Hi Nicole, I think this is one of the most powerful series I've ever seen. It's wild - recognisable, with a mixture of ultimte freedom and depressiveness, if you see what I mean.
With the first image you asked us which one we would pick as the best image in this series, but I think that's besides the point; a good series is stronger and more powerful than the individual photos it's composed of. And that is, IMO the case here. Selecting a favourite would pull it out of it's sequence, disrupting the unity between the shots.
That was the spiritual explanation.
More realistically, I think it's very difficult to pick the best one, as they're al (almost) equally powerful and good. But also, all quite far removed from being perfect (photographically as well as aesthetically), and that's what makes them so strong, as it emphasises the mood and feel - it doesn't take a perfect photo to be a winner, I believe. I'm becoming more and more convinced the artistical merit of a photo or series is to be found within the mood and the feel of an image, sketching the story and narrative, and the technical quality is a subsidiary element or bonus. Hope this all makes sense...