Weston Dru
{K:3243} 3/30/2006
{K:26787} 2/16/2006
:))) Fabulous close-up!!!
Brianna West
{K:-18} 10/1/2005
My favorite so far
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 9/24/2005
Stunning! It's almost a portrait and an abstract! You have a wonderful portfolio! Regards, Ina
{K:5880} 9/20/2005
Odlican macro shot Melvudine:-)! Narocito mi se svidja vidljive "zjenice" na bogomoljki i lezeran pogled u stranu prema kameri. Hahaha, prava pozerica ;-). Odlicno!
basem samir
{K:62} 9/14/2005
waw great shot .....its reallly wonderfulll :)
Marcia .
{K:16108} 9/14/2005
Fantastic macro!! Perfect details, DOF and close of this insect. Loved it! :-) Congratulations!
Vasile Florin
{K:3003} 9/4/2005
This is great! Great macro and clarity! I never sow an insect like this in reality, but I heard that it is very dangerous for other insects. Cheers, Florin
Felix Gianfranco
{K:137} 8/30/2005
stupendous you are good with the macro
Colin Cartwright
{K:15699} 8/26/2005
Well done, Mevludin! The extreme clarity of this macro, is stunning. Love the simple, two main colours, of this image. Your minimal DOF, has isolated this creature's face, to prfection. 7
v p
{K:1352} 8/20/2005
Dobro svijetlo i super pozadina, mada ni motiv nije za baciti. Zamisljam nesto, zvono na vratima, ustajem se, otvorim vrata i ugledam ovu zivuljku kako vice "komsijaaa hoces na kafu", ima strava izraz :)
Guido Tweepenninckx
{K:20076} 8/18/2005
very nice on this background
Anunay Nayak
{K:2807} 8/12/2005
superb shot, looks like from an alien of a sci fi movie. good capture
Nedim Muhic
{K:14362} 8/12/2005
Sjajan makro i boje. Pozdrav, Nedim.
a a
{K:853} 8/12/2005
uh, ovo je sjajno :))))
matthew morgan
{K:1539} 8/12/2005
wow amazing macro
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 8/11/2005
Well done. Very sharp macro, excellent DOF. I love the green colour.
Imrana Kapetanovic
{K:975} 8/10/2005
Ismet Smajis
{K:6911} 8/10/2005
Odlican macro
Bosnia Photo
{K:3088} 8/10/2005
Ja posao u smokve a ona u grozdje, pa se sreli. Nosio aparat i bio malo brzi od nje (one su inace jako spore) i eto slike. Sreo sam usput jos nekoliko zanimljivih insekata, pa ces ih vidjeti narednih dana. Hvala za kompliment i srdacan pozdrav.
Ad Y
{K:165} 8/10/2005
Super... samo jos mozes li mi reci gdje nađe tu bogomoljku???
Mirza Durakovic
{K:789} 8/10/2005
sanjeev jain
{K:8763} 8/10/2005
very powerful look. not an ordinay meeting i must day.
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 8/10/2005
What a great shot of a Praying Mantis!!! Super DOF, details and clarity, excellent composition and good colors... well captured!!!
Bosnia Photo
{K:3088} 8/10/2005
Thank you Jim.
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 8/10/2005
Cool! A bug portrait. I like the color contrast of the green mantis against the blue background. How did you get it to pose like that ? :-)
Raphael Günther
{K:586} 8/10/2005
Nice portrait!
Erik Shea
{K:1600} 8/10/2005
That is great, looks like something out of the Movie ALIEN, and almost like he is smiling at you.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 8/10/2005
An exceptional macro, Mevludin! Very well done with great detail and colour. Dave.
Mohamed Ezz
{K:2170} 8/10/2005
fantastic shot.. and very hard 2 make it
Davide Contestabile
{K:4091} 8/10/2005
wonderful macro, congrats
Kay McIntire
{K:11787} 8/10/2005
Very nicely done! I was out trying to get a shot of one of these today too- mine didn't turn out nearly this good. Very good details here. Great!
Brian Smistek
{K:1062} 8/10/2005
Phenomenal macro of the Praying Mantis. Very well handled in every way, from color intensity to focus, clarity and composition. Bravo! B )