimel
(K=801) - Comment Date 1/14/2008
If I try to view "Comments from ....." on anyones profile, I get this:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d' Type mismatch: 'RecordCount' /include/Show_Recent_Critiques_Include_3_full.asp, line 876
Bill Ballard
(K=-87) - Comment Date 1/16/2008
Don't know if this is a "bug" or not, but when i try to access the login page, my XP firewall (Windows XP Pro) issues a warning that the "site certificate is no longer valid or does not exist."
I then see all the dire warnings of what may happen if I choose to enter the site anyway - the sun won't rise tomorrow; global warming will fry us all; my identity will be not only be stolen, but may very wll be kidnapped and held for ransom; etc.
Anyone else see this?
Otherwise, I'm having no site problems whatsoever - besides the fact I need to update my portfolio, of course -
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 1/16/2008
Bill- See the thread at
--Best regards, Jan
Bill Ballard
(K=-87) - Comment Date 1/16/2008
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 1/17/2008
The SSL certificate has been renewed and installed. You should not see that problem again, at least for another year.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 1/18/2008
:) ;)
Doyle D. Chastain
(K=101119) - Comment Date 3/5/2008
I don't know if you got the e-mail I sent, but Maryanne Murillo has asked for help getting her donor status back on. I sent you the receipt (forwarded from her) and she's eager to get back into the swing of things. Can you check it out for her?
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Doyle D. Chastain
(K=101119) - Comment Date 3/14/2008
Not only has Maryanne's problem not been resolved . . . but now I see I may have a similar one. Although I already renewed my Donor status, I am still getting the warning e-mails to do so to keep my status!
Surely you can help with these issues. Marryanne and I both have receipts and can supply any needed information.
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Doyle D. Chastain
(K=101119) - Comment Date 3/19/2008
Now I am, like the others, a paid Donor who has been dropped. Anyone at the controls any longer?
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
bill smith
(K=5416) - Comment Date 3/21/2008
I am writing this for a friend who has payed his membership dues and can't get the features that all other donor's get. He has aked me to pass on this info because he can;t seem to find the right place or the right people that can help. His name is Dan Strimel and any suggestion whould really help, Thanks, Bill
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 3/21/2008
hey, you and AL still check these forum messages???
lots of paid donors,new and renews are not being recognized as donors
Dan s
(K=839) - Comment Date 3/21/2008
Mr. Cohen.. Are you one of the site administrators? I'm a donor and it doesn't show? I've sent numerous emails over the past several weeks, and as of yet no one has replied!
Thanks Dan blue64 :( :(
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 3/21/2008
Phil -- Have you seen all the threads and messages regarding locked out but paid-up donors? --Best wishes, Jan
Phillip Cohen
(K=10561) - Comment Date 3/23/2008
I will get Al to take care of it. I am out of town for another few days. Thanks for your patience.
Doyle D. Chastain
(K=101119) - Comment Date 3/26/2008
It's been months Phil . . .
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
jacques brisebois
(K=73883) - Comment Date 6/1/2008
I don't receive comments from my picture from 5 or 6 days now... they are on the site but not on my personnal e-mail adress, so I didn't reply to my friend... and didn't know why I suddenly stop to receive comments
jacques brisebois
(K=73883) - Comment Date 6/1/2008
by the way, you can write me at this is my reference e-mail to receive my comments... thanks for the help.
Bartosz Sobanek
(K=106) - Comment Date 6/23/2008
I've got a huge problem - I'm not able to change 'adult content' option... this is not a nude photography - it's jus a portrait. this photo is invisible in My Image Summary and My Award Summary view...
could you help me to solve this problem?
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 6/23/2008
Check your personal profile to make sure you gave yourself access to adult images. The option is SHOW ADULT IMAGES. This may be why you cannot see or correct your own image.
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 6/23/2008
PS: The categories you assigned it to are: Portrait People Glamour I can see the image.....
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 7/4/2008
Forum topic "" is advertising abuse. No pictures from the photog and post contains advertising.
AJ Miller
(K=49168) - Comment Date 7/15/2008
Hi Phil
Problem adding comments today. Each press of "add comment" resulted in an error message, though apparently the comment was sent each time. The image and error message can be found here:
AJ Miller
(K=49168) - Comment Date 7/16/2008
Hello again, Phil
This appears to have been resolved now. Could you perhaps remove all the duplicate comments from Roger's image (referenced in my previous post).
Thanks, AJ
Ekrem Özlü
(K=45) - Comment Date 8/1/2008
hi i've paid for a year of donor membership fee this morning at 04:00am,still i couldnt get my membership..and noone helps me about this subject..this is my tenth message about this subject,i also send mail but... help me pls...
Ekrem Özlü
(K=45) - Comment Date 8/1/2008
hi,im writing to you again and again. i've paid for one year donor membership fee of 25$ via paypal at 04.00 am last night. my membership has still not confirmed. And Noone gets any reply to me about this subject,if you do not reply this mail or do not activate my account,i will have to go to court and keep my right by legal ways. i have my payment details from paypal now, but i can not use my membership yet.what should i understand your this behaviour?.. for your information..
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 8/19/2008
Several forum posts by Vinny Lincon are selling items; this person has no posted photos and appears to have registered for sole purpose of selling equipment.
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 8/22/2008
Abuse -- there is a forum posting by Donald sample, selling equipment. He has no pictures posted on USEFILM.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
(K=127263) - Comment Date 12/8/2008
The most elementary "bug", or should I name it a "feature", is that UF seems to suffer a chronical problems when it comes to fulfilling its promises to people that donated. I keep on receiving emails and messages from the threads of people that still complain about still not having their membership a long time after they donated.
So, how can that happen? Which are the most probable causes for that problem? You know guys, all other bugs are technical but when people keep on waiting for ecer for something that you promise they will get for money, then it is not only a "small technical problem". It can also turn to a great (even disastrous) problem in front of the court, since it is a clear case of neglecting the duties of the seller. And you can name it "dination" but that dioesn't mean much in front of the law. I wouldn't like to see UF being shut down for that just because some overseen small problem brings such difficulties to monitoring and controlling payments. Of couse I ddon't know what systems exactly you use, but nowadays a payment processing should be really a piece of cake, shouldn't it?
The newest complaint tht I received was from Hakan Akirmak. He did donate but still he doesn't have the status of a donor. Maybe some of the guys at UF should check that?
And maybe, there should be really "some guys" at UF only for controlling and processing the donations. If this issue keeps on appearing again and again then this definitely means that more human resources are needed for that.
BTW, considering from the average time that it needs for the users to get an answer... how often does somebody sit right there at the consoles of the machines? Once in two months? Is that appropriate for a site that keeps on living from the money donated by the users?
(K=70138) - Comment Date 1/4/2009
Phil, Al, Jeroen, Chelsea or whoever is looking at things now, I have received an email from one of our donor members Srna Stankovic that she has been unable to log in to her account since December 28th. She has sent several emails to Al, but did not get an answer.
Kindly look into this.
Happy New Year ! Avi
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
(K=209486) - Comment Date 1/4/2009
hi avi..
also me i hvae the same problem but never answer is arrived by my mail!!!
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
(K=30599) - Comment Date 1/13/2009
replies to my critiques are not showing up in my critiques to me folder. How do I see replies now?
Srna Stankovic
(K=172232) - Comment Date 1/14/2009
Kindly thank you to Phil, Al, Jeroen, Chelsea or whoever is looking at things now and special thanks to Avi, my log in issue problem is resolved and so very much appreciated this is. Sincerely, Srna Stankovic
(K=70138) - Comment Date 1/14/2009
Thanks guys !
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
(K=209486) - Comment Date 1/14/2009
well.. maybe is right! ciao roby
(K=70138) - Comment Date 1/20/2009
Guys, we still have to sort out Andree's issue:
Pls look into this as early as possible.
thanks again ! Avi
Jan Hoffman
(K=39467) - Comment Date 1/21/2009
A forum post of advertisement from someone who has posted no pictures:
(K=70138) - Comment Date 1/26/2009
Guys, please sort out Andree's issue. this has been there for a LONG time now !
Kevin Straker
(K=-274) - Comment Date 1/30/2009
Hi folks,I joined the site about a month ago and no problems until this week. When i sent the link to a few friends they typed in my name in "find a member",but it showed there was "no photographer" under that name. Also,when i sent my profile link instead they sent a comment on the pics,but these have failed to show. Any ideas? Regards, Kevin
(K=70138) - Comment Date 2/3/2009
for the third time, Al, Phil, Jeroen, Chelsea, or whoever is at the helm, Andree Lerat's membership hasn't been renewed even after she paid, and sent several emails to Al. She hasn't got back her donor status:
Please look into this urgently !! There was a thread with her issue under the Donor Only forum, but for a few days, it has disappeared !
Saad Salem
(K=89003) - Comment Date 6/5/2009
Hi to all ,and who ever run this thread, you have to monitor the behaviors of some donated and/or non donated members,when they exceed the normal behavior and manners towards other members ,it constituent a real abuse to common accepted civilized behavior,for both the site and other members, IT IS REALLY MORE SERIOUS THAN A BUG. with my respect to all good behaviors,
Nick Karagiaouroglou
(K=127263) - Comment Date 7/21/2009
Saad, this is indeed a problem, but this thread is for rather "technical" issues. The monitoring of "bad behavior" is not so technical but rather a problem of "culture". And this refers to both "cultures", namely the attitude of the one that states something, and the attitude of the one that receives the statement. Such things are not solved using technology, at least the currently available technology. It needs cultivation of mental activity, and the guys of the UF really can't be hold responsible for that.
Roger Williams
(K=86139) - Comment Date 7/30/2009
The "search for photographer" function (from my portfolio page, anyway) does not find Matt Pritchard (ID 25128) although he has a couple of photos posted. I searched for him by name, and the "No photographer of that name" message appeared.
(K=70138) - Comment Date 9/29/2009
The front page is stuck for almost a week now. Please refresh !!
Roger Williams
(K=86139) - Comment Date 4/17/2010
Since yesterday uploads time out without completing.
Nigel Watts.
(K=5237) - Comment Date 5/23/2017
Hi ..
Not sure if it's a bug or not.. 3 emails send to me .. Staff choice Award ... thank you also for adding the award Then the second email Best in Project award ... for the same photograph ... VERY nice .. thank you again IO
5/22/2017 'orange background flower' Only 2 award appear ... The Featured Photographer and BIP
I guess the Featured Photographer award replaces the Staff Choice award ....
I don't know ?? ... thanks anyway for the Awards, I'm Very pleased
Nigel Watts.
(K=5237) - Comment Date 5/24/2017
Hi, The possible bug wording posted above
5/22/2017 'orange background flower' Only 2 award appear
Thanks for the award also and the other ones... and the comments
I can see the award appear on the Home page in the 'Staff Choice' BOX area ... But not on the image page .. only 2 awards shown ..
It didn't appear on the Staff choice 'only' web page.. Sometimes it take a day or so, to appear... It now appears on that page .. Today
Is that a 'bug' .... Three icon's ... Two Icons ??? only
Thanks - and for the awards also