{K:701} 1/6/2006
wonderful idea.
Romy Fabian Garmaz
{K:17105} 1/30/2005
Very nice. Great 7/7.
A Brito
{K:10699} 1/7/2004
great compositon, very sensual !!! In my favorites !
{K:30945} 8/15/2003
Oh, I love the shadow! Is she nude! ;-) Thank you for commenting my Deep E-motion. But I have to tell you that there is no PS manipulation for sure. What Filter have you seen. I just did a little colors adjustment autoleveled, in the ACDSee program and that is all. I mean I insist on that, cause I am an artist and wanting to show the things as they are, without any manipulation. Thank you so much! Best shootings. YOu are very creative and different dear Kamil.
Marcel Smits
{K:70} 8/12/2003
Great legs! :)
xxxx xxxx
{K:1833} 8/12/2003
nice shadow effect.
{K:-14} 8/12/2003
great compose and nice shadow...
Marek Krol
{K:9791} 8/12/2003
Kasia looks a bit uncomforatble on the blades from the shadow - though maybe thats just an illusion. ALso, I note that certain aspects of it hint at .. well a lack of clothes. I like the way you have used the lack of information, but a more natural 'blading' stance would have been good.
- simos -
{K:9354} 8/12/2003
Hee...GREAT shadow...good composition regards, simo