City - Boise State - IDAHO Country - United States
This image was inspired by a portrait photography class I took in college. It's beautiful because it captures a brief moment in time. As the subject relaxes between shots you can see just a glimpse of true character, which I was lucky to capture. The angles/balance of lights and darks are very complimentary to the piece.
thanks for kind words, well I'm not so into photoshop, i have Photoshop 5 installed without any plug-ins.. My Minolta allows playing with colours of images.. for example "Standing alone" was capturet with Vivid colour mode at Iso64, high contrast and soft sharpening.. In PS I've jus pressed Auto Levels and noise reduction with Neat image and that's result I'm glad you liked my portofolio regards
Glad to hear you liked my photo "Brian". I was looking through some of your posted images and I really like your sense of perspective! I'm also curious about your coloring techniques. You must be pretty proficient with Photoshop! Like the style!
I lvoe it! the wide-angle distortion works well here. Great expression too. Interesting how the door is angled to the camera, but the subject (Brian) appears standing straight with the frame! Great shot.