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  Photography Forum: Nature Photography Forum: 
  Q. How to capture Fog?

Asked by Jowie       (K=361) on 6/23/2006 
im new, and i was just wondering how fog can be captured? because it turns around really white?or is that normal? how would i go about in exposures? im working on a sony dsc-v1. is it possible?


Doyle D. Chastain
 Doyle D. Chastain  Donor  (K=101119) - Comment Date 6/26/2006
I shoot in fog on ocassion. . . the daytime fog and night-time fog vary and the results depend a great deal on the exposure setting you use--which in turn depends on the light permeating the fog. Problem is, light levels vary widely and must be considered anytime there is a change . . . and fog lit levels can change from minute to minute. I shoot in RAW to be safe and then I can tweak the f/stop a tad too. Bright fog (in daylight before the fog burns off) seems most challenging since the light source seems to come from everywhere at once. I cut down on the exposure which may make the subject a bit darker, but then I can convert the raw image into two images . . . one exposed for the lighting and the fog . . . the other exposed for the subject. After that, it's a simple matter of merging the two in layers during post editing. The isolation of overexposed white fog is extremely simple to do and eliminate . . . letting the well exposed fog appear. Hope this helps! :)

Doyle I <~~~~~

 john Cambece   (K=188) - Comment Date 7/3/2006
Fog is sick, i like to photoshop fog in sometimes


 Phills Photography   (K=145) - Comment Date 7/30/2006
john its allways better to get it in the camera tho

you just have to make the effert to get up early

 Stan Pustylnik   (K=6768) - Comment Date 8/11/2006
Same as other subjects. Use spot metering at foggy spot and use this exposure to capture whaever you wish.

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