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View of Diablo Lake
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Image Title:  View of Diablo Lake
Favorites: 1 
 By: Kathy Hillard  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Kathy Hillard  Kathy Hillard {Karma:25721}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon S2 IS
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio Landscapes
Lens 6.0-72mm
Uploaded 8/11/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 509 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 25 Rating
/ 6 Ratings
Location City -  Diablo Lake
State -  WA
Country - United States   United States
About This was taken from an overlook above Diablo Lake. The color of the water is really is that color!
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There are 25 Comments in 1 Pages
Denis  Tangney   {K:-1255} 5/3/2006
Sublime landscape photo!! I adore the viewpoint from which you captured this awe-inspiring scene. The colors of the water are dazzingly beautiful. Well done


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 12/26/2005
Hi Missy,
I wasn't sure if I liked those random images at first, but I'm beginning to think it's pretty cool! Yes, that is the color of the water. It's pretty amazing! I guess it's because of some mineral that is in it. Thanks!


missy mullins missy mullins   {K:677} 12/25/2005
i saw this pic pop up on the side in the random images..thats really the water color?...i've never seen anything like it!..amazingggg..just gorgeous..:)


Matt Pals Matt Pals   {K:1722} 9/18/2005
About six years ago i stopped at this exact lookout without a camera. Its one of those views permanently etched in my mind. SO as im scrolling through your portfolio, it stood out as so familiar. Its a gorgeous area isnt it. I wonder how shooting this in early morning light would go...

thanks for sharing,


Greg Hawes   {K:866} 9/2/2005
Great capture Kathy! I love that lake's colour!




Klifton K.   {K:3386} 8/14/2005
Yeah, I thought about that later myself. Diablo dam = ross lake. hehe It confuses me too. ;) I've been on that lake a couple times, pretty choppy when I went out tho'


Sarah  Per Lee   {K:2477} 8/14/2005
Wow spectacular shot Kathy! Pretty, pretty landscape! Don't you just love our state?


Marcia . Marcia .   {K:16108} 8/12/2005
Fantastic!!! Wonderful view. Excellent capture.


Thank you very much for your comment.
Best wishes,


Michael van Beek   {K:545} 8/12/2005
This is one of the best I've seen of you. What an unbelievable beautiful picture, excellent composition, colors etc. 7+


ricardo longhi-frantz   {K:9628} 8/12/2005
marvelous scape Kathy! very well balanced and with lovely natural light. the colors are simply fabulous!


Darlene Boucher   {K:15739} 8/12/2005
Incredible Kathy! The color of the water is so beautiful and the whole image is just wonderful!


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 8/12/2005
My husband pointed out to me this morning that this is not, in fact, Lake Diablo! It's actually Ross Lake! Oops on my end this time! I might go in and change the name if I get around to it.
Love Your picture of Becky and the twins...and the one of Abbi grasping your hand is absolutely precious!


Klifton K.   {K:3386} 8/11/2005
Oops, forgot to say what I was going to say, regarding the lake's color... It's due to the sediment coming off the glaciers, that comes down Thunder Creek.


Carolyn Wiesbrock   {K:14051} 8/11/2005
The aqua color of the water is gorgous and I love the way the mountains sweep around it!


Klifton K.   {K:3386} 8/11/2005
Hey Kathy,
Yes, Twin Lakes is on the way to Baker's ski lodge. On your left (as you're on your way to the lodge), there is a snow removal equipment holding area on your left... big gravel lot with salt and gravel pits and lots of equipment... at the end of that lot, there's a small dirt road... take that up for around 8 miles or so (you will NEED a 4x4, year round), and you finally get to the top, there's a great lookout, and it's a great place to camp, most people don't know about it, that are visiting the state.

I tried to get there, last November, but about threw myself, my wife, and the rental truck off the side... So we didn't try to go much further (too much snow, hehe).

Yes, we'd ride from Hamilton to Winthrop, it was a grueling but fun time. Some would start from Sedro-Woolley (my hometown by the way), to Winthrop... But, too much flat riding for me. We'd also ride the STP every year. (Seattle to Portland in one day). The last year, I think we did it in just over 11 hours elapsed time. I was healthy back then, now it's hard enough for me to hold two 35mm cameras at a time. LOL.

Yes, Becky and the twins are doing very well.. Typical ups and downs, and total lack of sleep, but other than that, just fine! :)


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 8/11/2005
Thanks, Galal! I appreciate your time and kind words!


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 8/11/2005
I don't know why the water is that color Mike. I have been told that it's because of some mineral that is in it. At any's really something to see!
Thanks for your nice comments!
Regards, Kathy


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 8/11/2005
I'm thinking that Twin Lakes is on the way to Mt. Baker? I'm sure that my husband knows where that is. If my sister and I had more time on our hands we would make LOTS of side trips, but we have a catering business and the summer is our busiest time of the year.
So you biked from Hamilton to Winthrop? Not in a million years!!!! :) My husband and I used to go to Winthrop golfing at least a couple of times a year, but we took the car :)
Babies and Becky doing okay?


Klifton K.   {K:3386} 8/11/2005
LOL, Kathy! I have almost exactly that same shot, taken with the S1 IS... Only it was a bit more overcast when I was there. ;) I must send u some of my pics. hehe. My wife loved that tree, she took a few shots of it. One of my favorite pictures of my wife was taken at that overlook.

By the way, behind the power plant, there's a small dirt road you can go up. It's a bit of a journey, but it's well worth it, there are some BEAUTIFUL vantage points back in there. Expect some wear and tear on your vehicle though. :)

This time of year, I'll tell you where u need to go, Twin Lakes. Do you know where that is, and how to get there? :)


mike donovan mike donovan   {K:3698} 8/11/2005
What a beautiful place. Why is the water that colour?


timur basol   {K:5769} 8/11/2005
very nice.


Wez   Wez     {K:14339} 8/11/2005
What an awesome vantage point you found for the shot.
The colour of the water and its contrast against the greens of the forest is womderful.
Well done for managing to get the sky correctly exposed!


Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 8/11/2005
Nice...I'll vouch for the water color. Awesome. Nice comp on this one.


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 8/11/2005
Great angle , nice colors & composition , Best regards .



Sameh Odeh   {K:4717} 8/11/2005
Wonderful water color,amazing,worth to capture,
well done Kathy very nice shot.




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