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  Photography Forum: Nature Photography Forum: 
  Q. Ethics Question Raised By Insulting Comment

Asked by Eric Peterson    (K=4419) on 7/3/2005 
In response to a series of photos I posted yesterday I received what I can only take as a gratuitous insult, obviously questioning my ethics and integrity. I responded to the commenter but have not received a reply from him. As his comment has indirectly raised some ethical issues, could you please look at
and let me know if you feel he has a point, regardless of his insulting language, or if the photos in question are within the bounds of what is considered ethically acceptable by the photographic mainstream.
Eric Peterson


 Hector Navarro   (K=149) - Comment Date 7/3/2005
Eric, I checked the photos in question and did not find the situation objectionable at all. I mean: it's not like if you placed the insects in the water, they just were there.
While I enjoy sarcastic jokes & comments (without being insulting of course!) these forums are mainly for constructive criticism (or should be) in order to improve our craft.
Maybe a buddhist could find it objectionable material (as they consider everything holy), but then would not have fun waching you drown.

 Eric Peterson   (K=4419) - Comment Date 7/4/2005
Thanks Hector. That was more or less how I saw it. I was rather taken aback to receive such a harsh assessment of the photos and was curious how others might see it. To each his own I suppose.

 Peter Houtmeyers   (K=3519) - Comment Date 7/5/2005
Hello Erik. I have been following all the reply's and comments on your photo's aswell as the reply's in the donor forum and nature photography forum. Again you seem to place your pride above that of a living thing. It all seems a bit odd to me that you like to take photo's of insects for the esthetics and their beautifull colors. Butt after you have gotten your photo's there is no profit in saving these insects from drowning. It would have taken a few seconds to save them and there would be no harm done at all.I'am sure when you would have saved them your photo's would have looked 10X better than they look now. Maybe you would have feld better too, knowing you helped a living thing. What i am about to say is not adressed to your person, it is just my opinion and the way i see things. Mankind likes to think they have the right to capture,kill, and destroy all kinds of animals and other creatures in this world. Mankind is the only mammal that kills for pleasure or money. They use fire ,insecticides,chemicals to destroy all that does not fit their needs. Where did we get permission to kill millions of animals because they have a contagious desease. Do whe kill people because they have aids?( no we dont). Do whe kill our own kind for pleasure or sports? ( i think not) All the harm done to animals is mainly caused by human beings and not because we are hungry ,but because it brings us Money!!!!!! Infact all trouble on earth is connected to money.........why is it that there are still people hungry every day on earth?????? BECAUSE FEEDING THEM WOULD NOT BE PROFITABLE. I can not change the world.......but i can try to protect the animals and other creatures who are totally innocent. If my so called sarcastic insults have triggered a discussion about the values of all life i will do this again with other members too .

 Jeff Wilson   (K=53) - Comment Date 7/5/2005
Hey...being at the top of the food chain has its advantages!!! Just joking...stop taking everything so seriously. Some people believe as you do that all life is precious and should be preserved at all costs (even insects). Others believe that the animals were placed on earth to serve man. Who's right, who's wrong - it's not my place to say. All the guy wanted was a critique of the photo! Keep political/religious beliefs out of the forum, eg. "separation of Church and forum!!!!"

 Peter Houtmeyers   (K=3519) - Comment Date 7/5/2005
Hi Jeff. I did not start this thread. I'am just explaining my point of vieuw on this matter. I did not mention politics nor did i refur to religion. I gave this reply on his request!I have no respect what so ever for people who have no respect for life.

 Eric Peterson   (K=4419) - Comment Date 7/6/2005
Thank you for your reply. As I said the moth was saved. The hornet and horsefly did die. However, had I been able to they would have died outside the pool as well. Esthetics aside, where I live hornets are a major nuisance pest, especially with two small children, and I regularly spray my house and outbuildings for them and have put up several bat houses to keep the numbers down. I can not conceive of considering this a censurable act. As for the horseflies, I don't go out of my way looking for them, but any around the pool I will kill to allow the pool to be used in peace. I agree with you that killing just for pleasue is not ethical behavior, but there is a time and place where it is necessary and/or acceptable. I'm not sure what else to say as I have a strong feeling we are not going to come to a lot of common ground, but thank you for at least letting me know where you stand and where your criticism is coming from.

Marcus Armani
 Marcus Armani  Donor  (K=36599) - Comment Date 7/8/2005
Wow and I though the birders that only view birds through a telescope were bad when they have a fit if a shutter wakes a bird, and I am disturbing there natural sleep. This guy is a real piece of work, I clear our pool once a week and there are thousands of dead bugs, even a ocasonal small bird, Maybe you should watch the pool and make sure no bugs get in and if they do use CPR LOL, I left a comment, but when in a normal state of mind I probably would have ignored something so stupid, but we do all have our moments. when I took this shot
there was a guy watching and said the bird was going to die now cuz I made him drop his catch, I told him that I have seen these guys make a kill and get chased off by another bigger bird and make another right away, the field where he was is rodent infested anyway it did not end up well with me telling him maybe I should break my camera over his head and let the hawk comeback and peck his eys out, If I had to do it again I would have just laughed it off.
Take Care....

 Marilyn Nagy   (K=6008) - Comment Date 7/24/2005
Eric, My thoughts on this matter. I can't see what a drowning moth has to do with world hungry, altho I hear that chocolate covered bugs is a delicacy in some countries. I think even if you had saved the moth it would've died from the chlorine it swallowed. Now maybe you shouldn't put chlorine in the water and the bugs will all live? And next time I see a fly in a web about ready to be attacked by a spider what should I do? Is it survival of the fittest or save the fly??? Hmmm! Marilyn

Todd Wedgworth
 Todd Wedgworth   (K=3433) - Comment Date 7/19/2006
im guessing peter is a vegetarian...

Doyle D. Chastain
 Doyle D. Chastain  Donor  (K=101119) - Comment Date 7/20/2006
Just curious where PH draws the line. If Photographing a bug in the pool is bad . . . then photographing starving people in 3rd world countries (instead of selling the camera and film to buy food) is bad too? Filming an advertisement to raise money to feed people if you shoot starving people . . . good or bad?
And does one 'Play God'? Isn't all life valuable? Doesn't medication and steps taken to fight viral or bacteriological infections make one a Micro-cidal Maniac . . . killing literally millions of microscopic life forms just to make yourself feel better? Or do you get to choose that a flu virus is LESS worthy to God than a horsefly . . . killing millions of one . . . but saving the other?
Apparently National Geographic and documentary photographers are immoral and destined to live countless sleepless nights . . . and won't dignify this kind of thought with publication. Thank God for the World Wide Web where ALL thoughts can be expressed!!!
How does one eat with these views? Isn't a head of lettuce life??? Does one 'Play God' and choose that somehow . . . this form of life is GOOD . . . and can't be touched! This form . . . a cabbage . . . is USELESS . . . KILL IT! EAT IT!
Who do we think we are??

Doyle I <~~~~~

Jon O
 Jon O'Brien   (K=11321) - Comment Date 4/3/2007
I take great pleasure in stepping on ants, so will not post to this thread. LOL.


Doyle D. Chastain
 Doyle D. Chastain  Donor  (K=101119) - Comment Date 4/4/2007
You ANT-icidal maniac! LoL! Gutsy comment . . . but THEY have the numbers on you! ...and don't count on them to help YOU when you really need it, ok? (I myself practice Ahimsa . . . non-violence).

Doyle I <~~~~~

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