Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 6/25/2004
Carmem Hurray - hope you are not fed up with me by now! I found your message and image was in psd not jpeg so am trying one final time. Margaret
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 6/23/2004
You are not alone in your social documentary: see the also excellent http://www.usefilm.com/image/433177.html (and there are others in his portfolio)
Saudacoes, Angelo.
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 6/23/2004
Excellent shot! It seemed that both the child and man are thinking of something different. Cheers Carmem for such a lovely shot.
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 6/23/2004
I see nothing wrong in this street picture.In my mind, a street picture could not be, must not be perfect.Perfect is against of the good.A studio photo must be perfect.But in the street, situation, mood,climate is what matters and all is there.Keep going, Carmem. Regards jorge
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 6/23/2004
Hi!...Carmem: Excellent Social Photograph!...Nicely produced Picture!...I agree Must with Angelo's Comment!
Murilo Rafael de Souza
{K:19577} 6/23/2004
Oi Carmem! Interessante este seu lado social para fotografia, mas... apesar de ser um tema interessante e apesar de ser uma boa foto, eu sou partidário do Didonet! Particularmente o tema não me agrada, principalmente depois de uma "Central do Brasil" onde nossa pobreza foi explorada e exposta ao máximo (isto é, já saturou, e nada melhorou)! Mas claro, este é o "meu ponto de vista". Mesmo assim, parabéns pela foto, sem dúvida foi um bom momento!
[] Murilo
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 6/23/2004
tive oportunidade de assistir a algumas destas cenas ao vivo aí no Brasil...é um país cheio de contraste de facto...mas também vi muito cara como este aqui com uma cara de felicidade...vivendo bem a vi..com o "pouco material" que tem ... mas achei interessante estas suas mostras de realidades diferentes... beijinhos
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 6/23/2004
Fantastic capture. Superb colour and sharpness. His eyes are sad I think. You have captured lost in thought as his son plays totally unaware of the troubles that appear to be in his father's eyes. Very emotional shot Carmem.
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 6/22/2004
I am going to reply in English this time, as your description is also in English. Hope you don't mind. Since there is a social comentary here, I will try to chip in on that, too.
I like the photo: man and son enjoying each other's company on a sunny Sunday morning. The kid is happy and comfortable. His daddy is with him. To me, it looks like they are both "daydreaming together".
Their connection works as they are both sitting on the bench, they are facing the same way, just relaxing.
This photo could in fact have been taken in Europe, or in the US. It is almos placeless. (In fact, the man's hat is advert for a US movie, "T2", with Arnie Schwarzenegger, another "benefit" of globalization)
The man's clothes are clean, his moustache is well groomed, his son is well-clothed.
There may have been something at the time that indicated his sadness. (I don't see it in his face) Or his drunkenness. But I cannot see it in the photo. He may just be tired from a whole week of long hard work. We don't know... Yet he is taking time to be with his son.
So I guess that's it, I just get a different feeling from this excellent photo than the one you gave.
That's the peculiar power of photographs. There may have been something that happened just before, or just after, that reinforces your perspective. There may have been a smell of alcohol in the air. But without the smell, the noise, in the absence of other inputs, I just get a cosy "father and son" feeling from this.
I am looking forward to the next in the series.
Kind regards, Angelo.
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 6/22/2004
Excellent Carmem, the saturation and dark tones work well with this image. Although the highlights are a little overexposed, I think it works perfectly with this image, and gives the father a unique quality. Nice work,
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 6/22/2004
Sorry.. I'm expecting a image.... Cheers, Margaret! Carmem
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 6/22/2004
Excelente trabajo y reportaje Carmem. 7+
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 6/22/2004
Amazing shot!!Beautiful scene!!Great tones and play lights. Regards
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 6/22/2004
Carmem Thanks for welcoming me back, still sorting through Canada/Alaska shots hope to find some reasonable ones. This image is very good, and is a good illustration, you have captured the scene very well. I have twiddled with it, very quickly, hope you don't mind. But it is such a good photo, see what you think Margaret
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 6/22/2004
excellent photo and very nice lyrics thanks for sharing Riny
Paulo Machado
{K:4482} 6/22/2004
Bonita foto com boa luz. Até os tons meio escuros combina com a clima da foto. Muito bom o contraste entre o pai e filho.
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 6/22/2004
Mood is nice, and the main actors look in the right direction =) nice one, Carmem. Take care, Thilo
Salvo Valenti
{K:17038} 6/22/2004
ottima rappresentazione, molto bella, complimenti ciao salvo
Di Ciuccio Maurizio
{K:57398} 6/22/2004
gostei muito er todo...magnific shot..luce e colore in un chiaro scuro fantastico..mia favorita parabens carmen..a presto
{K:30945} 6/22/2004
Lovely scene dear Carmem! Love their look! Kisses, Biliana
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 6/22/2004
This is just fantastic image, great social image, very impressive of two generations, the light is perfect, super idea, Saeed
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 6/22/2004
hello my dear.. a magnific shot nice and emotive! a masterpiece hugs roby 7+
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 6/22/2004
David the original color were very close to this... but I like darker and saturated images... you don?t, I know! Thank you my friend! Carmem
David McClenaghan
{K:9481} 6/22/2004
Hi Carmem Nice shot and another very sad story. Not sure if the attached is much help but I have tweaked it in Photoshop.
André Bermak
{K:14443} 6/22/2004
Excelente registro e protesto!!!!Certo domingo fui numa cidade-satélite,daqui de Brasília e o que me chamou mais atenção foi a quantidade de pipas no céu.Refleti na hora"Caramba a galera não tem lazer nenhum....".Nada nem quadra de esportes,praças ou parque para seu lazer.A unica alternativa era soltar pipa e ainda por cima com serol.....Se você quer lazer tem que pagar,o mundinho "escroto"(desculpe).Bem se vc tiver tempo aqui em Brasília eu recomendo dar uma passada de uns quatro dias no parque nacional Chapada dos Veadeiros.Essa é a melhor epoca para ir......
{K:42404} 6/22/2004
CArmen: me parece una excelente fotografia muy bien lograda, el manejo de luces y sombras es muy bueno. felicitaciones querida amiga. PD: sobre esa triste realidad, es la que se vive tanto en paises como los nuestros como en los mas "desarrollados", eso es lamentablemente lo que hace el uso excesivo de alcohol y drogas, el resultado es desastroso. Recibe un fuerte abrazo de Bety y mio
John Orban
{K:725} 6/22/2004
I'm glad to see some social commentary in the photos at this site. Nice job!
Felipe Souza
{K:1499} 6/22/2004
Legall Carmem... quando li o titulo tambem lembrei da musica...
Eduardo Didonet
{K:-409} 6/22/2004
Gostei! Apesar de nao gostar de fazer esse tipo de foto por ser triste (mas isso eh papo p/ outro dia), estah muito bonita.
Parabens, Eduardo
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 6/22/2004
Voce retrata muito bem as pessoas.. que beleza de iluminação !!
Edu Guedes
{K:3541} 6/22/2004
Linda imagem Carmem ! Gostei muito da luz lateral. Parabéns.
Claudia Sachs
{K:1467} 6/22/2004
Simples e linda :) Parabens! []'s
Rodrigo Bari
{K:285} 6/22/2004
Que retrato fantastico Carmem!!! Otima composicao, adorei a luz e principalmente o momento!!!! Bjos!