Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 12/10/2008
Jestes szczesliwcem, bo masz takie miejsce, gdzie chcialbys mieszkac. Moze nie widzialam wiele, ale nie odwiedzilam jeszcze takiego miejsca, o ktorym moglabym tak powiedziec. Im wiecej widze, tym bardziej dochodze do wniosku, ze nie miejsce, a korzenie i towarzystwo w szerokim tego slowa znaczeniu sa wazne. Owszem jest wiele przeslicznych miejsc, cudeniek, ale na krotki okres czasu, na wakacje. Zawsze z przyjemnoscia wracam do domu. Sa to oczywiscie moje subiektywne odczucia. Dzieki za mily komentarz. Pozdrawiam teresa
Jan Iwo
{K:6133} 12/10/2008
Jeszcze pare miesiecy wstecz lezalem na takim samym lezaku. Wspomnienia odzyly.A obrazek niczym z Majorki.To minimum powoduje ze zdjecia sa urocze. Tak jest i teraz. Czuje sie spokoj i tylko szum fal pozwala zapomniec na chwile o rzeczywistosci. Jak sie uda to w przyszlym roku pojade na pare miesiecy do pracy. Zakochalem sie w Balearach. Znam je jak wlasna kieszen a nadal mnie ciagnie tam. Pozdrawiam Jan.
Arindam Gayen
{K:120} 8/30/2008
Really Paradise, Fine.
Mehul Chimthankar
{K:18655} 4/30/2008
Hi Teresa,
Nice shot, the contrast is beautiful here
7++ Mehul
Armando Giambolini
{K:17779} 4/23/2008
Io sì , sono un inguaribile romantico.
Grazie a te , carissima Teresa !
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 4/22/2008
Grazie Armando. Siamo romantici??? baccione grosso. teresa
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 4/22/2008
Grazie Ugo. cari saluti teresa
Ugo Rimoldi
{K:6232} 4/21/2008
Ottima seascape cara Teresa, molto fine! Complimenti.
Armando Giambolini
{K:17779} 4/21/2008
un'altra bella foto , Teresa !
Un solo oggetto in primo piano e l'orizzonte.
Solitudine e pace . Solo il lontano rumore delle onde discrete , dal mare.
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 4/20/2008
Ciao Alida. Piacere di rivederti. Grazie. salutone grosso. teresa
Alida Yolanda
{K:11523} 4/20/2008
Veramente il paradiso terrestre, complimenti cara amica, è bellissima!!!!!!!!!!! Un abbraccio.
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 4/20/2008
Grazie Gustavo. Sono veramente contenta che ti piacia. Un baccione grosso. teresa
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 4/20/2008
Grazie David. Il posto e veramente come un paradiso. Ma solamente la costa ed oceano perche l'isola e senza aqua. Saluti. teresa
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 4/20/2008
Muy interesante, minimalista, agradablemente luminosa, me gusta!
David Rodriguez
{K:11965} 4/20/2008
Excelente captura Teresa! me gustaria estar sentado ahi!!! Saludos amiga! David
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 4/19/2008
Il tuo commento e sempre gradevole e fantastico. Grazie cara. Un grande baccione. teresa
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 4/19/2008
Fantastic...but I've been looking for that chair for a while now..haha..great light, color and mood. You captured all the reasons we want to go to the beach, the colors of the water and the white sand are more than lovely. I love those waves crashing on the shore...I'm coming over right away...hugs and kisses!!
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 4/19/2008
Thanks for comment. You are right, I was thinking about it, but this sunbed was really very "lonely" on the vaste beach. Someone has carried it about 5 km. from the hotel beach. Putting it at the corner someone could imagine that there are the others behind. So I put it in the middle of the photo. Thanks anyway. best regards. teresa
Michalis P.S.
{K:10136} 4/19/2008
Very nice scene. I think that composition would me more interething in case sunbed would appear at the corner of the frame. Regards, Michalis
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 4/19/2008
Thanks Srna for very nice comment. best regards. teresa
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 4/19/2008
Thanks Vizar for very nice comment. Cabo Verde Islands are situated near to Senegal. Best regards. teresa
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 4/19/2008
Grazie Nino. Mi piace girare. Questa splendida settimana avevamo come premio per il lavoro buono nel 2007. Ci sono molti italiani li. Si sentiva quasi solo italiano. Tanti cari saluti. teresa
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 4/19/2008
Thank you very much Hussam. best regards. teresa
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 4/19/2008
Just to thank you Jen. regards. teresa
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 4/19/2008
Thanks Arif. It's paradise, but only the cost. The Island is without water. This wonderfull week was the company prize for last year good job. best regards. teresa
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 4/19/2008
Thanks here again. Teresa
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 4/19/2008
Wonderful shot Teresa from so many aspects, inviting, well composed, image of quality, imaginative, impressive, strong mood ... excellent Dear !!! Yes, Paradise indeed from my aspect !!! :)))) Nature and me on a hot summer day close by the Sea !!! :))) Hug, Srna
absynthius .
{K:20748} 4/19/2008
this provokes my imagination- and that's what it is about i guess, the realms of photography!!
this is so real, and least pretentious and very desireable/ inviting. It has that feeling that the time drifts away, stops, or is inexistant while under the hot rays of sun on the sand beach where the horison cannot be seen-- and imagine the early morning here; the red sun of east, sky turning pink and the freshness of sea air!!
where is this place?
cheers, v.
Gaetano (Nino) Aievoli
{K:7118} 4/19/2008
Ma che girandolona che sei... però in compenso ci mostri delle gran belle foto... Bravissima! :)))
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 4/19/2008
Stunning photo. All the best 7/7
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 4/19/2008
Wouldn't it be great to lay there just by yourself, or with just someone else...;)) Can see the wind blowing, wonderful perspective and scenery!! Regards Jen
Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
{K:27380} 4/19/2008
beautiful composition and clarity!! inviting shot dear teresa!! look like paradise indeed! compliments, arif
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 4/19/2008
Excellent capture,superb sand textures and composition