Photography Forum: Nature Photography Forum: |
Q. Love those critiques!!!
 Asked by Charmian Vistaunet
(K=142) on 1/5/2006
Hello fellow photographers. I am fresh out of art school, graduated with a B.S. in Photography. I love primarily nature photography, and I would love to have as many comments and critiques on my work as possible...good OR bad!:)
I haven't uploaded hardly any stuff yet, but it is coming slowly and surely. I am also starting a series on nightlife, since my newest home is on the island of Oahu, where there is certainly an abundance of nightlife! I will be posting more when new photography is added to my site. I would love to hear from you all! Aloha!
 john Cambece
(K=188) - Comment Date 2/10/2006
 Chris Hunter
(K=25634) - Comment Date 2/10/2006
Hi Charmian, it will be good to have someone who has actively participated in serious critiques (as I'm sure you did in college) - we need as many people commenting with insightful comments as possible.
I will look forward to seeing meaningful constructive critiques from you, and I'll stop by your portfolio soon to give some as well.
Cheers, Chris
 Gayle's Eclectic Photos
(K=91109) - Comment Date 2/11/2006
hi,i guess i should say welcome back since i notice you first uploaded exactly one year ago on this very date! must have been quite busy as many of us often are...i also noticed that you only left 3 comments which were replies to comments on your own images... It works best for everyone involved here at UF to critique others images,too,and this will bring them to your portfolio...most of us are here to learn and feedback is one way of doing so... As Chris said,"I will look forward to seeing meaningful constructive critiques from you, and I'll stop by your portfolio soon to give some as well." Mahalo,gayle ;>
 Kambiz K
(K=37420) - Comment Date 2/18/2006
I used to live in the big Island of Howaii for a while. It is very interesting to take photos from different subject. If God put me again there, I use my Sigma 105 with my dear love, Minolta Dynax 7 and start taking macro of those lovely lush greens there. Of course those green mountain makes me to use my telephoto lense. Lucky you.