1. The Portuguese people extremely lives a preoccupying conjuncture provoked by one missed governmental politics that is to convey by mortgage the future of the country, being to underline that the so decisive area of the Education, essential pillar of the progress, incontornável culture source and necessary engine to the construction of the citizenship, is one of most damaged for the current Government. 2. The Budget of the State, the doubtful legislation that have come to be published, the bills that come being presented, where avulta the Law in principal of the Education and the laws of the autonomy and financing of superior education?reforma? of the Public Administration, the Code of the Work, goes all in same the sensible one? _ the of the disdain of the school public, the of the diffidence professional in that one that in the work, the of the degradation of the its image social and professional. 3. The Government, disdaining the Constitution of the Republic, left, of fact, to consider the Education as a right of the Portuguese to understand as something that must be pursued through a mere rendering of services developed of equal form for the public sector and the private sector. However, the country knows, for multiples and varied examples, that the vocation of the private education, whose existence and dignity are not in cause, nor always is to give reply to the legitimate requirement of a full democracy that is of the existence of a school of quality for all.
Excellent shot and text. In Serbia and Montenegro after 10 years of war and 3 years of transition we have a ruin school system. The capitalism don't need educated people, they need workers and consumers.
I'm here Mario!! Great document, photo and text, it's the same thing in Italy, also our government tries to support the private school in detriment of the public one, nothing against the private colleges, but I think that too few persons can allow it and most of the population risks to have a public school without resources and fundings.
truly wish that soon reach equality for all, pity have not wisdom government, thanks for explanation, very decisively woman and excellent portrait, great moment and impression, so quality photo and perfect done, congrats