This is an image I shot on a high school field trip to Austin for a journalism convention. It kind of looks looks like a band photograph but its just friends hanging out. I like the depth of field and soft tonality in the image. Personally, it's a fond memory from high school. The journalisms convention gave me a greater scope of what was possible. I enjoy spending time with people who take seriously something that I love, photography.
Nice... I agree a bit with Sebastian's comment; drawing the crop in a little to her hair/shoulder would give the shot a sligtly edgier, more "modern" feel for lack of a better term. Cool picture.
Nicely done, the DOF is indeed really good here. I like the way she looks, kinda challenging eyes. I have one suggestion though, could you crop the left side of the image till it reaches the girls hair, or her left shoulder. would love to see it.