mimoza veliu
{K:481} 2/21/2006
nuk kisha idene ku te ndalem dhe te jap nje koment. ne fakt jo koment por nje pershtypje per fotografite e bukura. ckado qe te them me duket se do jete pak. shume pune e mire. urime.
Asdren Xërxa
{K:696} 2/2/2006
Petrit qkjo koka shum seksibilistike, pom pelqejn fotot en pergjithsi, moti jom tu lyp mos po shoh naj shqiptar qe fotografon modele, ja ku na pake qen, hehe tash do shoh koh mas kohe per foto te reja, shpresoi ma intime :)
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 10/17/2005
fantastic and atractive shot well done
Femke de Wit
{K:6020} 10/14/2005
I only read comments of the boys and I donn't agree with them. This could be a nice picture when the light is good, now the contrast is terrible. sorry but that's the way I think. Try to change something in Photoshop if you have this computerprogramm perhaps you can make it better. Sorry for my comment, Femke
antonio nullus
{K:8540} 10/14/2005
I agree with marco,a very sexy image. good.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/14/2005
an eternity since I come to your portfolio... 3 days. And 3 wonderful picture. Can't say all the good things I think about your model and your job. Very well done again.
Endre Novak
{K:12666} 10/13/2005
agree with abhra. Endre
arian mumxhiu
{K:960} 10/13/2005
shume foto e mire. veq edhe nora e qart. ariani
Arton Humolli (R-ton)
{K:1853} 10/13/2005
Shume poze e mire, drita eshte fantazi
Shume foto e mire
Lucas L
{K:12145} 10/13/2005
quite sexy work.
Joăo F * Photography
{K:41945} 10/13/2005
Dear Petrit excelent. J.
abhra aich
{K:8830} 10/13/2005
she is beautiful..
Marco Donatiello
{K:12147} 10/13/2005
Scatto molto sensuale e ben realizzato! originale il lavoro di postwork!