Brian Pepper
{K:18} 4/20/2005
No problem. I decided to play around with this past wedding and stray a little away from the traditional style. What i have found is photographers can afford to do this because its really hard for someone to be upset with their photos. They understand that photographers are artists and they are paying you so matter what you do they say "Hey it must be a good photo since its what he does for a living"
Matt Pals
{K:1722} 4/19/2005
Reminds me of a pre-game huddle - last minute pointers. I really like the angle. good stuff. matt
Shelly N Alexander
{K:1451} 4/19/2005
I have a wedding I have to do soon and it was nice to see your style of editing. Thank you for posting.
Brian Pepper
{K:18} 4/19/2005
I did not plan on the soft color and contrast..the original had tons of color.When creating the album I did a saturation deduction in PS
Passoni Luca
{K:637} 4/19/2005
I toni sono tenui e danno un sapore unico al momento. Buona anche la disposizione degli elementi nel fotogramma. Concordo con Shelly per la profonditą di campo: sono gli edifici sullo sfondo a dare un po' fastidio (mio gusto personale).
Shelly N Alexander
{K:1451} 4/19/2005
I like this one. Did you plan this one to be soft on the color and contrast. Well done. I like the cropping and image placement. Lighting is good but could use a little depth of field to blow out the buildings and plants in the background.