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Image Title:  Sunrise
Favorites: 26 
 By: Chelsea Burke  
  Copyright ©2002

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Photographer  Chelsea Burke {Karma:5750}
Project N/A Camera Model Minolta 7000i
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Lens  
Uploaded 12/4/2002 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 9784 Shutter
Favorites 26  Aperture f/0
Critiques 114 Rating Critique Only Image
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About Another view of sunrise on the lake.
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There are 114 Comments in 1 Pages
神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 1/1/2010
'PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE DAY' to start off this New Year and a very well deserved 'Award' indeed which beautifully represents you and your entire Portfolio ... Congratulations Chelsea!

P.S. Please allow me to make this image a 'Solid 25' Favorite ...


神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 11/21/2009
Aloha Chelsea,

This is really an absolute 'Placid' image if I may say so and very well deserving of the Awards received. The only thing I would work on is the 'Title' if you know what I mean, but then again it would be up to the 'Purchaser' to name it whatever they want just as long as they place an order ...

So many 'Favorites' at 24 so I will sincerely make it '25' ...

With the very Best of Regards,

~Sunset Man~


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 11/20/2009
Absolutely amazing Chelsea !!!
Congratulations on double awards !!!
Best wishes :)
ps: so beautiful, serene, captivating and of high quality !!!


atalay karacaorenli atalay karacaorenli   {K:1557} 11/20/2009
An amazing scenery.
A tender picture full of meanings.
Well done.


derin deniz derin deniz   {K:3544} 10/3/2009
nature and amazing colours,best wishes,mine


derin deniz derin deniz   {K:3544} 1/21/2009
ı like colour


Greg Panayiotou   {K:303} 6/23/2008
Excellent composition and colour!



Ehdae  (Abullha AL Hazza)   {K:4725} 9/30/2007


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 5/20/2007
A dream, Chelsea!:) Congratulations!:)


Maurizio Massetti Maurizio Massetti   {K:30463} 5/7/2006
Excellent composition!


Tracey Main Tracey Main   {K:7290} 6/21/2005
This is a fantastic capture 10+++ love the colors.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/21/2005
Very beautiful indeed Chelsea. Congratulations on both the award and the front page.



Hani Ghayhab   {K:3723} 6/21/2005


Engy Farahat Engy Farahat   {K:11591} 6/21/2005
What an amazing sunrise!! wonderful colors.
and beautiful mist, adds a beautiful feeling to the scene. It's brilliant composition Chelsea.
congratulations on EC award.



FERDINAND DOTREMONT   {K:6612} 6/21/2005
Spectacular lighting, very well done. A magnificent photo.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 6/21/2005
it's wonderful.. best congrats for today POD!


Laurie Gould   {K:11942} 6/21/2005
Beautiful! I love the purple and pink hues. The reflection on the water is also wonderful. Congratualtions on the award--well deserved! :)


Guido Fulgenzi   {K:6076} 6/21/2005
just beautiful,congrats.!!



Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 6/21/2005


Murat Koray Tanrisever   {K:92} 1/12/2005
dreamy :) loved the colors and the reflection


NN  NN     {K:26787} 3/10/2004
I have no words ...


Annika Ekebert   {K:1741} 2/22/2004
Nice composition and really wonderful misty light.
A very good naturephoto. Exellent!


Natalie Papadopoulos   {K:5247} 1/19/2004
beautiful colours and mood..


Glenn R. McGloughlin   {K:3716} 1/19/2004
Truly spectacular, the pastel hues are perfect. The mist and even the branches reflection are out of this world. Very good "Editors Choice"


Raja Oloan Tumanggor   {K:631} 1/19/2004
Beautiful image. Well done. Regards. Raja Oloan.


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 1/19/2004
Very very nice, Chelsea. Glad I wasn't up this early but I am sure it was worth the effort. Beautiful!


ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 1/19/2004
Another HEAVENLY view of sunrise on the lake....

About your comment on my Adrianna picture. You were the closest one so far to guess her age. She is in fact 50 but looks like 35 in person. I couldn't believe it when she told me. She doesn't have a stretch mark in her body and has a 23 year old son. Amazing. I hope I look half as good when i am her age.


ppdix says 7


Cary Shaffer   {K:9269} 1/19/2004
Congratulations Chelsea, this award is well deserved. The scene is absolutely unforgettable, I will see it in my sleep!


danny lovin   {K:681} 1/19/2004
one word. wow!


Lisa Benson   {K:55} 1/19/2004
All been said already - this is just superb!


Govert Nieuwland Govert Nieuwland   {K:674} 1/19/2004
stunning picture. what a great purple and pink colours. very spooky!


B:)liana    {K:30945} 1/19/2004
Very beautiful capture. bravo. Congratulations, Biliana


Daniel Taylor   {K:3495} 1/19/2004
I can't think of anything I would change or which might improve the shot. The composition is perfect, the tonality and color just awesome. A very beautiful image. Very good work on your part.


Natta Leonard   {K:1206} 1/19/2004
Great picture, Chelsea.


Monis Bangi   {K:166} 1/4/2004
the colors and the feel is magical. the problem is there is no dynamic tension in the image. i think a vertical format would work best coupled with a wide angle sweep of the scene. But the colors are just fabulous.


Shone Rowley   {K:56} 1/4/2004
I love purple, that makes this image easy to fall in love with. I love the mystic feel.


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 12/19/2003
Chelesa, congratulations


peter ryan   {K:36} 12/19/2003
lovely shot chelsea,nice portfolio too


Ari O   {K:990} 12/19/2003
Chelsea, it's an honor to share Usefilm's main page space with your wonderful photo!

Regards - Gary


Herianus Madjid   {K:1488} 12/19/2003
Beautiful Captured.....
I feel the mysty morning im my PC.


Alan Orr   {K:9671} 12/19/2003
Very nice image Chelsea, the tree limbs in the water add to the shot, adding reflection to an otherwise colorful misty photo. See it pays to get up early.


Harry Eggens Harry Eggens   {K:14804} 12/19/2003
Congratulations Chelsea for being Editor's choice again today with this wonderful moody scene....Best regards Harry


Helna    {K:820} 12/19/2003
Such a beautiful moment!


Muzaffer KURTOGLU   {K:4149} 12/5/2003
Perfect frame and light condition. Good color tones. Regards.


Patrick (Washington, DC)   {K:339} 12/2/2003
Very nice, nearly flawless.


Konstantin Yudintsev   {K:3253} 12/2/2003
Flawless! Piece of Art!

I join the crowd.


Stacey Galipeau   {K:14} 12/2/2003
Excellent photo..Would make a great cover page


Fred Fleming   {K:112} 12/2/2003
Great shot! I am a big fan of landscape shots especially ones with water in them. The picture is very soothing.


Peggy Christine Skinner Peggy Christine Skinner   {K:26936} 12/2/2003
Simply ethereal!!


Kristi Simmons   {K:94} 12/2/2003
I love everything about this picture!!


Ian Crean   {K:14866} 12/2/2003
Chelsea, you hardly need another comment or rating,but you deserve them! Very beautiful image, the discrete curved reflections of the branches, the sensational light and subtle colours. Certainly makes me think about what I would like to do.


Phil M Phil M   {K:11526} 12/2/2003
Magnificent tones and softness.


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 12/2/2003
excllent photo.. love the colors and the mood


Rus Alexandru   {K:416} 12/2/2003
Awsome shot...
I bet you had to wake up real early to cahtch that.


ANTONIO SILVA   {K:1143} 12/2/2003


Domenico Pescosolido   {K:10022} 12/2/2003
Very intensive and excellent composition


Harry Eggens Harry Eggens   {K:14804} 12/2/2003
Very beautiful scene. Wonderful color tones, silhouettes and reflections of the branches in the water. Excellent work Chelsea....Best regards Harry


Marcio Cabral   {K:12496} 11/7/2003
Excellent shot!! Congrats!!!


JL E JL E   {K:9693} 11/7/2003
Excellent photo! I like it so much.


Anna    {K:2994} 7/31/2003
Congratulations to "Editor?s choice" and to this wonderful pic!


Patricia Eifel   {K:5097} 7/31/2003
Congratulations! A wonderful image with the repeating forms on the left and right and beautiful color. Well deserved EC!


Karen Siebert   {K:12076} 7/31/2003
A stunningly beautiful sunrise. Very well deserving of Editors Choice. Beautiful pastel tones. GREAT!


Karen Siebert   {K:12076} 7/31/2003
Beautiful shot!!! Well deserving of editors choice. Love the pastel tone. Great job. Like many I am adding to my favorites.


Igor L.   {K:7432} 7/31/2003
Excellent shot!


Luke Luther   {K:14693} 7/31/2003
congratulations on EC. great composition that includes all the super elements to make a fantastic image. i like this one because of the mmody lighting and the fog. i like this becasue of the zen-like quality of the subject matter. it is nice seeing an image where everything is not purposely razor sharp but still very well defined. and i like giving kudos to Minolta kindred spirit.


Christian Stocker Christian Stocker   {K:3143} 7/31/2003
Beautiful shot & colours! Great mood!


andrew chessman   {K:27} 7/31/2003
Beautiful shot


Joksa Juoperi   {K:13473} 7/30/2003
Great peaceful shot.
Nice lighting, colours and reflection.
Regards, Joksa.


Stephen Rogers Stephen Rogers   {K:3370} 7/13/2003
Just Smashing!!!! This falls in the WOW group. Nice capture.


G C   {K:12204} 7/3/2003
Wow, wonderful image, I like everything about it. Great comp with the close up on the water, very sensual with the fog on the water. Just excellent. Fun chatting with you. Cheers!


Christian Stocker Christian Stocker   {K:3143} 6/27/2003
Beautiful picture


CJ Kitts   {K:1607} 6/27/2003
Great lighting.


Brad Buskey   {K:419} 6/27/2003
Love the color and softness on this. The fog looks cotton-like. Personally, I wish the sun were shining a bit more, but that cant be fixed on this image.


Günter Koth   {K:13841} 6/27/2003
Incredible tones and light, Chelsea. Wonderful composition with a great atmosphere. My congratulations on this EC. Regards, Günter.


cinzia gregorutti   {K:4721} 6/27/2003
wonderful mixture of colours, strange and beautiful light and good reflex!


Evy Johansen   {K:667} 5/28/2003
This is really a great image! Congratulations, well deserved! - Evy


ROBERT G. DAVIS   {K:708} 5/28/2003
The magic is here ....Awesome ....I like the colors too....


Beverly Gustafson   {K:1572} 5/28/2003
I don't know how I missed this one. So peaceful and serene, I can almost hear the quiet. Beautiful Chelsea, a very well deserved EC! Congratulations!!


Diana Cornelissen   {K:26437} 5/28/2003
Hello Chelsea.
Wow, this really is a great photograph... such a beautiful lightning and coloring. It gives the viewer a feeling of serenity. Well done!


Naren Kunhody   {K:1339} 5/28/2003
Good colors and dreamlike effect..
Very nice..


Tracy Woodger-Broz   {K:220} 5/28/2003
Absolutely beautiful! Did you use a special filter for this shot?


Peter F   {K:96} 5/28/2003
very intresting fogging an lights
sharp like a razors edge
i like it, very


Pete Pantsari   {K:4196} 5/28/2003
This is gorgeous Chelsea. The color is outstanding and you can't tell where the water ends and the horizon begins. Excellent composition and overall presentation. Exceptional work.


Cristian Chitaru   {K:286} 5/28/2003
Great composition and light! Congrats!


Ed Babcock   {K:651} 5/28/2003
Wonderful Color and Composition!


Chiara Trincheri   {K:1156} 5/28/2003
Wonderful! Great light!


Kimberly Fisher   {K:482} 5/23/2003
Awesome shot. So peaceful.


Berenice Kauffmann Abud (AFIAP/2004)   {K:3147} 4/30/2003


Barbara Hawkins   {K:1605} 4/30/2003
Beautiful shot..


pepita blu   {K:5935} 4/28/2003


T Glow   {K:14955} 4/21/2003
great choice... this is wonderful! regards,T.


Bill McCord   {K:269} 4/21/2003
If you look, the branches with the reflections look like 2 fish, heads faceing to the left swiming in the water.... Great job on the EC award! (and great photograph too.

Bill McCord


Ross Mckinnon   {K:1172} 4/21/2003
I can see why the editor choose this superb shot, the mood is simply fantastic. There is a surreal feeling to this photo, just need a monster poking out the water to finish it off. Wonderful result, regards, Ross.


Amygio chen   {K:263} 4/21/2003
Beautiful,I love this shot!!!


Aiman Nassar   {K:11961} 3/29/2003
Wonderful and magical scene... I love it


Bourrut Vincent   {K:57} 3/21/2003
Excellent color and atmosphere !


ARMINDO LOPES   {K:2436} 3/19/2003
This pic has depth, enough sharpness, nice colors and a good mood due to the mist atmosphere.


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 3/19/2003
Excellent composition.Very nice colours and tones also.This is magical shot.Congrats!


Kelly Pater Kelly Pater   {K:615} 3/9/2003
WOW... such beautiful colours. So serene


Stefano Jemma   {K:853} 3/4/2003
great photo, excellent pastel tones.


GJ Noni   {K:992} 2/20/2003
Great photo Chelsea. Was a filter used or color adjusted in PS at all?...wonderful color.


Gary Auerbach Gary Auerbach   {K:3935} 2/5/2003

Another extraordinary photograph on the water......just beautiful!! Good editors choice....and favorites with lots of people including me....


Sue O'S Sue O'S   {K:12878} 12/28/2002
Congrats on the EC, Chelsea. Definitely deserving!


Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 12/18/2002
Chels...don't know how I missed this: wonderful serene image. Congrats on the EC!!


Dawna G.    {K:7709} 12/17/2002
hey chels, glad to see your EC back on this (seems it had disappeared with the malfunction last week)

Congrats, well deserved, this is a fantastic image!


Rose Hooper   {K:899} 12/4/2002
Hey chelsea! Awesome pic. Went to comment but hit delete by accident.. Had to undelete. Oopsie!


Eric Goldwasser   {K:4294} 12/4/2002
Love it Chels!

Colors and fog are so cool.


Ingrid Mathews   {K:7277} 12/4/2002
Absolutely breathtaking! Perfect in every way. Since you didn't make EC, I'll give you a VIEWERS CHOICE AWARD.


Bart Aldrich   {K:7614} 12/4/2002
Really wonderful colors. Morning mist can be so amazing.
Thanks for getting up to shoot it and sharing this jewel.


Dawna G.    {K:7709} 12/4/2002
beautiful Chels - lovely light, nice soft colors and fog for a great mood, love it!


Alex Avilov   {K:634} 12/4/2002
I always amired people who can wake up that early just to see sunrise, i stick with sunsets and miss a lot beauty like this.
The ray of light, reflected brunches on the left, the color, everything works for the picture. great one!


Andy Eulass   {K:13435} 12/4/2002
Absolutely spectacular image. I love the range of tones you captured in the wonderful purple misty light.


Lee Horn   {K:256} 12/4/2002
Great lighting and good composition on this.. stark but really awesome shot.


al shaikh   {K:15790} 12/4/2002
Beautiful light chelsea.




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