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S k u g g b i l d
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Image Title:  S k u g g b i l d
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 By: Jeanette Hägglund  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Jeanette Hägglund  Jeanette Hägglund {Karma:59855}
Project #44 Shadows Camera Model Nikon Coolpix 4500
Categories Abstracts
Still Life
Film Format
Portfolio Colour Abstracts
Lens Nikkor
Uploaded 5/22/2005 Film / Memory Type Sandisk
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 836 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 60 Rating
/ 17 Ratings
Location City -  Uppsala
State - 
Country - Sweden   Sweden
About This time i choose not to translate the meaning, becuase, in swedish it has a double meaning when written like this and i really thinking symbolic here - so!

SORRY all friends, but i can?t make any comments...even though i have ADSL it takes too long time to post a single comment! I will come back later ;))))

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There are 60 Comments in 1 Pages
Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 6/3/2005
io questa non la avevo commentata, sorry, ma adesso io posso tornare!
questa mattina io ho ancora qualche minuto di tempo!

the shadow seems of the hand is fantastic for the opposition of the part already in shadow! very well catched..
hugs and wonderful day


Real Gone Real Gone   {K:-3747} 6/2/2005
excellent shot.


Mik Teige   {K:2311} 5/29/2005
Beautifully done. Thank you for comment. Mik


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 5/27/2005
Inventive, gorgeous. One of my favs. Antonia


Bea Friedli   {K:10189} 5/26/2005
ooooooooo..I love this one !! excellent Jeanette !
I've been away and looks like I missed alot !
love your work !


Mark Sherman   {K:15669} 5/26/2005
showing the human in the elemental lines. Cool.


Clifton Mair Clifton Mair   {K:363} 5/26/2005
Great, I can feel and think of this one in different ways on different days depending on what mood I'm in :)


Gianes Ma Gianes Ma   {K:26069} 5/26/2005
Good composition and optimal tonalities.



Hanggan Situmorang Hanggan Situmorang   {K:37833} 5/26/2005
Great shadows and colors, Jeanette. Very sweet composition.


Maria Fredriksson   {K:397} 5/26/2005
nice simplicity....................................


NN  NN     {K:26787} 5/25/2005
I see this more as a "help" sign than "stop" :) Lovely light/colours ...


Larissa Nazarova Larissa Nazarova   {K:12118} 5/25/2005
My first impression- i like it. I think it's more important, then theoretical part.
My regards, Larissa


B:)liana    {K:30945} 5/25/2005
My favorites from your serie dear Jeanette. You have a wonderful long fingers :):):)


Bradley Prue Bradley Prue   {K:30678} 5/25/2005
The act of reaching, longing, wanting.... is critical to our creative process. And to our emotional/passionate selves.

To show this through your photographs, ALONG with you unmistakeable style, is remarkable! Wonderful style, my friend.. ..Brad


Omar Rifaat   {K:10141} 5/24/2005
Scary!!! Yet beautiful too!
I love the idea and simple yet powerful result


Mitchell Miller   {K:3009} 5/24/2005
very cool!!



Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 5/24/2005
No i don?t, but i have to check him out, thanks for mention Claude!



Dirck DuFlon   {K:35779} 5/24/2005
Carlos already said exactly what I was going to say - sexy and spooky! An obviously femenine hand, but the mind asks: why is it stretching out in the shadows? Is there something devious going on? Amazing, Jeanette! (I'm running out of superlatives to use for your work!! :)


Claude Renault Claude Renault   {K:1357} 5/24/2005
nice shadows.. beautoful Blue.. Do you know the painter Yves Klein? it's a favorite of mine..


emily savva   {K:21113} 5/24/2005
terror in the playground ;)!!!! despite the bright blue color that is usually calming, here it is the perfect canvas to increase the threatening feel of the approaching shadow-hand... love how the nails are naturally distorted and merge with the fingers creating a prolonged otherwordly hand... half eaten already by the shadow, the hand renounce that darkness hasn?t spoke the last word!!! very intense and always innovatively composed abstract... great work my friend... hugs... emy :)

PS: i forgot to mention it in my previous comment but i absolutely ADORE your new bio pic!!!! beautiful~


Davide Contestabile Davide Contestabile   {K:4091} 5/24/2005
wonderful photo, stunning color
congrats for your portfolio


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 5/24/2005
Excellent composition Jeanette!!
Very beautiful color and shadows!
Best regards!


Laurie Gould   {K:11942} 5/24/2005
I love the colors and shapes. Great work with shadows. :)


Lalage     {K:2412} 5/23/2005
Powerful image, elegant colours.


andree lerat andree lerat   {K:17476} 5/23/2005
Very nice abstract. Love the color and the shadows. Regards, Andree


Ann Texter   {K:10064} 5/23/2005
it's a very delicate image! nice! :)


Gaja Snover   {K:4462} 5/23/2005
wonderful. Love the color and the lines. a little creepy almost!


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 5/23/2005
Yes Carlos, it was someting like that i had in mind! Thanks ;)



m.c. lopez   {K:14766} 5/23/2005
great - something of Nosferatu here again !


Carlos     {K:12969} 5/23/2005
a definite vampiristic character about this one Jeanette! ? A very attractive cool blue hand - sexy and spooky, simultaneously ;-)?



- -   {K:6282} 5/23/2005
Ja det är servern, eller nån annan flaskhals på vägen. Trögt här också.


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 5/23/2005
Tackar Hansi! Kul att du fick de associationerna, för det var ditåt jag tänkte mig ;)

Jag måste fråga, hur går det att sända kommentarer för dig? För mig kan det ta 5 min att de ska gå iväg....trots att jag har ADSL. Har du liknande problem? UF har ju problem med servern och de pratar om dålig hastighet, kan det vara det. Det är så tröttsamt!!!!



- -   {K:6282} 5/23/2005
huva, nosferatu i lekparken - men på ett vansinnigt snyggt sätt


Subhash Sen Subhash Sen   {K:11931} 5/23/2005
Beautiful again ,cheers,subhash.


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 5/23/2005
Ciao Janette
splendida opera!... decisamente di gran gusto artistico!


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 5/23/2005
Thanks Michele!



April . April .   {K:4832} 5/23/2005
i love your creative mind, excellent work again.. congrats!!


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 5/23/2005
Thankyou Arwa :)



Francesco Martini   {K:12249} 5/23/2005
simplle..and very beautiful abstract!!!


vito lentini   {K:13130} 5/23/2005
nice shadow in nice color,ciao vito+++++


ventrix drogo ventrix drogo   {K:65398} 5/23/2005
Very good shot. Great shadow!! Pretty blu tones. I like it.


ventrix (enrico)


lavendu ...   {K:4882} 5/23/2005
your hand as a shadow on the blue will not frighten me. it's beautiful. but I can't guess the symbolic meaning.


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 5/23/2005
Beautiful shadow abstract Jeanette
love it
many thanks for so nice comment "pleasant view 2"
My best regards


Michele Berti   {K:14921} 5/23/2005
very creative work! love the simple palette
take care


Francisco N-G   {K:28728} 5/23/2005
Beautiful shadows, colours and all. Great composition and shapes.

Love it!



Raf D   {K:9223} 5/23/2005
Absolutely AMAZING!!! One bold colour and amazing shadow work, you make it look so easy, great talent Jeannette -- Kind regards, Rafael


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 5/23/2005
Ok, the meaning has to do with shadow!



Girish Chonkar   {K:6903} 5/23/2005
Nice abstract and scaryy too. But I am not able to understand any one of the meanings for the swedish title used here.


Nour El Refai Nour El Refai   {K:12481} 5/22/2005
it is wonderful, much simplicity, but what makes it excellent is its ambiguity and enigmatic feeling, well done


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 5/22/2005
Interesting composition/idea here.. =) I like it!

Patrick J


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 5/22/2005
Muy hermosa, se intuye que la sombra es una mano y eso le da un toque misterioso.


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 5/22/2005
blue shadows now this is something special!
fantastic work from the queen of abstracts!! keep up the good work Jeanette ;)


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 5/22/2005
Yutaka, the double meaning are similar - yes :)



Fethi Mağara   {K:671} 5/22/2005


Onur Özbakan Onur Özbakan   {K:16763} 5/22/2005
shadowy :)


Todd Miller   {K:16464} 5/22/2005
excellent shot Jeanette...these colors feel a bit more Swedish to me than some of your recent playground shots.


Davide Bressanello Davide Bressanello   {K:3103} 5/22/2005
as always, your geometry are respect, and the colour give to this shot something more, even the shadow :-)


Yutaka Itinose Yutaka Itinose   {K:22586} 5/22/2005
Elegant shadow work dear Jeanette,antagonistic double meaning or similar one?


Onur Özbakan Onur Özbakan   {K:16763} 5/22/2005


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 5/22/2005
Great image Jeanette , Brilliant composition , regards





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