Oguz Uydu
{K:-37} 2/8/2006
Erol Hoca unutulmaması gereken birisi. Onunla ilgili bir anma filmi hazırladım, ekim ayında gosterimi yapıldı. seninde gormeni cok isterim.
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 6/24/2005
thanks, kiarang............
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 6/24/2005
thanks, olga........
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 6/24/2005
tesekkurler, dilek........
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 6/19/2005
Interesting and different shot, bravo!
Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 5/20/2005
!!Very touching.I am sorry.
{K:399} 5/20/2005
Mulkiye'de okudum ben. Iletisim kampus kardesimiz... Fotograf cok dokunakli olmus. Boyle ugurlandigina gore cok kiymetli bir hoca olmali. Basimiz sagolsun...
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/26/2005
tesekkurler, emrah..
emrah soylemez
{K:577} 3/26/2005
basınız sagolsun...guzel bir dusunce ve incelik ve sanatcilik
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/26/2005
saol berilcim..
.. ...
{K:6642} 3/24/2005
ogrencisi olmus omamis hepimizin basi sagolsun..cok guzel 1hareket ugurcum..
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/23/2005
tesekkur ederim, siz sagolun..
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/23/2005
thanks, p..
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 3/23/2005
bu sekilde ugurlaman ince bir davranis.basiniz sagolsun.
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/22/2005
tesekkurler merve..
{K:17069} 3/22/2005
Great tribute. i am sure he won't be forgotten.
{K:-287} 3/22/2005
Erol Hocayi kaybetmenin acisini inan ben de derinden yasadim ve gunler sonra bu fotografla karsilasmak sarsici oldu.Fotograf icin tebrik ediyorum seni,ozlem ve huznun icten bir birlesimi olmus
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/21/2005
thanks, alison..
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 3/21/2005
How sad to have lost someone who has contributed to and was loved by so many, you have done a nice job in a simple yet strong tribute above. Alison
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/17/2005
thanks, Cheryl..
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/17/2005
thanks, marian..
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/17/2005
thanks, Tiffany..
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/17/2005
thanks, Karel..
Cheryl Ogle
{K:24494} 3/17/2005
Ugur, I am so sorry for your loss. It is so rare that a professor/teacher to make such a huge impact on their students. I am sure he is in a good place and happy with his contribution in life to see such emotion from those he touched. I am glad you were able to have him in your life - he made a difference. I love your tribute. Well done.
Marian Man
{K:80636} 3/13/2005
a creative emotion full image!!!! great dedication dear Ugur!!! very kind of you.... best regards Marian
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 3/12/2005
Very powerful moving photo. My condolences. You've honored him well.
{K:3499} 3/12/2005
My condolances. But not for the photo here i have to say bravo! Original well captured and great color style.
Regards KArel
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/12/2005
eywallah, hocam..
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/12/2005
thanks, marcio..
bilkentli frodo
{K:70} 3/12/2005
yuregine saglik...
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 3/12/2005
Dramatic ,emotional ... and very creative work Ugur! Great homage to Erol , he will be happy
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/10/2005
thanks, marco..
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/10/2005
thanks, andre..
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 3/10/2005
Great dedication... Marco.
André Bermak
{K:14443} 3/10/2005
Excelente homenagem.Ótimo trabalho!!!!!
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/9/2005
thanks, corrie..
CorrieLynn Jacobsen
{K:9882} 3/9/2005
Very original portrait, with a very heart touching story.:( Its really good to take pictures like this, to remind others of what they have lost.
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/9/2005
Serafettin Akbalik
{K:2155} 3/9/2005
Basiniz sagolsun.
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 3/9/2005
I won't forget him.
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