Igor Sivjakov
{K:4671} 8/25/2005
Amere slazem se sa onim sto moja supruga rece! A sada cu ja da dodam... Za mene je ova slika BP, i medju best na cijelom UF. Ja ti ne mogu opisati kako mi se svidja!!!!! Svi elementi! Mogao bih je danima gledati a da mi ne dosadi! Carobno!!!!!! :) Super, Igor
Senka Paunovic
{K:527} 8/25/2005
model i polje ovdje ne bi bili ovako divi jedno bez drugog. SUPER!
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 7/15/2005
Splendid :-).
Sulejman Omerbasic
{K:270} 6/9/2005
red baronica!
super ispalo
Rolf Rock
{K:2964} 6/5/2005
this is so a good a fresh image. very well composed. Gratulations nice flower image too, have not seen in the past such a good one Best greetings Rolf
 Thanks |
Massimo Mulas
{K:1536} 6/4/2005
Colors & freedom, great shot
Nedim Muhic
{K:14362} 6/3/2005
Dama u crvenom u oba smisla. Bravo!!! Nedim.
{K:30945} 5/30/2005
I love it. freedom and spring. great one dragi Amere! Pusica, B:)liana
Humayun Rizwan
{K:3235} 5/28/2005
Wonderful shot Amer. Beautiful poppy field and u captured it very well
Robert Lloyd
{K:9943} 5/28/2005
great capture love the poppies and the smile of the lady ..
marmur-Marek Urbanski
{K:2307} 5/28/2005
What a colour! Very nice - congrats Amer
Maziar Mokhtari
{K:357} 5/28/2005
che bella compositzione,bravo,,,,
Alessandra Frediani
{K:2445} 5/28/2005
beautiful photo.. happy, colored, vivacious,.... Compliments Alessandra
Evelyn Nilsen
{K:3756} 5/28/2005
Was the poppy-red outfit brought along in anticipation? Makes a great shot! Super color and composition. Evelyn
Allen Aisenstein
{K:5652} 5/28/2005
Wow! What a lovely shot. Great composition, color, and an interesting subject. Well-planned photo. Excellent work.
Guido Tweepenninckx
{K:20076} 5/28/2005
nice choice on the dress
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 5/28/2005
beautiful picture with beautiful composition,regards
Gennaro Guarino
{K:12372} 5/28/2005
beautiful shot.