City - Roberts Creek State - BRITISH COLUMBIA Country - Canada
The TexMex band Los Nacos entertain at the Roberts Creek (British Columbia) 2004 Halloween Ball at the RC Royal Legion. This ambient light photo has been altered digitally for contrast, sharpness and color. Great music, some really fine costumes and alot of fun!
OK, thanks for the comment, Mark. As a way of explaining why I did use sharpening and color enhancement, the picture was hand-held under artificial light, and there was resulting camera movement. The sharpening diminished that, and the original color was an ugly orange. I, and the band members, enjoyed the blue tint better than the orange. I appreciate where you are coming from, though -- a more purist point of view. Thanks again.
-- Buddy
The original picture of Los Nacos, straight outta the camera, except for resizing to fit UseFilm's criteria.