Daniel Saaiman
{K:1222} 3/11/2007
Okay, die aperture 'refuse' om verder oop te maak, want die lens wat jy op het laat dit nie toe nie. As jy 'n lens koop, het dit mos nommertjies op bevoorbeeld 70-200mm f/2.8 Nou daai laaste deel (f/2.8) is jou minimum aperture. Is plein afrikaans: as jy 'n f/4 lens het, kan hy net tot f/4 oopmaak, nie verder nie. Hierdie foto was een van my eerstes, dit was geneem met 'n f/2 Carl Zeiss lens. Obviously gestel op f/2.
Daai vlieg moet my seker haat, haai shame
Moira van der Westhuyzen
{K:48} 3/5/2007
Ons moet nou depth of field goed doen!! I neeeed to know what the aperture of that one was. Soos, 1.8?? Jou Nikon F80 confuse my nog lekker. apparently kan hy tot 'n 1.4 aperture gaan maar hy soos, weier. Hahaha. Poor novice me.
Jamey Zunz
{K:1049} 3/5/2004
So good it's ickey! Creepy even! Skeevey.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 2/15/2004
Good macro. Thank you for your comment on my "Nymph......" Regards, Rafi Sprinmann
Sven Burkhard
{K:3467} 1/31/2004
Hy Danie! Thanks for your coment! I must say, this picture is amazing! How can you do a photography like this? Is the fly your pet? ;) I like the red in the eyes!
Congrats, you did a nice job!
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 10/24/2003
Nice capture of Quickly moving fly! Excellent image the focus on his eyes!
{K:16195} 10/24/2003
Amazing macro with excellent DOF. Great naturel colours and details. regards Hayri.
Phillip Graham
{K:10} 10/24/2003
This is my favourite picture, I really dig the fly's eyes. Nice one
Regards :-) Phil
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 10/4/2003
Beautiful Macro Teunis
Jaap Poot
{K:7926} 10/4/2003
nice shot,pity that the upper part is not in focus