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Over the Rainbow
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Image Title:  Over the Rainbow
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 By: Jacqueline  Baker  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Jacqueline  Baker  Jacqueline  Baker {Karma:1257}
Project #36 Magic Light Camera Model Lumix DMC-FZ30
Categories Deep Blue
Film Format
Portfolio Natural World.
Lens f=7.4mm to 88.8 / F2.8 to F3.7
Uploaded 11/21/2008 Film / Memory Type Sandisk 1.0 GB
    ISO / Film Speed 80
Views 421 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 24 Rating
/ 1 Ratings
Location City -  Horsefield Bay
State -  NSW
Country - Australia   Australia
About i saw this as it started, and to my joy is just got bigger and brighter, until it stretched right across the bay from one side to the other.
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There are 24 Comments in 1 Pages
Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/26/2008
;) this conversation can be found continuing under the photo titled "you wanna mess with me?". Enjoy bot the pic ( i hope) and the continuing saga. warm regards to all, Jac.


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 11/25/2008
The way you describe it I am confident things will turn out well. Your stephmom caught lying is crucial as well as dad saying sorry. No need to cross fingers, justice will be done and your dad stood for his part. There will be a penalty/jail or on probation and you all can continue life.
Your heart I put on a safe place, it will return to you automatically once you are ready for it.


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/24/2008
hi harry a big brother would be what the dr ordered right now, so please let me offer you my heart for safe keeping.. Court yesterday went incredibly well, so well they cut back the was looking too good. the fact that dad went to the police of his own accord confessed and then sobbed for hours I'm sorry i'm sorry greatly impressed the jury. my stepmother caught lying on the stand did NOT impress the jury.after court we all couldn't stop grinning. the trial will conclude today, so send your best wishes and cross your fingers....kind regards as always....jac :)


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 11/24/2008
Sure, just see me as you big brother or so hahah.
Wish justice will be done I feel that is positive for you. I know you are wise strong confident at the outside, give me your 'scared part of your ' heart in my hands and I will hold it for you and protect it.


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/23/2008
Thanks for your words of support and encouragement, they are helping a lot through this diffucult time. A kind word is never forgotten. And, just so you know, compliments are always welcome!!! Wish us luck at court today. ;) Jac.


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 11/23/2008

Good to read your saga. It is also a way to express your thoughts and feelings I guess. Correct, you are their big sister, not a parent. And for yourself you need also to do things girls, sorry, young ladies ;-) do at your age. Well, I feel you are doing very well and I like to compliment you !
Take care, Harry


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/22/2008
Hi Saad, just wanted to say thanks for looking, and listening and following this story of mine. I have written a little more about it this morning. thanks for taking tht time to look and listen. :) warm regards, Jac.


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/22/2008
Hello again, harry,saad and all who are reading my 'family saga'... you advice is much appreciated, and I am trying to step lightly on the egg shells with my siblings. Also I am keeping in mind their mum will always be their mum and to be careful to keep my opinions to myself and stick with the facts. I'm seeing an excellent counsellor, she has had many helpful things to say about how to 'do things right' by the kids.
Honesty is the policy i have taken with the kids right from day one, making sure I am a big sister to lean on, to help them and love them, not just some one to boss them around and tell them what to do. just trying to be there should they feel the need to talk or cry or yell...whatever they need. that and remembering that they are adults, albeit young ones.
The news is not all bad, dad didn't walk in and just shoot the guy, there was a tussel over the gun so at this point they are yet to prove it was dad who pulled the trigger. It may be the victim shot indeed the rainbow symbolises all my hopes for this stormy time in my life. When this is all done i think I might sleep for a month!!!! The photography has been my salvation in many ways, something i can do for me, and then share with dad. I'm enjoying it so much. Your advice and opinions have me learning at a much faster rate than I could have ever acheieved on my own. thanks to all of you for you support and words of wisdom.
warm regards to all, Jac.


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/22/2008
Thanks for looking Armen, it's always appreciated. regards, Jacqueline.


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 11/22/2008
thank you,I have found the other part of the story now,and then I have to say one final word,
I am second to Harry in his final comment,with gentle parental like tap on the back,with be patient,remain honest,and take care,


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 11/22/2008

Thanks for being so open about what is happening.
In my familydrama ( patents ) also a kind of 'stephmother' plays a role, violence included. I had psychotherapy a few years ago to work on my personality disorder. Other clients also told their stories you I do recognise your pseudoparent role :-) Take good care of you little brother/sister bcse they need that love/safety guidence to parenthood.
And what you dad did, never say never. Rationally wise but I have learned myself I also have a violent part in me, hidden far away. While I am totally against violence and very soft.
Well, a tap on your shoulder and dont forget yourself :-).
Be well, Harry


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/22/2008
Hi Dany, thanks for your wonderful comment on the phenomenon of the rainbow and it's symbolic meaning. It's wondeerful to read.I am humbled indeed by your 7. Many kind thanks for your good wishes :) warm regards, Jacqueline.


dany  danezu   {K:390} 11/22/2008
Rainbow, the most beautiful phenomenon in the atmosphere that has impressed the world of all time, being considered a "divine sign" that brings good, peace and prosperity. Rainbow is an optical phenomenon that arises because of the dispersion and reflection of sunlight in drops of rain in the atmosphere. It is visible when the sun beats behind our perdeaua in front of clouds, light reflect on the blue vault.....GOOD LUCK Jacqueline...7*******


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/22/2008
Hi Saad, I'm so pleased you like the shot! Thanks for looking. It's pretty interesting reading really, I have to agree with you on that.The truth is certainly strager than fiction. Hope to see you again. kind regards, Jac.


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/22/2008
Thanks Harry, i can certainly say it's had a huge impact on all our lives. the 15 month wait for the trial was hellish - dad being held in custody still! my bro(20) and sis(18) struggled on showing maturity way beyond their years. They have been amazing; my sister even finished her last year of school complete with exams just 3 weeks ago.

But yes, i get to be the psuedo parent for now. Big shoes to fill...hope I'm doing a fair job of it. The moral of the story...when you really want someone to listen to you, taking a shot gun with you is a VERY bad idea! A struggle ensued, the wife's lover was shot in the thigh. It's the father everyone is standing by, (my father) which says a fair bit about the chracter of my stepmother.
We are much closer as a family! and they do say "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"...if that is true we'll all be tough as tough can be by the time this little circus is over. Thanks for your continuing interest in both my photos and my rather 'dramatic life' at present.
Incase you're all wondering, it's dad's camera that i have inherited, he assures me it is mine to keep - bless him. he's enjoying the photos i send him and loves to hear all of your comments on the best ones.
regards to all Jac.


Armen Haroutunyan Armen Haroutunyan   {K:4787} 11/21/2008
nice shot


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 11/21/2008
I have enjoyed seeing the shot,and enjoyed more reading all the critiques,my regards,


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 11/21/2008

Besides the drama on it own it may have impact on the life of all of you. The younger, the more important it is to have a safe caring lovingfull environment to grow up in. My folks also had turbulence in my youth and I can see the damage it caused.
As eldest, you're in a parent role now , I feel.
Be well, Harry


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/21/2008
Thanks. dad got himself in a spot of trouble, went around to see the man who was sleeping with his wife...not a wise thing... We are hopeful things will get better for him soon. Bit hard on the old stress levels, especially with an 18year old sister and 20 year old brother to worry about! It went well today, so feeling good about it all. (as much as one can...) Jac.


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 11/21/2008

Yes, souls can stay with use for days or months.

"but after a long and frustrating day at court" hmmmmm :( what a life guess grandma wanted to cheer you up. Wish you well.



Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/21/2008
HI Supriyo, glad you like it. Thanks for looking! Kind regards, Jac.


Supriyo R. Sarkar Supriyo R. Sarkar   {K:7582} 11/21/2008
Very nice capture.


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/21/2008
Thanks harry, I really enjoyed this one, got a little damp taking it as the wind blew the water at me, but after a long and frustrating day at court, it was the lift my spirit sorely needed.

I saw a lot of rainbows after my grandmother died, and it made me smile and think of her. I have no doubt she was saying hello and stop worrying!(If so she was right, things improved greatly today!) Thanks for looking, as always. warm regards, Jac. hope you're having a good day.


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 11/21/2008
Morning Jac,

Looks fine to me. Sky is dramatic and beautiful at the same time.





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