Bernt Carlzon
{K:554} 5/30/2003
Great portrait of a man with life experience!
Vincent K. Tylor
{K:7863} 12/4/2002
Superb! Looks like this guy has had a very rough life, yet maintained his dignity throughout. His nicely kept beard gives him that extra distinguished look. (9
Barry Tipping
{K:959} 12/4/2002
Great shot Jay. What makes it more impressive to me is that you probably didn't have more than a few minutes to compose and shoot it. Keep posting!
p.s. Welcome to UseFilm and the Micro Lens Portrait corner...
Dawna G.
{K:7709} 12/4/2002
well now how did I miss this one too - this is outstanding!
Steve Kompier
{K:4629} 12/4/2002
This is how it's done. Welcome to Usefilm.
Kristupa Saragih
{K:1031} 12/4/2002
Great portrait with sharp details
Markos Berndt
{K:382} 12/4/2002
I love portraits like this... seeing perfect models gets a little boring if you ask me. THis is real its what you see every day, its more of a reflection of your own self in a mirror. It a face that tells a thousand stories.
Mike Scott
{K:1817} 12/4/2002
I love this image. I must say that I am a little confused by his eyes though ? how is it that the pupils are dilated to this extent and you still have ambient late afternoon light? Almost seems like it was lit with a strobe in a rather dimly lit room. Well, however it was done, I like it very much?
tess campbell
{K:515} 12/4/2002
makes me wonder what his life has been like.....
exquisite portrait Jay...
Ian T
{K:114} 12/4/2002
Terrific shot. The eyes make it.
al shaikh
{K:15790} 12/4/2002
Welcome to Usefilm.com Jay, a great first post.
Russell Love
{K:7006} 12/4/2002
What else is there to say but WOW! Great detail in the eyes! What stories his face tells. very good tones. I am very enivous. Later my friend,
P.S. wouldn't it be great to have an E.C. on your first up load? I think you deserve it!
Bart Aldrich
{K:7614} 12/4/2002
Welcome. I'm happy to see you and this wonderful image again. The rough times and sadness just pour from this face. Wonderful shot.
Bob Helvey
{K:619} 12/4/2002
Excellent character study!
Marc Gougenheim
{K:5398} 12/4/2002
Oh yes !! That was certainly a great 1st upload... Welcome, Jay...:-)
James Pratt
{K:1567} 12/4/2002
A truly stunning photograph. Well done!