City - broomfield State - COLORADO Country - United States
storms roll in kinda quick around here, i was photographing the sunset not 10 minutes earlier when i turned to my left and saw this storm. i tried to capture some lightning with the digital, so sorry for the digital noise!!!! other than that im pleased with this photo, could do with out that dumb electrical line in the picture though!!!!
actually i have got some great long exposures with little to no noise from the 20D, have you tried using the cam in AV mode to adjust the shutter speed auto and let you set what apurture you wish??? i also find that say im trying to shoot the moon, ill put it on partial metering mode and let the camera do the metering then put the cam on AV mode and switch the apurture to what value i want and either step up stops for brighter values or step down stops for darker values... dont know if that makes sense or not??, good luck, im in love with the 20D, its attached to my right hand i feel like!!!!!
phil swanson any questions you have let me know, ill try and help out as much as possible
Kelly {K:20268} 3/5/2005
hey excellent work... it's time 's like this you wish you had all the expert oh well we are only ameatures and we enjoy it so much.... this lighning strike is incredible, it gives you such a buzz afterwards doesn't it.... have you mastered taking pictures in the dim light yet with the 20D?... i am having so much trouble trying to adjust the apeture in this situation