Akira Yamaguchi
{K:1163} 12/10/2003
Well prepared photography. Very professional
Serguei Dmitrov
{K:157} 12/10/2003
ну устал я хвалить... хущь бы wаз отстой публикнули, Андwей? ;)
Kala Wlodarczyk
{K:2567} 12/10/2003
oh, mam... :)
Ola Svensson
{K:2651} 12/10/2003
this is .....f-up. me like alot.
Harry Eggens
{K:14804} 12/10/2003
Great creative personal style you have Andrew. Terrific work.....Best regards Harry
Grigory Ivaschenko
{K:458} 12/10/2003
О?ень здоwово. Ваша фантазия поwажает:)
Nigel Simmons
{K:405} 12/8/2003
xxxxxx xxxxx
{K:328} 8/9/2003
Robert Urquieta
{K:9} 8/9/2003
Wow...Very interesting.
Jonathan Kane
{K:10641} 8/9/2003
ANDREW!!!!!! you are a-mazing!!!!! you totally ROCK!!!!
frederico ribeiro
{K:65} 8/9/2003
pretty weird, haan,,,but still a great artistic work!!!!!
Lilian O. Mellemgaard
{K:343} 8/9/2003
you are absolutely brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!! O
Magic Zyks
{K:451} 8/9/2003
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 8/9/2003
always a pleasing surprise :)
Govert Nieuwland
{K:674} 8/9/2003
how bizarre! great work!
{K:30945} 7/24/2003
Wow. I am shocked by your Art! Amazing artistic effects! Incredible. !
Andrew Polushkin
{K:311} 6/5/2003
Thank all for kind words!
Michael Kaleita
{K:128} 6/5/2003
Lori Swymn
{K:31} 6/5/2003
Marilyn Adams
{K:209} 6/5/2003
Excellent! You probably need to talk to Steven King.
Magic Zyks
{K:451} 6/5/2003
what a picture!
J Lyons
{K:69} 6/5/2003
Wow! someone has a very active imaginations, I like. So many things to look at, and those eyes. JL
Ayse Telci
{K:4168} 6/5/2003
greaaaaat immagination......
Paolo Stefano Amero
{K:5607} 6/5/2003
Saw it and liked it. Nothing to add, i guess.
Heidrun Z.
{K:551} 6/5/2003
Fantastically composed and outstanding for its surrealism!
Peter Burda
{K:4807} 6/5/2003
strong crazzy emotional story. Very nice done arrangement in theatre of the world concept ...
Anyki .
{K:1381} 6/5/2003
да, и нтеwесна фотоогwафия
и хоwоший wейтинг набwала :)
Val .
{K:4973} 6/5/2003
zosia zija
{K:11106} 5/2/2003
perfect. i like it very much.
Sandy Stein
{K:936} 5/1/2003
I don't know what I'm looking at but it's great. Wonderful tonality and composition.
Paolo Cardone
{K:1161} 5/1/2003
Raccontami qualcosa di te e della tua vita...
Daniel Headrick
{K:570} 5/1/2003
Wonderfully haunting!
Toini Blom
{K:2039} 5/1/2003
Fantastic!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
{K:1605} 5/1/2003
Very creative work. excellent
MEmar ME
{K:12566} 5/1/2003
Hi Andrew: A Very good Editor`s choice, congratulations. Best regards.
shelby koning
{K:5450} 5/1/2003
so THIS is why people are afraid of clowns!!! Fantastic work as always!
sept sea
{K:2569} 4/30/2003
Qasem Shukran
{K:303} 3/2/2003
Nice work bravo
Andre Cajot
{K:7793} 2/28/2003
им интеенно wевас сует
sam clements
{K:265} 2/20/2003
I love it, especially think its a nice touch how you got the tail at the end of the toe!
Kirk Teetzel
{K:427} 1/16/2003
Oh great! All that time and money spent at the therapist just went down the drain. (lol)
Awsome image. If a great photo is supposed to make you feel, then you've got a great photo.
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 11/23/2002
Andrew, I am mesmerized and a little bit frightened by your work. This is terrific, as usual. Thank you for posting.
Marc Gougenheim
{K:5398} 11/22/2002
This is really first class Art. Absolutely impressive.
Bart Aldrich
{K:7614} 11/22/2002
Bizarre, creative and totally original. A tad frightening, too. I certainly feel drwan to visit your other work. Bravo!
al shaikh
{K:15790} 11/15/2002
Perfect x 2
Andrew Polushkin
{K:311} 10/5/2002
спасибо :)
meprivacynet@meprivacy.net meprivacynet@meprivacy.net
{K:3974} 10/5/2002
wад слышать:)
Andrew Polushkin
{K:311} 10/5/2002
Какая именно вас интеwесует, Иван? :)
meprivacynet@meprivacy.net meprivacynet@meprivacy.net
{K:3974} 10/5/2002
выставка была уже?
Chris Whaley
{K:3847} 9/9/2002
Creative as hell.
Andrew Polushkin
{K:311} 8/26/2002
All thank. A series will be continued.
Andrew Polushkin
{K:311} 8/26/2002
Alexander Poizner: ну в сеwии немогут все wаботы быть wавноценны.
Steve Kompier
{K:4629} 8/25/2002
Как wяд, я думаy, ?то они заме?ательны.
As a series, I think they are wonderful.
Zarazka Zarazkovich
{K:1510} 8/25/2002
Андwей, на мой взгляд, пеwвые две были гоwаздо интеwесней
Barry Tipping
{K:959} 8/25/2002
Disturbing and brilliant as usual!
John Myers
{K:4308} 8/24/2002
wow...just...wow! it's so disturbing, yet i like it so much. has an "insane" feel to it.