ed lawson
{K:896} 1/31/2005
Geez what a kerfuffle we got here. Here's my opinion for what it's worth: most of you need to chill out some. With this particular shot, I think you've done a good job Pat. I mean, most people envy the number of views and comments you get. The jealousy is pretty clear. Maybe some people are too 'right on' to appreciate a portfolio that dips into the realms of porn. The problem is that most people don't get many people 'viewing' their work, as it's nothing special (I include my stuff in that category), and your pictures are attracting lots of attention. To my mind, a good piece of 'art' is one that creates a RESPONSE. Good art should shock you, or make you feel SOMETHING. Hence Damian Hurst, Tracy Emin, Warhol, Picasso etc etc into history. You should be happy that you've kicked off a debate rather than fading into nothingness. There's nothing wrong with being provocative. I doubted whether I should put the picture in my portfolio of the obese lady paddling. Not pretty, no permission, but more views and commments than most of my other stuff. Good. You could level the same criticisms at me there. Don't let this shti get you down. It makes it interesting, and be glad to wind up your critics. Keep up the excellent work, and keep entertaining the troops. Cheers, Ed
Ray Heath
{K:4559} 1/30/2005
what is your intent? what if any is the concept? couldn't you get a real woman to pose for you? do you only relate to glamorous/high maintenance/self absorbed types?
hey why don't steal an image of one your usual models and display that with an unstated though obvious distain
Shane Brown
{K:1831} 1/28/2005
Okay, now after reading everyone else's comments, I'm going to say a little more..lol.I don't really see the harm. Now if there had been a mean spirited title or something like that, well, that is another story. But I don't think Ppdix meant anything raunchy (and we all know he is plenty capable of raunchy IF that is what he was going for) by it. However, should she find this photo somehow, and be offended...the only right thing to do Pat is to give her a freebe and make her look as hot as we know you can! LOL Can I get an amen?! Shane=)
Shane Brown
{K:1831} 1/28/2005
she's gonna be hate'n ya. lol!
Robert Stokes
{K:4509} 1/27/2005
Well I just think it's a damn shame that a twelve year old is out running around with a 1D Mark II, 20D and now a Sony Ericson P910i cell phone, making photos of beautiful and sometimes,god help us all, naked women, and being paid for all this chicanery. The end is near Mr. dix ;-) ;-o ;-D
Q Zhang
{K:3946} 1/25/2005
"We only learn when we listen, and not when we talk."
Not really. The process of formulating thoughts and transfering that into speech can be quite a learning experience. You seem to have kicked up a hornets nest, mon ami. Interesting in a lot of ways though.
Shelley Pierce
{K:388} 1/22/2005
How did u get her to agree to this??? Ur pic is hilarious and all ur own. I like the title.
W. Paul Rosenberry
{K:1729} 1/22/2005
Some people just don't get it and cry their way out. If this keeps up, "use film" will change it's name to "use ppdix for a punching bag". What is the problem with posting photos of friends and aquaintences. Great job, I use my Sony Clie PDA for the exact same thing....posts coming soon....
Lucas L
{K:12145} 1/21/2005
ehehehe...cute diferent type of model my friend!!!!
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 1/21/2005
change of pace pat...well done quirky and spontaneous
{K:17069} 1/21/2005
OK fair enough Venicia, you're welcome to judge. What can I say to bring you a smile? I've changed the title for you, but remember my only intention was to share this special person with everyone here.
Venicia L
{K:196} 1/21/2005
"Maybe the title was stupid but then again I can do whatever the hell I want here and nobody has any right to judge me for it. Wrong or right."
So there we have it. A man of principle and integrity. God, how I love men who think they can "do whatever the hell they want."
OK Patrick. No you can't. And judging you for what you do here is exactly what everybody here DOES have the right to do.
You showed her the picture, did you? And she loved it, did she? Yeah, RIGHT! Did you show her the posting here?
In your own few words you have revealed more of your shallowness and lack of respect for another than all of the criticism those of us who have negatively reacted could possibly do.
When you finally do get slapped down for having your yucks at someone else's expense (and little man, oh will you) there may not be enough left to put back together.
{K:17069} 1/21/2005
We only learn when we listen, and not when we talk.
In this case, we only learn when we read, not when we type.
You missed my previous reply. I already showed her the photo and she was thrilled. Maybe the title was stupid but then again I can do whatever the hell I want here and nobody has any right to judge me for it. Wrong or right.
And by the way, naked or half naked women is not ALL i do. I have more versatility than you can see and I am very proud of my work and don't really need anyone to put it down.
So thanx very much for your comment, Venicia.
Venicia L
{K:196} 1/21/2005
Unfortunately Patrick,
You don't seem to understand that this image is mean-spirited. It pokes fun at her. There really is no way around that. The title is the meanest part.
This is not the Internet? Whaat? And I'm not typing this on a computer keyboard!
The fact that you are sure she will never see this image says it all. Why don't you want her to see it? Do you hope that your other "models" will never see what you post here? Of course not.
The fact that you have talent as a photographer of near-naked and naked young women and that others give you kudos for that is really irrelevent. Don't let it all go to your head. Let's see if you have the nads to admit you have seriously erred here. An apology would be the proper thing to do.
M *
{K:2614} 1/20/2005
I am taking it personally!!! well not really I dont take anything on this site personally I think its all fun and I like to play devils advocate and so forth.
son of sam.
{K:17069} 1/20/2005
I wasn't referring to you in particular, but if u want to take it personally, it's up to you.
Have a nice one
M *
{K:2614} 1/20/2005
Maybe people attack you because you have a HUGE ego and think you are the biggest person in the world why dose it seem you always droping the fact that you make money from you photos and everyone wants to be photographed by you and you make yourself out to be a saint just because you talk to a check out lady that NO ONE else will talk to, do you stand there all day and watch to see if other people talk to her , I doubt it with your busy schedule. Maybe you should have named it something else and then you wouldn't get people critizing you. And just because people disagree with you dosnt mean they are loosers or have no life. I for one am a loser with nothing to do but that dosnt mean the other people are.
susan darcey
{K:601} 1/20/2005
yes um I know all this cause I used to be a check out person, and really it isnt all that a bad job.
{K:17069} 1/20/2005
Hugo, controversy should be my middle name.
It seems that lately my "enemy's" list has grown.
But so has my Friends list. So far I have 395 friends on my list. That's not bad for about 1 year in UseFilm.
I like the controversy though.
It's a lot of fun. The best part is the losers that claim that they don't like you, but can't stop talking about you... It is sad to see people that don't have a life and feel the desperate need to attack you just to pass the time and bring some excitement into their own lives...
Oh well. I am gonna keep doing what I do. It makes me happy, makes me money and I hope that I inspire a lot of people to become successful in photography.
Cheers, my friend
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/20/2005
More than the photo, I love reading through the discussion you've triggered with this shot. Nothing wrong with a controversial image or story behind it:)
{K:17069} 1/20/2005
Susan. I am not trying to go out with her or anything like that. I am just being nice to her because no one else seems to.
It doesn't take much to just say hi in a nice way and talk about trivial things for 2 minutes. It probably makes her day go by faster and it's nice to call a check out chick by her name and her to remember yours.
Cheers Su
susan darcey
{K:601} 1/20/2005
this is probaly why they have now banned mobile phones at beaches and gyms and changes room here in australia for this reason, I really hope u like her, and you not trying to tease her. I think going out with someone that takes photos of naked and half naked women all day wouldnt be a nice thing. but me being a lady I would love to have the oppotunities to shoot the models you shoot.
{K:17069} 1/20/2005
Read the comment I left for Irma
{K:17069} 1/20/2005
Maybe I just paid attention to her for a change...
{K:17069} 1/20/2005
Well Irma... I don't hear, I listen. Always.
I talk to her every time i go shopping for as much as the line at the supermarket allows. Maybe she didn't know I took her picture but as of yesterday, she does. I showed it to her and she was sooo excited.
I know she is not hot for me. i am not implying that. I was just stressing the fact that she is so shy and that nobody else but me cares to even look at her eyes and talk to her while shopping, therefore she doesn't know how to react, gets nervous and blushes. Natural reaction.
And, no, don't despair! I am not trading my 1D Mark II and 20D for a camera phone. I just can't take a 4-pound camera in my pocket.
I saw your portfolio and u are extremely talented. Just wandering if the girl in the portraits is you...
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 1/20/2005
Good for you Irma and Michael. Patrick seems to not "get" proper, civilized behavior. The very rude, crude, totally out of line "flipped out" behavior that was exhibited the other night on someone else's Portfolio (not mine) show' pp's true colors. Since you're "Man - Always" be a man and share what you did with your hard core fans. A lot of us just found it purely disgusting and in the poorest of poor taste. BTW. You'll be VERY lucky if the woman in this shot was to be your future wife. What's this shot? an Attempt at damage control for those of us who know what when on? Sorry, doesn't work - Mark
Irma Vep
{K:1480} 1/20/2005
Maybe her voice is hard to hear because you don't listen closely. Some people blush involuntarily, it does not mean she is hot for you. Just wanted to share my thoughts with you. Perhaps you should pop the question first before telling all your friends. What if she says no? You will be disappointed and embarassed.
I hope you have not traded in the rest of your gear for a camera phone -- goodbye to the smooth as silk skin your photos depend on. It's sad and I'll miss that!
{K:17069} 1/20/2005
I am not joking.
I only said nice things about her.
I could have said some stupid remarks but she doesn't deserve it.
M *
{K:2614} 1/20/2005
technically this is the internet it's just a website on the internet and just because she wont see it dosnt mean you should make a joke about her.. but I guess as long as you only do it behind her back its ok.
{K:17069} 1/20/2005
This is not the "internet"... This is an exclusive site for photographers.
The odds on her seeing this photo are probably 1 in 200000000
I always tell her she is very sweet and nice though. She is.
M *
{K:2614} 1/20/2005
Yes taking a photo of someone and then posting it on the internet is always a good thing to do to help someones self esteem as long as they dont know about it.
.. ...
{K:6642} 1/19/2005
that happens everytime:)i think i have a problem:)i was just saying good things about you..
{K:17069} 1/19/2005
Sorry, Beril. I didn't understand your comment...
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 1/19/2005
Good on you for making her feel special. I hope this helps to bring her confidence up a bit. Well done.
{K:17069} 1/19/2005
That's what I do.
.. ...
{K:6642} 1/19/2005
it's not ethical,i thought at first but you're not mean at all..
p e t a .
{K:18700} 1/19/2005
This makes me feel a little sad. Poor Liz, it cant be fun being a checkout chick. I hope you give her smiles and make her feel good.
{K:17069} 1/19/2005
U got it Rona. Nothing wrong with that...
M *
{K:2614} 1/19/2005
that explains everything.
{K:17069} 1/19/2005
No, 12
Rona K **
{K:2375} 1/19/2005
LOL! You are a brat! LOL! I love it. Nothing wrong with being silly every now and then so everyone needs to take a chill pill.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/19/2005
and large you pat have rendered a great gift to Elizabeth.. this.. and you are a great man!
e tu grande pat hai reso un grande regalo a Elizabeth.. questo .. e tu sei un grande uomo! non si è accorta.. ;-)
Mark O'Brien
{K:1050} 1/19/2005
Maybe she's been lookin' at your pics on UF...
M *
{K:2614} 1/19/2005
are you 13?
- -
{K:10510} 1/19/2005
{K:17069} 1/19/2005
She doesn't know I took it. I was on the phone with someone and pretended to keep talking... eheheh
Rona K **
{K:2375} 1/19/2005
Your a brat! lol My question is, did she care that you took the pic? You know you could probably bring out that shyness in her if you could get het to take some "nice" shots for you. Thanks for sharing, its cool!