Martin .
{K:24957} 10/19/2005
Oh, that?s right, as I almost forgot. We are supposed to refer to your problem, as a back complication? Well then, when you get out of the sanitarium, (Oh, I ment traction @ the hospital) give me a shout.
My Best to You and Yours,
Marty ;p
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 10/18/2005
Thankyou so much for commenting on my photos Ozjan I apprecite it very much..Tracey
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 10/18/2005
Hey Marty good to hear from you, yes 98% of my cropping is done with the camara and the fuji only goes to f11 but my new 350d should blast this one (rebel XT)over your way..Havn'e done anything as yet hurt my back again so walking and sitting has been impossible I'll be back soon..no not back from the nut house..Lol take it easy ..Trace
Martin .
{K:24957} 10/18/2005
I love the sharpness, cropping, colors and textures regarding this wonderful capture. Although I would love to see this shot using a shutter speed of 1/125 @ f/16, which would focus more on his face? (Your DOF would be better) The position of the ears and oversized collar is the icing on the cake my friend?
You really have pushed this camera to its limit, IMHO? You seem to be cropping with the lens instead of PS on this 1, which is a great step in the right direction towards perfecting your Artwork? Did, I heard through the grapevine, that you might be getting a Rebel?
Now then, we must address your drinking problem! Not only do you smack your grandson, this poor defenseless puppy has a nose that looks like you took your husbands belt sander to the top of it? What is up with that?
Every close up photo you take with your immediate family involved the faces have red marks on them? I really thought your therapy was going better, than this? LMAO
My Best to You and Yours,
PS. Less is More!
 Just playing with the Color |
Martin .
{K:24957} 10/18/2005
I love the sharpness, cropping, colors and textures regarding this wonderful capture. Although I would love to see this shot using a shutter speed of 1/125 @ f/16, which would focus more on his face? (Your DOF would be better) The position of the ears and oversized collar is the icing on the cake my friend?
You really have pushed this camera to its limit, IMHO? You seem to be cropping with the lens instead of PS on this 1, which is a great step in the right direction towards perfecting your Artwork? Did, I heard through the grapevine, that you might be getting a Rebel?
Now then, we must address your drinking problem! Not only do you smack your grandson, this poor defenseless puppy has a nose that looks like you took your husbands belt sander to the top of it? What is up with that?
Every close up photo you take with your immediate family involved the faces have red marks on them? I really thought your therapy was going better, than this? LMAO
My Best to You and Yours,
PS. Less is More!
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 10/18/2005
Wonderful shot with a great tender sense. Cheers Tracey & 7+.
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 10/17/2005
Hi Kay and thankyou, yes he has a very non trusting look but he is very good..Tracey
Kay McIntire
{K:11787} 10/17/2005
This is so cute! What a great friend- he looks so sweet! I also love his name! He is keeping his eyes on you- never know what you'll do next! Love it, Tracey!
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 10/17/2005
i cani devono aver capito il gioco: è sono sempre pronti ad offrirti pose ed espressioni accattivanti. Devi avere un feeling particolare con loro....
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 10/17/2005
There you go with my soft spot again Trace! What a doll. He certainly does have an eye on you...they have a way, don't they? Very nice detail and color too.
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 10/16/2005
Thanks Darja appreciate your comment..tracey
Darja Stanke
{K:251} 10/16/2005
Just gorgeous Tracey! The positioning of the ears, paws, legs and collar - perfect! The change of ground with the grass is slightly distracting, but it doesn't really seem to matter as my eyes are drawn to the dog anyway. Lovely shiny coat. What a poser!! Good work :)