Bill Krul
{K:5597} 4/29/2002
Ian: This was a typical RI day. Bright and overcast in other words a lousy for sky photography but nice for plants. The hour was about late afternoon @ 3PM.
{K:354} 4/29/2002
good eye bill. love teh colors...was this taken on a sunny day? cuz it looks to me it wasnt...
Sudheer Kilav
{K:47} 4/29/2002
Its beautiful. The depth and colors are great.
Bill Krul
{K:5597} 4/29/2002
Shyamal & Koen: Thanks for the comments. This is a soft image. I looked at the trunks of the trees (on the slide) and there is fair detail but the flowers and emerging leaves are a bit fuzzy. I'm thinking wind may be a contributing factor (It's almost a constant 13mph here). As to composition: I had to crop off the right side becuse there were two small replacement trees in the photo (the branch in the upper right is from a large tree that was in front of them. They drew too much attention from the overall composition and were eliminated.
Koen B
{K:3279} 4/29/2002
Nice. The picture does seem a bit soft on screen. I wonder how a more symmetric composition of the trees would look. The right tree barely fits in the picture because it's large and disturbs the left-right balance somewhat to my feeling. I would move it a little bit to the right. But I'm probably really nitpicking now.
Also, there is no detail visbile in the wood, but this may be because of my monitor. Nice picture overall !
Shyamal Addanki
{K:1009} 4/28/2002
I love the contrast in the green grass vs the green leaves on the trees...great shot.