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026. - Caffe
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Image Title:  026. - Caffe
Favorites: 3 
 By: metoni .  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer metoni .  metoni . {Karma:24727}
Project #23 Objects Camera Model Canon 350D
Categories Journalism
Still Life
Film Format
Portfolio vision
Lens Canon  18-55mm EFS f/3.5-5.6
Uploaded 7/2/2005 Film / Memory Type Kingston 512MB
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 2070 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 58 Rating
/ 23 Ratings
Location City -  Ulcinj
Country - Yugoslavia   Yugoslavia
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There are 58 Comments in 1 Pages
James Cook James Cook   {K:38068} 4/16/2010
Definitive. Well shot.


Lali . Lali .   {K:891} 1/26/2009
This is a real good image tightly cropped and just perfect sharpness....
Thanks for the comment on my picture Mentoni... i like your portfolio :)


Maja Š Maja Š   {K:17951} 7/10/2007
fakat predobra fotka..jednostavnog detalja iz svakodnevnog života..bravo majstore!


luis pereira luis pereira   {K:26013} 6/27/2007
Gee...why did you have to this to me? Now I'll have to go down to the portuguese bakery and have one of these. I can almost taste that beautiful coffee cream.


Christine Engel Christine Engel   {K:169} 4/16/2007
... I would like to have one ... please!!!!! ... it looks soooooo hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm :-) drink it and wake up ) 7+++++


Lars Dahlin Lars Dahlin   {K:610} 4/15/2007
Want me to get one too!!!!



José Ninguém José Ninguém   {K:602} 4/13/2007
Superb close up! DOF choice is great too. Congratulations on the BIP!

Best regards,


Mahboubeh Zare Mahboubeh Zare   {K:1201} 4/12/2007
very chik and beautiful.


Michalis P.S. Michalis P.S.   {K:10136} 4/10/2007
Excellent composition! Very good macro shot.
Well done,


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 12/23/2006
Vrlo neobicno.Dopada mi se
PS Cestitke na BIP


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 12/23/2006
Vrlo neobicno.Dopada mi se


Maja Š Maja Š   {K:17951} 12/14/2006
Metoni..ajde nam se (nama malima) pridruži na blogu s kojom fotkicom..
srdačan pozdrav,


Mohamed Tarief   {K:1141} 12/13/2006
Great Work
Perfect Shot, Perfect Cropping


Erik Neldner Erik Neldner   {K:10846} 8/24/2006
gorgeous image! the composition and reflection are sublime. makes me think about another trip to Europe!


Gianes Ma Gianes Ma   {K:26069} 8/22/2006
My congratulations for your portfolio. All very good works, of great quality.
Best Regards,


Davide Anzalone Davide Anzalone   {K:1375} 8/21/2006
great lighting, details, crop.
nice job!

thanx for your comment.




Apu Bandyopadhyay Apu Bandyopadhyay   {K:292} 5/26/2006
It is so beautiful still life, but why do you cut the upper edge og the cup .. ????


Robert Höhne   {K:4290} 5/16/2006
now I feel like a coffee, this is great.


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 5/8/2006
Amazing clarity !!!.. all the best my friend



Ivica Drusany   {K:467} 5/3/2006
Odlična. Dobra kompozicija, sviđa mi se crna pozadina, sve je dobro posloženo na tanjurić dođe mi da srknem gutljaj :-)
Cijeli portfolio ti je stvarno odličan i maštovit.


luis pereira luis pereira   {K:26013} 5/2/2006
It's a nasty day out there Metoni but this photo convinced me to get dressed and go to a near by portuguese bakery to drink a nice coffe. As far as you photograph - Perfect. Never seen anything so sharp and clear.


Wayne Harridge Wayne Harridge   {K:18292} 4/25/2006
Great shot, wonderful composition and perfect DOF.



Vjeko Kiš   {K:107} 2/13/2006
Prijatelju, ovo ti je strasna fotografija. Imam ja jednu slicnu po sadrzaju, ali to znas jer si mi ostavio komentar. Samo sto je ova tvoja lijepsa. Nije budala onaj koji ti je dao BIP.
Pozdrav iz Paga.


n white   {K:-636} 12/4/2005
Astonishing clarity and color and wonderful reflections. An enviable photograph! Congratulations!


nnnn nnnnn   {K:-89} 11/23/2005
Ma, ne znam koliko VAM je godina pa sam Vas ipak persirala!

sve najbolje VAM zelim


metoni . metoni .   {K:24727} 11/21/2005
Neznam za NJIH, ali JA ne bas mozda pokoja samo
Hvala na komentaru


nnnn nnnnn   {K:-89} 11/21/2005
super! Vi izgleda imate samo fotografije koje se mogu nagraditi.



Nick Rose   {K:52} 11/17/2005
Lovely. Absolutely lovely. The white on black with highlights of gold and silver is superb!


Lorena Palomba   {K:239} 11/16/2005
Sembra proprio buon questo caffè ;-)
Ottimo still life complimenti!



X Y X Y   {K:860} 11/6/2005
Pravo dobra, gotovo da osjetim miris kafe (odoh da napravim jednu esspreso :)


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 11/6/2005
Congrats on the BIP!!!!!!!!!
My best..........John
7 !


Hooshang Nahrvar   {K:1939} 11/4/2005
A Perfect Image & Cadre.thank you for your comment.good luck.h-n


Franco Giovanella Franco Giovanella   {K:132} 11/3/2005
Very clear work Metoni!!!
I like so much all your work!

Tahnks for the comment to.


Ivan Di Pietro   {K:1229} 11/2/2005
good work!!


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 10/22/2005
Wonderful, congrats, well deserved, Metoni, great details!


Reda Danaf   {K:14309} 10/20/2005
Stunning...BIP well deserved.


George Roukis   {K:209} 10/6/2005
I like it, love to see it in black and white as well.


Jean De Luc Jean De Luc   {K:148} 10/6/2005
da spot!
Quasi una foto da studio...complimenti


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 9/28/2005
Hello metoni, you have a great portfolio! I love this photo of the cup of coffee, the exposure and composition are perfect! I love the reflections in the cup and in the tea spoon, just superb! Greetings, Ina


Geza Farkas   {K:12412} 9/26/2005
Congratulation for BIP. Kakav sjajan krop. Ja se cesto ne usudjujem da tako drasticno seckam, valda mi zao piksela :-))).


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 9/25/2005
oh I see you like also coffee-shots like me :))

this is really my taste, excellent from the compo!

best regards, Pia


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 8/24/2005
Bella foto.

Vien voglia di bere un caffè.

Mooolto bella.



giorgio ruffinengo   {K:10623} 7/12/2005
so beautiful.
sure this an Espresso.... we can smell the flavour.
absolutely a great shot


Imrana Kapetanovic Imrana Kapetanovic   {K:975} 7/10/2005
Nije ni cudo sto je BIP :)


Marco Grandi   {K:16680} 7/10/2005
Uno still life con i fiocchi!!
La foto e' veramente tecnicamente riflesso sul cucchiaino e' da urlo!!:-)
Premio,decisamente meritato!


Elena Zabelina   {K:23212} 7/10/2005
Yes, it's EXCELLENT!!! Congratulation with BIP!
To my Favorites.
All the best,


Mirza Durakovic Mirza Durakovic   {K:789} 7/8/2005
cestitam na bipu. super cista i ostra slika, a i kafa izgleda ukusno :))


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 7/8/2005
perfect!!!!! a very well deserved award!!!!!congratulations
regards and many thanks for your kind comments


Darko Jovanovic Darko Jovanovic   {K:352} 7/8/2005
Prava dizajnerska fotka, stvarno je super! Nije dzabe BIP! Cestitke


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 7/8/2005
very nice.. love the composition.. good still life..congrats on the BIP


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 7/5/2005
So glad to see you got an award for this...very well done and congratulations...:):)linda


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 7/5/2005
bello still life, perfetto, pulito..


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 7/5/2005
Excellent, love this, perfect...very well done...:):)Linda


Toshi  Toshi    {K:11924} 7/3/2005
Great shot. I really like the crop on this. Nice work!


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 7/3/2005
great work perfect shot,, really perfect 7/7


Ellen Smith Ellen Smith   {K:14418} 7/3/2005
Perfect, beautiful still life. The colors are very rich I can almost smell the coffee. My mouth is starting to water.
Well done.


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 7/2/2005
quite wonderful details,
lovely shot indeed!


Daniele Berti   {K:452} 7/2/2005
Nice, but I think it would be more interesting if the coffee cup wouldn't be croped! ;)




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