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Strbacki Buk
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Image Title:  Strbacki Buk
Favorites: 0 
 By: Nedim Muhic  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Nedim Muhic  Nedim Muhic {Karma:14362}
Project #33 Pictures of Famous Places Camera Model Canon 300D
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Canon  28-135 mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM
Uploaded 6/3/2005 Film / Memory Type SanDisk 1GB ISO 100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 4050 Shutter 1/1000
Favorites Aperture f/16
Critiques 18 Rating
/ 9 Ratings
Location City -  Nearli Bihac
State - 
Country - Bosnia and Herzegovina   Bosnia and Herzegovina
About River Una, which forms the border between Croatia and Bosnia, provides excellent rafting conditions downstream of the 23,5 metre-high Strbacki buk waterfall, when the waters are running high, although the experience is somewhat less exciting when water levels fall.
The legend says that when the Roman legionaries, exhausted by the war and crushed with tire, reached the river Una, they were astonished by her beauty, and one of them, catching his breath, shouted: ?UNA!? (One and only).
And so arose the name which is still clearly describing the uniqueness of this river. Her emerald-green color is untransferable to painters? canvases, and all the poets? words are just the fading shadows of her beauty.
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There are 18 Comments in 1 Pages
Mitra Nademi-Nassari Mitra Nademi-Nassari   {K:28234} 7/5/2005


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 6/29/2005
Beautiful view, Nadim, well done!


Nedim Muhic Nedim Muhic   {K:14362} 6/27/2005
hvala za komentar.


v p   {K:1352} 6/16/2005
Pa ovo je sjano Nedime. Vrlo kvalitetna fotografija, dobro odabran ugao snimanja, a atmosfera je kao da stojim tamo i gledam (slusam) sve ovo. Ovaj mali fotopis super jos vise poboljsava ionako dobru fotografiju.


Dragan Grbic   {K:3} 6/11/2005
Excellent picture! I think the house is situated right next to the railroad (Una railroad) that goes along croatian side of Una.


Sulejman Omerbasic   {K:270} 6/9/2005
svidja mi se kompozicija, svijetlo fino al kao da je bilo malo oblacno
vidim odlucio si se za vecu brzinu i fino je ispalo
vrlo uspijesan rad


Ismet Smajis Ismet Smajis   {K:6911} 6/6/2005
Bravo Nedime
odlican snimak :)


Dubravko Grakalic   {K:25235} 6/5/2005
very nice landscape


orchid tropic   {K:5431} 6/5/2005
Zdravo Nedime..:)

Dugo se nismo suli...ali svakako ne zaboravili..:))
Ova carobna fotka sjetila me na cudesne slapove Krke i Plitvickih jezera, koje sam posjetila prije nekoliko godina....ali ovaj krajolik koji se vidi tvojom fotkom, mora da bude magican....krasna zelena boja sume i predivan slap i odlican ti je kut snimke....cestitam na radu!!!
Nadam se, da si dobro i zelim ti sve najbolje...:)
puno pozdrava iz Slovenije....prijateljica Orchid

magnificen shot, great colors and perfect view...congratulation - perfect landscape shot!!
best regards, friend Orchid


Andrej V   {K:6693} 6/4/2005
To ti je tako lepa priroda Nedim da mi ona kuca bas smeta....
Mozda i tropod, manji cas in vecji f, di dobio ono fino meglicu na vodi...
Ali u svakom slucajo odlicno. Bas volim kad nesto objavis!


a a a a   {K:853} 6/3/2005
Bravo Nedime, ovo je sjajno! Zao mi je sto nisam sliako sa ove pozicije, mislio sam da se puteljak zavrsava kod onih improviziranih klupa i ograde a ocito sam pogrijesio. Vrlo lijepo si opisao ovo mjesto i legendu o imenu Une.
Bravo stari moj, vidi se da je s ljubavlju uradjeno!


Jimmy Payne   {K:21163} 6/3/2005
Excellent photograpgy, Nedim. Wonderful composition of a really beautiful waterfall shot.

Regards, Jimmy


Burak Tanriover Burak Tanriover   {K:16610} 6/3/2005
very nice place to be ,well composed,I like also the natural best wishes


Haris Calkic Haris Calkic   {K:4908} 6/3/2005
Jako lijepo,nemam nijedne zamjerke
odlicna fotografija prelijepog mjesta
Svaka cast i na trudu da napises pricu koja stoji iza rijeke Une
Nikad nisam bio na Uni ali izgleda zaista lijepo
svaka cast



Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 6/3/2005
Nice perspective of the falls, is that actually a house on the edge.? The colors are beautiful and you have captured the waters movement perfectly. Alison


Etem Etem Etem Etem   {K:3551} 6/3/2005
Really great shot that shows all beauty of the river,waterfall and area around.Great!!!

P.S.Nedime i ja u zadnje vrijeme slabo navratim u UF ali i slabo fotografisem od kako sam se vratio iz Sarajeva.Ali valjda cu doci sebi.Vidimo se!


Bakir Brkanic Bakir Brkanic   {K:2160} 6/3/2005
Odavno imam zelju da odem na Unu, nadam se da je i u stvarnosti ovako lijepo kao sto si ti prikazao ovom fotofrafijom, odlicna kompozicija, prekrasan rad, svaka cast.

"About" ti je odlican :)

Puno pozdrava,


Geza Farkas   {K:12412} 6/3/2005
Beautiful story and shot :-). proputovao sam dosta od stare Juge ali tu nisam bio. deluje mi da civilizacija jos nije dotakla tu lepotu :-).




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