I went down to Toronto to attend this Tori Amos show, and there was this moment when she just looked up and you could hear the last note reverbrate around the room.
I had to sneak in in my backpack. It was all the way in the bottom, and i wrapped it up in an old shirt. And thanks, I've always felt that whenever you see her play, it just exudes sexuality and I'd like to think i captured some of it.
Hey Vivek, how'd you get a camera in? I've seen Tori twice live (in Atlanta) and they search bags on the way in... Anyway, I completely understand the mood you were trying to convey with this...Tori IS her music and unless you've seen her live, the sensuality that is pouring out of her is difficult to comprehend...
I guess that would be my fault. maybe watching her biases my view, but to me [in the pic] the look on her face is almost orgasmic as she punds the piano....but that's just me
Thanks, I had a great time, and I'd like to think it shows in the shot. and It was tricky tring to take a good, clear picture, no much room for focusing...
I'm guessing that tripods were frowned upon during the show. Too bad, since this would have been a great shot if only the sharpness was there. (maybe it's on the print?) Glad you enjoyed the show... hopefully you enjoyed the music while taking all the images and vids!
the show was incredible. it was really good. I took about 30+ pics, and 3 vidcaps(including her doing winter)I was sitting in the 4th row. set list was: wampum prayer, a sorta fairytale, cornflake girl, scarlet's walk, take to the sky, precious things, strange, crucify, wednesday, (roadside cafe) improv (cute song about how her and "matty" were twins inside the same belly), cloud on my tongue, winter, marianne, your cloud (end roadside cafe) concertina, sweet sangria, gender nectar, hotel, i can't see new york, spring haze, first encore: pancake, past the mission, horses second encore: taxi ride, playboy mommy
You lucky sod. I'm a huge Tori fan, however she never tours even remotely close to where I'm at. Good capture too. Indeed, she just exudes sexuality when at that piano. Colour me jealous.