Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 2/15/2005
nice image... looks like something I would take :) love the lighting and the mood of the image.. good perspective of the tree.. the wide angle almost looks like a fisheye.. nicely seen and captured.. good work
Davide Contestabile
{K:4091} 2/14/2005
bellissimo punto di ripresa
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 2/14/2005
This is so pretty, I have put it in my favorites. I love the forground tree as a natural frame and then the colors and reflections throughout the picture. Alison
Francesco Martini
{K:12249} 2/14/2005
una bella e suggestiva foto!!! bene quell'albero in primo piano che da' profondita' alla scena!!
José Vasconcelos Dias
{K:9341} 2/14/2005
Very good foto! Great angle. Congrats
{K:30983} 2/14/2005
Proprio vero. Dal basso ha un'aria che sovrasta minacciosamente;-)
Paola LL
{K:2382} 2/14/2005
Very beautiful
Vlad Sournine
{K:2397} 2/14/2005
It's second photo (what I see) in this session. And this photo beautiful to! Great shot! Very soft color and nice mood (|near spring" ;) Sorry for bad english ;)
Ahmad Kamal
{K:1217} 2/14/2005
waaaooooo...wonderful capture,timing and prespective...keep going and good luck