Kristen Ryan
{K:989} 5/15/2009
DWIGHT!!! Where are u? Where's your amazing work gone? It's been over a year... come back to us...
Dwight Parks
{K:4426} 3/1/2008
Parehan, Thank you! Very kind of you. Warm regards and hugs always, Dwight
Dwight Parks
{K:4426} 3/1/2008
Gary, Thank you, Sir! I appreciate the comment and I'm glad you enjoyed this image. Regards, Dwight
parehan .K
{K:27453} 2/27/2008
Astonishing capture, Dwight!!! I really like the detail in the moon and the difference in colour as the eclipse proceeds towards total..Great series,my friend! Warm regards and hugs. parehan
Gary Dyck
{K:12834} 2/26/2008
Great series, Dwight! I really like the detail in the moon and the difference in colour as the eclipse proceeds towards total. Very nice. Cheers, Gary
Dwight Parks
{K:4426} 2/26/2008
Thank you, Dani! I appreciate your comment and value your opion. I went around and around in my head as to how to arrange the different phases. I started to go with a curve similar to a arch that a basketball would take when thrown and decided the simple diagonal would look better. Taking the extra one out made sense when I looked at the times I released the shutter. More fluid I think. Take care me friend, and thanks again! Regards, Dwight
Dwight Parks
{K:4426} 2/26/2008
Thanks Edgar! I appreciate the comment.
Dwight Parks
{K:4426} 2/26/2008
Thank you. Arthur!
Dani Kimel
{K:801} 2/26/2008
Hi Dwight, I think this one is much better than your first composite. It looks a lot neater without that extra one you cut out, and I think the nice straight line in this one gives it a better effect.
Edgar Monzón
{K:827} 2/26/2008
Very creative
Arthur Sa
{K:609} 2/26/2008